
Cholesterol, can't go down, does it have a lot to do with diet?

author:Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular Zhao Yong

There are always people asking: obviously you eat very light, cholesterol still can't go down, if you are also facing this kind of problem, you must take a closer look at today's article, especially people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Cholesterol, can't go down, does it have a lot to do with diet?

Many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients stay away from high-cholesterol foods such as egg yolks, animal offal, and squid, and insist on a light diet for a long time, but cholesterol is still high and cannot be lowered. Let me explain to you from four aspects:

First, if you don't eat properly, only about 20% of the cholesterol in the human body comes from food, and the other 80% is synthesized by the body itself. Therefore, if you regularly consume some foods with high cholesterol content, such as animal offal, it will cause the overall balance of cholesterol levels in the body.

The second aspect is liver metabolism problems, if the liver is damaged, the metabolism of fat will be abnormal, and the daily normal diet will also increase the content of cholesterol, and there are many life factors that affect liver health, such as drinking, taking medicine, staying up late, etc.

Cholesterol, can't go down, does it have a lot to do with diet?

Thirdly, bad lifestyle habits, eating too much, exercising too little, obesity, and drinking a lot of alcohol often can also raise cholesterol.

Fourth, genetic factors, some people like low-density lipoprotein elevation, may be caused by genetic factors, genes will determine how much cholesterol the body produces to a certain extent, familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disease.

Cholesterol, can't go down, does it have a lot to do with diet?

But some friends found that after they changed their eating habits, cholesterol went down, but some people changed their eating habits and did not eat meat, but their cholesterol increased more and more, why is this?

Not eating meat will lead to a long-term lack of protein in the body, resulting in insufficient protein synthesis, unable to allow the liver to metabolize fat smoothly, accumulating more and more fat, and eventually causing hyperlipidemia.

In general, cholesterol is an essential nutrient for the human body, if you consume too much, it will cause arteriosclerosis and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so people with high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes, etc., and risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases must control fat intake, do not eat foods with high cholesterol, and eat more vegetables, fruits, and soy products.

Cholesterol, can't go down, does it have a lot to do with diet?

I am Zhao Yong, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, and I will share so much with you today, if you have blood lipid problems, you can reply to the following numbers:

1. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol is high

2. High triglycerides

3. Low HDL

4. High total cholesterol

5. Other issues
