
Liu Guohong held a video meeting with the Deputy Minister of Public Service of Brazil, Mr. Gatani

author:iNatural omnimedia

On June 28, Liu Guohong, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources of China, and Francisco Gatani, Deputy Minister of Public Service Management and Innovation of Brazil, held a video meeting, during which the two sides had in-depth exchanges on topics such as the confirmation and registration of real estate and natural resources rights and related information construction, and clarified the direction of follow-up cooperation.

Liu Guohong introduced the development process, information platform construction and practical experience of China's unified registration system for real estate and natural resources. He said that the unified registration of real estate and natural resources is crucial to safeguarding the rights and interests of natural resource asset owners, implementing land and space use control, and ecological protection and restoration. China and Pakistan are both major countries in natural resources, and China is ready to share technology and practical experience in relevant fields with Pakistan, exchange information and knowledge, jointly address global challenges such as climate change, and promote the realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In response to the needs of the Pakistani side, Liu Guohong put forward suggestions on strengthening cooperation in the fields of using information technology to improve the coordination of registration data, promote the application of registration results, and technical standards for cadastral surveys.

Francisco Gatani said the first visit to China's Ministry of Natural Resources in April was impressive, and that China had made significant achievements in the registration of real estate and natural resource titles. We hope to strengthen experience sharing with China, especially in the areas of informatization construction, data collaboration and updating, and invite China to visit Brazil at an appropriate time to carry out more in-depth docking and cooperation.

Comrades in charge of relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry, relevant personnel from the Ministry of Public Service Management and Innovation of Brazil, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, and the Brazilian Embassy in China participated in the video meeting.

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Reporter: Huang Junfei

Liu Guohong held a video meeting with the Deputy Minister of Public Service of Brazil, Mr. Gatani
Liu Guohong held a video meeting with the Deputy Minister of Public Service of Brazil, Mr. Gatani
Liu Guohong held a video meeting with the Deputy Minister of Public Service of Brazil, Mr. Gatani

iNatural omnimedia

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