
Girl swing tragedy: The equipment company was sentenced to pay 1.07 million

author:Xiaoice Bing nagged

On an ordinary summer day in June 2024, 9-year-old Sakura was supposed to enjoy the holiday holiday with her best friend Xiao Ke at the community amusement center. However, this game, which should have been warm and happy, turned into an irreparable tragedy in an instant.


Sakura and Ko stand on a swinging swing and stand side by side on the footpegs in search of greater excitement. In the distance, Sakura's dad and grandma are chatting with others, unaware of the girls' dangerous behavior.

At that moment, Sakura suddenly loses her balance and falls off the swing that is swinging violently. Her head slammed into the base of the swing and was stuck between the ground and the swing.

Girl swing tragedy: The equipment company was sentenced to pay 1.07 million

Looking at their daughter's bloody appearance, Sakura's parents were instantly consumed by despair and helplessness. Although paramedics rushed to the rescue, Sakura's injuries were so severe that she never survived and left this world forever.

From the design flaws of the amusement equipment to the negligence of the management, what is the root cause of this tragedy? Could it be that such a heinous crime has been staged again, but it cannot be avoided?

Faced with such a heavy accident, Sakura's parents had to initiate a lengthy legal battle. They concluded that it was the amusement equipment company's responsibility and that a design flaw in the equipment led to their daughter's tragic death. As a result, they sued the amusement equipment company, the property management company, and the neighborhood committee where they lived.

The court of first instance ruled that the amusement equipment company should bear 60% of the compensation liability and pay Sakura's parents more than 1.07 million yuan in compensation. However, the amusement equipment company was obviously not satisfied with such a verdict, so it chose to appeal to the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court.

Girl swing tragedy: The equipment company was sentenced to pay 1.07 million

After lengthy legal proceedings, the court of second instance finally rejected the amusement equipment company's appeal and upheld the original verdict. The Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court found that although Sakura also had certain responsibilities, the amusement equipment company, as an equipment provider, did have some negligence in design and management, and should bear the main responsibility.

This is undoubtedly a heavy verdict, which not only makes Sakura's parents, who have suffered greatly, unable to let go, but also arouses widespread concern from all walks of life. Is this an irreparable tragedy, or is it a case worthy of deep reflection?

We can't help but wonder why such a heinous and tragic accident happened in this playground full of joy. Is it true that the safety design of amusement equipment is so flawed?

Girl swing tragedy: The equipment company was sentenced to pay 1.07 million

Judging from the specific process of the accident, the problem does stem from some problems in the equipment. For example, the design of this swing is too simple, and there is no accident prevention at all. The girls were already facing a huge safety hazard when they stood on the swing that was swinging violently. Once you lose your balance, it's easy to fall from a great height.

Moreover, the amusement center also lacks corresponding management measures. As the guardians of the girls, Sakura's parents and grandmother apparently neglected to pay attention to and control the children's play behavior. If they had detected the girl's dangerous behaviour and stopped it, they might have been able to avoid the tragedy.

Obviously, this is just a microcosm. Among the various playgrounds and amusement equipment widely distributed in the mainland, safety hazards are not unique. Many devices are designed with vulnerabilities and lack the necessary precautions; There are also widespread negligence and loopholes in management.

Girl swing tragedy: The equipment company was sentenced to pay 1.07 million

This not only puts countless children at great risk to their lives, but also makes parents always afraid. In the event of an accident, the consequences are irreparable, and every family may be plunged into endless pain.

We must face up to the seriousness of the problem. In this fun-filled playground, safety must not be neglected. Relevant departments and managers must earnestly fulfill their responsibilities and take effective measures to fundamentally eliminate all kinds of potential safety hazards.

For example, amusement equipment manufacturers can be mandated by regulations to improve the safety performance of their equipment and conduct regular safety inspections. At the same time, the managers of amusement centers should also strengthen the supervision and control of children's play behavior, and formulate emergency plans to ensure that they can take timely and effective responses in the event of accidents.

Girl swing tragedy: The equipment company was sentenced to pay 1.07 million

At the same time, we must also strengthen safety education for parents at the source. Let them establish a correct sense of safety, always pay attention to children's behavior, and improve their safety prevention ability. Only when the whole society works together can we truly build a strong line of defense for children's play safety and avoid the recurrence of the tragedy.

Everyone should be heartbroken by Sakura's tragedy. What was supposed to be a playground full of sunshine and joy turned into a sinful place that took away life. We must earnestly learn the lessons of this tragedy and take effective measures to comprehensively improve the overall level of amusement facilities and management in the mainland, so that every child can enjoy themselves in a safe environment.

Girl swing tragedy: The equipment company was sentenced to pay 1.07 million

In your opinion, in addition to increasing the supervision of the safety and management of amusement equipment, what other measures can fundamentally curb the occurrence of such tragedies? Feel free to leave a comment below to share your valuable opinions, and let us work together to create a safer and healthier environment for children to grow up. #秋千安全漏洞曝光, the company will pay millions of compensation#

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