
The number of active users of Huawei devices reached 580 million per month

The number of active users of Huawei devices reached 580 million per month


In addition to the beta release of HarmonyOS NEXT, at HDC 2024, Huawei representatives said that the number of users of the company's devices has exceeded 500 million. In addition, the company also tells how its advertising platform has helped brands grow.

The number of active users of Huawei devices reached 580 million per month

Huawei Developer Conference 2024 (HDC) is for enterprises and developers. As part of the HDC Global Ecosystem Summit event, it was revealed that through Huawei's Petal advertising platform, the company provides brands with the opportunity to showcase their products to Chinese audiences, especially in the luxury and travel sectors.

This is thanks to the development of the "Smart Travel" software: an online translator, as well as an application for fast payments using QR codes and accurate navigation tools. These apps enable Huawei's advertising platform to reach new audiences, which the company shares with other brands through its Petal Ads service.

In addition, Huawei also talked about a new indicator, the Petal Business Index (PBI). With its help, you can gain insight into consumer preferences for brands in the Huawei ecosystem.

The number of active users of Huawei devices reached 580 million per month

Huawei representatives also shared examples of successful cooperation with brands in advertising campaigns. For example, Grab, a leading digital platform in Southeast Asia, uses Petal Ads to better position its brand and reach a Chinese audience.

Tinder also uses Huawei's advertising platform: the service says there has been a significant increase in app installs and sign-ups. The Andalusia Tourism Development Agency (Spain) has achieved equally impressive results. Thanks to Petal Ads, the ad reached 10 million unique users and 80 million views during Golden Week.

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