
What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

author:Mercury emo music
What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent


In the film and television industry, the success of a work is often closely linked to the audience's reputation.

At the beginning of its launch, the recent high-profile TV series "The Story of Rose" attracted the attention of many viewers with its unique plot and strong cast.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

As the plot deepened, the show encountered an unexpected "wave of abandonment".

What is it that has put this once-high-profile series in such a situation?

A brilliant start, all eyes on it

Since its launch, "The Story of Rose" has conquered the hearts of countless audiences with its unique charm.

The play is based on Huang Yimei's growth experience and tells a story full of twists and turns and emotional entanglements.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

The joining of first-line actors such as Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming has added a lot of highlights to this series.

At the beginning of the series, all major social platforms were full of discussions about "The Story of Rose", and entries related to the show frequently appeared on the hot search list.

Audiences' expectations for the series have never been greater.

The direction of the plot caused controversy, and the audience's enthusiasm gradually faded

As the plot of "The Story of Rose" gradually unfolded, I found that my enthusiasm for the show seemed to cool down.

At the beginning, the story of Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong's first love really touched me, and the sweetness and ignorance of youth seemed to make me return to my first love when I was young.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

But gradually, the direction of the plot began to feel a little boring for me.

Especially Huang Yimei's life after she arrived in Shanghai, her relationship with Fang Xiewen, to be honest, really has nothing to see.

I thought it would be a new relationship entanglement, but it turned out to be like a running account, so boring that people want to sleep.

Especially the image of the college student played by Lin Gengxin, no matter how you look at it, I feel that it is far from the image in my mind.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

I always feel that he should be more energetic and sunny, but the play gives me a dull and depressing feeling.

What's even more unacceptable is that there are too many love scenes in this show.

I admit that love is an indispensable element in TV dramas, but in this drama, love scenes occupy almost most of the space, and Huang Yimei's growth process has been completely ignored.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

We, the audience, want to see how a woman grows and becomes strong through the tribulations of life, rather than being entangled in love all day long.

To make matters worse, the show is also a little inadequate in presenting elements of bitter dramas.

The appearance of the evil mother-in-law after getting married, this old-fashioned plot setting really makes me feel that the plot of this drama is a little out of control.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

It was originally a warm and positive story, but because of these abrupt plot changes, the audience felt uncomfortable and further weakened our interest in the show.

The drama "The Story of Rose" did give us a lot of expectations at the beginning, but as the plot progressed, various problems were gradually exposed.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

I hope that future dramas can learn the lessons of this drama and pay more attention to the diversity of the plot and the richness of the characters, so that our audience can truly feel the charm and depth of the story.

There is a gap between the audience's expectations and reality, and the quality of the episodes is questioned

At the beginning, I was full of expectations for the drama "The Story of Rose".

In addition to the joining of big-name stars such as Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming, more importantly, the romantic and mysterious atmosphere created by this drama during the promotion really made me full of longing for it.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

Every time I see the trailer, I feel as if I can smell the fragrance of roses and feel the emotional entanglement and growth of the protagonists.

But as the plot developed, I gradually found that this drama was not as exciting as I imagined.

The portrayal of the characters seems too simple, as if each character only exists to drive the plot, and there are not too many portrayals that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

The development of the plot also seems to be dragged on, and the plot that should have been tight has been stretched, which makes people a little impatient to watch.

What makes me even more unacceptable is that this drama is a bit too much in presenting elements of bitter dramas.

The old-fashioned plot settings of the evil mother-in-law and family strife make what should be a warm and touching story heavy and depressing.

Every time I see the protagonists bothering about these trivial matters, I can't help but want to fast forward, and sometimes even want to abandon the show directly.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

When I found out that my friends and netizens around me also began to express their dissatisfaction with this show, I knew that my feelings were not unique.

Everyone discussed various issues of this drama on social platforms, and some people bluntly said: "This drama has lost its original charm."

This strong negative emotion spread rapidly among the audience like a virus, causing the word-of-mouth of "The Story of Rose" to plummet.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

As a viewer, I was really disappointed.

I originally thought that this drama could bring me more emotion and resonance, but the reality made me feel a little chilled.

I hope that future episodes can learn from this lesson and pay more attention to character creation and the compactness of the plot, so that we, the audience, can truly feel the charm and depth of the story.


The rise and fall of "The Story of Rose" makes us think: what factors does it take for a work to win the love and recognition of the audience?

The setting and presentation of the plot are crucial.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

An engaging story can quickly grab the audience's attention, giving them a strong sense of resonance and substitution.

The portrayal of the characters and the performance of the actors are also factors that cannot be ignored.

A distinct, three-dimensional character image can make a deep impression and emotional resonance for the audience.

The innovation and breakthrough of the series is also the key to winning the recognition of the audience.

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

While maintaining the traditional charm, constantly trying new elements and styles can make the audience feel the freshness and creativity of the series.

Although "The Story of Rose" had a brilliant start, the ending was not satisfactory.

The show's failure is not without merit.

It provides us with valuable lessons: in the creative process, we should fully consider the needs and expectations of the audience, pay attention to the diversity of the plot and the richness of the characters;

What's going on? The audience of "The Story of Rose" abandoned the drama one after another! The reasons are surprisingly consistent

Don't dare to experiment with new elements and styles, and keep pushing the boundaries to catch the audience's attention.

Only in this way can you really win the hearts of your audience and create a successful work.

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