
54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

author:Climb high and look far away

As the childhood goddess of many people, Ye Quanzhen appeared again at the press conference of "Plastic Flower". It can be seen from the photos at the scene that even though she is 54 years old now, she is still an undefeated beauty after experiencing the baptism of time.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

However, after the precipitation of time, Ye Quanzhen's overall temperament is more cold and noble than before. Someone once commented that Ye Quanzhen is the Chinese version of Nakamori Akina. Although both of them have a broken beauty, Ye Quanzhen is different from Akina Nakamori in that she can reveal an indomitable toughness in her bones.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology
54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

may also be this kind of resilience in his bones, which has made Ye Quanzhen not only do it himself in his career for many years, but also try his best not to use a stand-in. And in life, I pay special attention to the maintenance of my body and skin. Although he is now 54 years old, he is very strict in the management of his body and has never been out of shape for decades. Through the photos, we can see that Ye Quanzhen, whether it is his collarbone or thin waist, is not much different from when he was in his 20s.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology
54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology
54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

This kind of high-intensity self-discipline is really powerful, and it is precisely because of this self-discipline that Ye Quanzhen's skin is still smooth and delicate, like a shelled egg.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology
54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

However, keeping in shape is already something that is difficult for ordinary people to do. Ye Quanzhen has not only maintained the curves of his body through fitness for many years, but also at the age of 54 now, his eyes often shine with stars like a girl.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology
54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

At a time when all actresses in the entertainment industry want to rely on medical beauty to "reverse growth", Ye Quanzhen seems to have chosen to adapt to the passage of time. However, Ye Quanzhen's state also told the audience that in fact, sometimes we don't necessarily have to rely on medical beauty to retain youth. As long as you maintain a good attitude and a free state of mind, you can still never wither away in the long years.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

In the promotion of "Plastic Flower", we can see that Ye Quanzhen and Li Mu have a very close relationship, and the two stand in the spotlight arm in arm, as close as friends for many years.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

But in the interview, I learned that in fact, when Li Mu first met Ye Quanzhen, he was a little afraid of Ye Quanzhen. Because Ye Quanzhen is like a book, it is very difficult to read, but in such a temperament, people dare not approach easily. Ye Quanzhen is actually a very cute senior.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

"Plastic Flower" is actually about the rich girl Yan Nana, who is focused on work all year round because of her mother. thus ignoring Yan Nana's growth education. And in the face of depression and boredom in life, Yan Nana met a man who had just "come down the mountain" and fell in love with him. But in the end, the pair of outlaw mandarin ducks finally turned against each other, but they had to be bound together because of the need to escape.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

The mother played by Ye Quanzhen in the play actually doesn't have much contact with Yan Nana, but maybe because the two have suitable personalities, they are also very good in private.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

Speaking of the TV series filmed by Ye Quanzhen, there are really many classic roles. Ye Quanzhen, who was not yet 18 years old, became a household name overnight with the role of "Snow is Burning".

In the movie, we can see that the difference between Ye Quanzhen, who was once less than 18 years old, and now is probably the baby fat on his face that has not yet receded. But at that time, Ye Quanzhen had already shown his cold temperament.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

With the hot broadcast of "Snow is Burning", Ye Quanzhen's drama continues. It's just that it seems to surpass the characters of "Snow is Burning". It wasn't until Ye Quanzhen received the role of Xiaohong in "Xiaolin Boy II: New Oolong Courtyard".

Ye Quanzhen not only vividly interpreted Xiaohong's agility and playfulness in the early stage, but even handled Xiaohong's madness in the later stage because of the misfortune of life.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology
54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

However, in addition to the contrast of the characters is well handled, in "New Oolong Courtyard", Ye Quanzhen is also remembered by the audience again through his unique temperament when he plays a well-behaved and sensible girl.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

It's just that no matter how good the classic role is, it doesn't give Ye Quanzhen a home. Ye Quanzhen, who is now 54 years old, has not changed anything except in appearance, and life seems to be accompanied by anyone.

54-year-old Ye Quanzhen appeared! The collarbone has a thin waist, the skin is translucent and grows backwards, and she can look like a girl without technology

However, in the interview, Ye Quan also said, "You don't need to be too handsome or tall, but you need to be a little bigger than me."

I hope that Ye Quanzhen can remain so beautiful in the next life, while also finding his other half to accompany him for a lifetime.

The above pictures are unverified and are for reference only

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