
618 is officially over, who is the biggest winner? Who is the glory of domestic production?

author:Gentle little fish

618 is officially over, who is the biggest winner? Who is the glory of domestic production?

The admiration and thinking of Jingdong's 618 e-commerce carnival battle

"After a long time, he came out, still holding the pipa and half covering his face." The annual 618 e-commerce shopping festival has become a mirror of China's consumer market, reflecting the preferences of consumers, the competitive situation of brands, and the strength distribution of the industrial chain. This year's 618 also brought refreshing data and results again.

As the leader of the domestic e-commerce pattern, releases a series of data reports during the 618 period every year, reflecting the latest trend of this e-commerce carnival. Judging from this year's data, Apple has once again become the biggest winner, ranking first in terms of single product sales, brand sales and sales; In the domestic camp, Xiaomi is undoubtedly the biggest winner, accounting for half of the domestic single product sales list. This result not only reflects the continuation of the industry pattern, but also gives people new thinking.

For Apple's re-ascension, we should certainly give full respect and admiration. In the context of the continuous saturation of the smartphone market, Apple can still maintain an absolute dominant position in the Chinese market with its product power and brand appeal, which shows its strong strength. The fact that the iPhone 15 series came out on top as soon as the price was reduced during the 618 period speaks volumes about the eagerness of consumers to pursue Apple products. The key to Apple's ability to stand tall in the face of fierce competition is its continuous technological innovation, excellent user experience, and deep brand influence. These are the shortcomings that domestic mobile phone brands urgently need to make up.

But at the same time, we can't ignore the outstanding performance of domestic mobile phone brands in this e-commerce carnival. On the list of single product sales, 5 mobile phones of Xiaomi series occupy half of the country, fully demonstrating its competitive advantages in terms of product power and cost performance. In particular, the brilliant performance of Redmi K70 highlights the rising momentum of domestic mobile phones in the high-end market. Honor, OPPO, vivo and other brands have also achieved good results in this 618, which fully shows that domestic mobile phones are gradually narrowing the gap with Apple, and are moving towards high-end and differentiation.

618 is officially over, who is the biggest winner? Who is the glory of domestic production?

It is worth mentioning that Huawei still ranks third on the list of brand sales, which further proves its influence in the high-end mobile phone market. Despite the decline in Huawei's overall sales due to U.S. sanctions, its competitiveness in flagship models should not be underestimated. This also points out the direction for the future development of domestic mobile phone brands, that is, to continuously improve technological innovation and user experience, and create truly globally competitive star products.

As mentioned in the article, domestic mobile phone brands should keep up with Xiaomi, learn its advantages in terms of product strength and cost performance, and constantly optimize their own product matrix to meet the diverse needs of consumers. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the shaping of brand image and enhance the loyalty and trust of users. Only in this way can domestic mobile phone brands stand out in the fierce market competition and truly become the representative of domestic glory.

Of course, we also need to be cautious and think about the future direction of the 618 e-commerce carnival. On the one hand, the preferential discounts and marketing methods of e-commerce platforms have greatly satisfied consumers' desire to buy, but at the same time, they have also caused consumer fatigue and price wars. How to meet consumer demand while maintaining the healthy and orderly development of the industry requires the joint efforts of e-commerce platforms, brand owners and regulatory authorities.

On the other hand, consumers also need to be more rational and prudent when making purchase decisions. Paying too much attention to price concessions and ignoring the actual use value and experience of the product is contrary to the general trend of consumption upgrading. We should encourage consumers to consider the comprehensive value of products from many aspects such as function, quality, and service, rather than just pursuing price concessions. Only in this way can the e-commerce shopping festival truly become an effective carrier to promote the development of the entire industrial chain.

618 is officially over, who is the biggest winner? Who is the glory of domestic production?

In general, the JD 618 e-commerce carnival in 2023 once again reflects the new changes in the industry pattern and consumption trend. Apple's continued leadership, Xiaomi's rise, and the catch-up of other domestic brands have brought us new inspiration and thinking. We need to understand the logic behind these changes, and based on this, we can jointly promote the transformation and upgrading of China's manufacturing industry and create better products and services for consumers. Only in this way can the glory of China's manufacturing industry be more dazzling.

Continue to deepen the thinking on the 618 e-commerce carnival

In China's fast-rising e-commerce market,'s 618 shopping festival has undoubtedly become a weather vane, reflecting the latest trends in the entire industry chain. Apple's resurgence to the top is certainly amazing, but the good performance of domestic mobile phone brands in this competition is also worth paying attention to and pondering.

For example, Xiaomi's Redmi K70's brilliant performance not only demonstrates its competitiveness in the high-end market, but also shows that domestic mobile phones are impacting the market position of traditional mobile phone giants with a more enterprising attitude. Brands such as Honor, OPPO, and vivo are also constantly improving their product strength and user experience, and are gradually narrowing the gap with Apple. This shows that domestic mobile phones are moving towards a more high-end and differentiated direction, and are trying to get rid of the trap of "price war" in the past.

618 is officially over, who is the biggest winner? Who is the glory of domestic production?

Another trend worth paying attention to is Huawei's continued influence in the high-end mobile phone market. Although Huawei's overall sales have declined due to the impact of US sanctions, its competitiveness in flagship models should not be underestimated. This also points out the direction for the future development of domestic mobile phone brands, that is, to continuously improve technological innovation and user experience, and create truly globally competitive star products.

We should realize that domestic mobile phone brands are going through a critical period of transformation and upgrading. They need to get rid of the old way of pursuing price advantage in the past, but to comprehensively improve their product strength, brand image and user experience. Only in this way can we stand out in the increasingly fierce market competition and truly become the "glory" of domestic mobile phones.

Of course, this requires not only the efforts of the brand owners themselves, but also the active cooperation of e-commerce platforms and regulatory authorities. While meeting consumer demand, e-commerce platforms should pay more attention to guiding consumers to make rational choices and avoid excessive price wars and marketing gimmicks. Regulators should also introduce relevant policies to regulate the development of the e-commerce industry and promote the health and orderliness of the industry.

Only when upstream and downstream enterprises and regulatory authorities work together to create a better shopping environment for consumers, can the "glory" of China's manufacturing industry truly bloom. We have reason to believe that with the continuous progress of domestic mobile phone brands and the continuous optimization of the industry pattern, China's manufacturing industry will occupy a more important position in the global market and bring more high-quality products and experiences to consumers.

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