
If your mother doesn't give it, she will touch her grandmother or grandma's? Quit "milk addiction", remember 4 to 4 don't!

author:Liu Ruixiu popularized science

In my years of experience in pediatric diagnosis and treatment, there is such a scene that I remember vividly: Xiao Ming, a lively and lovely five-year-old boy,

Whenever I feel like I have a mood swing or want to be comforted, I can't help but reach out and touch my grandmother's breasts.

His mother was so distressed by this that she brought him to my office with anxiety and helplessness in her eyes.

Xiao Ming's behavior is actually a common phenomenon of "milk addiction" in many families.

Not only is it embarrassing for parents, but it is more likely to have an impact on children's development.

Today, I will be a pediatrician to unveil the mystery of "milk addiction" for you.

And teach the four do's and four don'ts of withdrawal tips to help children grow up healthily.

If your mother doesn't give it, she will touch her grandmother or grandma's? Quit "milk addiction", remember 4 to 4 don't!

First of all, let's talk about why children like to touch milk.

We need to know that the world of babies is very intuitive.

In their little heads, mom's boobs are more than just a place for breastfeeding,

It is also a haven full of security and warmth.

In infancy, by sucking and touching the mother's breast, the babies are able to get food and comfort.

This is one of their initial and most important survival skills.

Over time, even if breastfeeding is no longer necessary,

This pattern of feeling safe through touch is deeply ingrained in children's minds.

For them, touching milk is not only a physical need, but also a psychological comfort.

If your mother doesn't give it, she will touch her grandmother or grandma's? Quit "milk addiction", remember 4 to 4 don't!

It's like a little ritual for children, and through this action, they are able to quickly find inner peace and comfort.

Of course, each child's personality and growth environment are different, so their needs and performance for milk touching will also be different.

Some children may do it only occasionally, while others may develop a habitual behavior.

Four points

Needs understanding:

Children's "milk addiction" often stems from their attachment to their mothers in infancy.

This is a normal emotional need, but as we age and our social circle expands, this behavior requires a gradual shift.

To boot:

Parents should patiently guide their children to find new ways to comfort them.

For example, teach your child to take deep breaths and relax, or cuddle with alternatives such as dolls.

If your mother doesn't give it, she will touch her grandmother or grandma's? Quit "milk addiction", remember 4 to 4 don't!

To communicate:

Have an open and warm conversation with your child so that they understand that this behavior is not appropriate in public.

At the same time, we should respect the child's feelings and give them enough understanding and love.

Match Required:

Family members should maintain consistency in their attitudes and work together to support and encourage the child to change the habit.

Four don't

Don't be ashamed:

Avoid ridiculing or humiliating your child, as this will only increase your child's psychological burden and exacerbate the "milk addiction".

Don't overlook:

Don't think that over time, your child will naturally break this habit. Timely intervention and guidance are very necessary.

Don't force:

Avoid using strong tactics to force your child to stop immediately, as this may cause your child to rebel and backfire.

If your mother doesn't give it, she will touch her grandmother or grandma's? Quit "milk addiction", remember 4 to 4 don't!

Don't let it go:

Don't turn a blind eye to your child's behavior because of embarrassment or intolerance. Proper restraint and education are part of love.

So, how to help children quit the "milk addiction"

First of all, we have to understand that the habit of touching the milk of children is often inherited from infancy.

At that time, they felt safe and intimate by touching their mother's breasts.

But as your baby grows older, this habit needs to be changed slowly.

So, what should we do?

Imagine you're teaching your kids to ride a bike, do you have to hold them first and then let them go?

In the same way, we also need gentle guidance when helping our children to quit their addiction to touching milk.

If your mother doesn't give it, she will touch her grandmother or grandma's? Quit "milk addiction", remember 4 to 4 don't!

You can tell your child that he is a big baby now and that he needs to learn to comfort himself in other ways.

For example, hugging a stuffed animal, or holding a small handkerchief.

Habit is like an old road, and if you go too much, it becomes a road.

What we want to do is to help our children forge a new path.

Whenever a child wants to touch the milk, we can divert their attention.

Take them to do something fun, such as reading a storybook, drawing a picture, or playing a puzzle.

Slowly, new habits will replace the old.

Who doesn't love to be rewarded?

When your child has managed to control his behavior and not touch his milk, remember to give them a big hug and compliment.

This positive feedback will give children more motivation to change their behavior.

If your mother doesn't give it, she will touch her grandmother or grandma's? Quit "milk addiction", remember 4 to 4 don't!

Changing a habit doesn't happen overnight, we need to give our children enough time and space.

Patience is crucial in this process.

Don't be discouraged by one or two failures, trust me, every bit of progress is precious.

In Xiao Ming's case, we adopted the above strategy, and after a period of hard work,

Xiao Ming gradually learned to cuddle the teddy bear instead of touching the milk, and his mother was relieved.

As a pediatrician, I have witnessed countless children like Xiao Ming, with the warmth and correct guidance of their families, successfully overcome this obstacle to growth.

Well, that's all for today's pediatric class.

Hopefully, these tips will help your little one get rid of their milk addiction and move towards a more independent and confident future.