
The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

author:Eat melons for the audience


In this colorful entertainment industry, every star is an unfinished storybook, and Ye Quanzhen is undoubtedly the most intriguing chapter among them.

If the entertainment industry is a vast universe, Ye Quanzhen is the meteor that people can't help but look at twice, 18-year-old she, not slowly rising in the night sky, but piercing the sky overnight, with the hotness and controversy of the film "Snow is Burning", she has become the focus of attention.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

But don't worry, let's start from the beginning and see how the actress has carved out her own path between starlight and shadow.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

The transformation from a small-town girl to a big-screen goddess

Ye Quanzhen, her real name may not be so loud, but her life trajectory is definitely more exciting than any script.

Born in an ordinary family, Xiao Ye Quanzhen has had an inexplicable obsession with acting since he was a child.

In every theatrical performance in the school, she is the brightest little star, as if the spotlight on the stage is specially set for her.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

is like the little girl who secretly wore her mother's high heels when she was a child, her love for acting is pure and passionate, and it is impossible to ignore.

Until one day, the olive branch of the crew of "Snow is Burning" reached out to her, which was not just an opportunity, but more like a gamble.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

For a fledgling girl, behind such an opportunity lies an unknown deep sea, where temptation and danger coexist.

When the movie was released, the name Ye Quanzhen became hot overnight, but this glory was tinged with thorns - those few nude scenes that had to be mentioned made her instantly a figure on the cusp.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

It's like eating a beautifully packaged candy, but inside it is a bitter medicine that makes people frown.

Her inner struggle is difficult for outsiders to understand, and the high liquidated damages are like a mountain, which makes her breathless, so she can only move forward.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

Transformation is more than just changing clothes

If "Snow is Burning" is the first fire in her life, then the residual temperature after the fire has become an opportunity for Ye Quanzhen to transform.

She began to realize that in order to get rid of the labels of the past, she had to put in more effort than the average person.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

As a result, the former tertiary film actress turned into an unknown assistant by the director's side.

This turn is more difficult than any movie scene, but Ye Quanzhen is like a master of retreat and cultivation in martial arts novels.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

In the following years, she proved her strength with nearly 40 film and television works.

Every work, every role, is the whetstone of her acting skills, so that her name is gradually stripped from those labels that once were.

The audience began to talk about her acting skills in the show, rather than the old ones.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

The recognition of awards and the praise of the audience are all testimonies of her step by step.

This process is like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon, painful and beautiful.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

Love, not every game has to have a happy ending

In the journey of his career, Ye Quanzhen's love life seems to be a little tortuous.

Three romances, each of which once made her heartbroken, but in the end it failed to bear fruit.

It's like the series we chased together in those years, and there is always an episode that makes people uncomfortable.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

The end of every relationship has its own reasons, perhaps because the worldviews of the two people are not compatible, or the high pressure of the entertainment industry makes it difficult to breathe.

Ye Quanzhen himself once sighed that sometimes love is like sand in your hand, the tighter you hold it, the faster it will drain.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

In the end, she chose celibacy, which was not a compromise, but an awakening of self-awareness.

Celibacy, for her, is a gift to herself, the freedom to no longer live to cater to others.

In this era when society is becoming more and more tolerant of women's singleness, Ye Quanzhen used his own experience to tell everyone that happiness comes in many forms, and there is no need to stick to the traditional framework.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

Celibacy, too, can be a wonderful way of life.

The mirror of society reflects the power of women

Ye Quanzhen's story is like the maverick best friend next to you and me, who vividly staged a modern drama of "I am in charge of my life".

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

In this year, the girls are more and more like hanging up, moving forward bravely one by one, not only to fight for the "glory of the king" in the workplace, but also to learn "self-redemption" in the love field, even if they choose to be a happy "single aristocrat", they are also full of confidence and freedom.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

This energy, in the final analysis, is the light bulb of "self-awareness" in the heart, which illuminates those old-fashioned rules.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

Ye Quanzhen, she is not just "fighting monsters and upgrading" in her own world, but more like holding a loudspeaker, shouting for thousands of sisters who are in a dilemma on the ladder of love and career: "Let's not settle, let's be wonderful!" Every step she takes is like telling the world that a woman's world not only revolves around the pot, but also dances in the clouds, even if she occasionally falls, she can smile brighter than a flower.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

Such an attitude is like a glass of chilled lemonade in summer, which quenches thirst and refreshes people, and makes people want to say: "Hey, sisters, it's really exciting for you to live like this!" "In our big family, to have such a "living textbook" is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for all women who are still hesitating and hesitating.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

Ye Quanzhen's story tells us that no matter how noisy the outside world is, finding your inner rhythm and dancing to your own beat is the coolest thing.

So, don't care what others say, let's follow our own script, even if you are single, it is a beautiful landscape.

After all, in the big drama of life, the protagonist is always yourself, and you have to decide how to act!

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

The quiet popularity of celibacy is like a new dish on the table, which makes people shine, it turns out that in addition to the traditional big fish and meat, refreshing salads can also become a delicious choice.

This is not only the enrichment of the menu, but also a great upgrade of our ideological concepts, which shows that the big book of society has begun to have more diverse and inclusive chapters.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

In the past, getting married and having children seemed to be a necessary part of life, just like the hopscotch game I played when I was a child, pressing the grid step by step.

But now, everyone is beginning to realize that the rules of the game in life can be set by themselves, and they don't necessarily have to follow the pace of others.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

Some people choose to sail in the harbor of marriage and enjoy the warmth of the family; There are also people who prefer a single boat, drifting freely on the ocean of life, looking for their own treasures.

And, in the end, happiness is like whether a shoe fits or not, only the person who wears it knows.

Whether you choose to wear a pair of "Nike" for marriage or a single "flip-flop", as long as it can make your feet comfortable and walk happily, it is the best match.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?

Society should be like a large cafeteria, where all kinds of lifestyles are placed, you can match how you want, the important thing is to eat happily and live freely.

The 18-year-old naked and overnight popular, the 53-year-old lonely Ye Quanzhen, a glorious life in a third-level play?


Ye Quanzhen's life is like those movies she has starred in, there are climaxes, and some are as plain as water, but every step is firm and real.

Her story reminds us that in this world full of uncertainties, being brave enough to be ourselves and pursuing the true desire of our hearts is the most beautiful gesture of life.

Whether it is the glory of becoming famous at a young age, or the ups and downs on the emotional road, or the final choice of celibacy, Ye Quanzhen has written his own legend with extraordinary courage.

Let's draw strength from her story, no matter what situation we are in, we can laugh at life and live our own colors.

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