
A generation of celebrities will be secretly executed, wives will search for their husbands for thousands of miles, see the truth in mass graves, and take their husbands home

author:A💟葫芦 娃

A generation of celebrities will be secretly executed, wives will search for their husbands for thousands of miles, see the truth in mass graves, and take their husbands home. This is a tragic story that takes place in turbulent times. At that time, when the smoke of gunpowder was full of gunpowder and the flames of war were raging, a young soldier fought tirelessly to save the country and achieve national independence. However, fate is often merciless, and this brave revolutionary was eventually executed in secret. His wife searched for her husband for several years without success, until her remains were found in a mass grave, and she learned that he had died forever. The tragic experience of the couple, the sincere love of the wife, and the noble spirit of the husband's heroic sacrifice for the country and the nation are particularly touching in those turbulent times. How does this past play out? And what will be the end of the heroes of the revolution?

A generation of celebrities will be secretly executed, wives will search for their husbands for thousands of miles, see the truth in mass graves, and take their husbands home

First, the smoke of war shrouded the youth

The flames of the Restoration began in 1911, and the smoke of gunfire has not dissipated in this ancient land. Although the Xinhai Revolution overthrew the Manchu Dynasty, it failed to establish a republic as hoped, and instead led to a dismal situation in which warlords were separating and encroaching on their territory. The Beiyang government's blind pro-Western collusion with foreign powers has deepened the country's internal and external troubles.

In this era of change, a young man who shines with idealism is rising. His name is Lu Yuan, born in a famous family in Zhejiang, and he has been studying and concentrating on learning since he was a child. When he was a weak champion, Lu Yuan suddenly stayed away from the study, put down the books in his hand, and joined the torrent of the Xinhai Revolution.

"The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the husband". The words of the sages have been deeply rooted in Lu Yuan's heart. As a hot-blooded young man, he longed to overthrow the old system of oppression of the people and establish a free and democratic new China. Therefore, despite his illustrious background and bright future, Lu Yuan still firmly chose the rugged road of revolution, which is far away and full of thorns.

The sound of the trumpet of the revolution was loud in the ears, and the whole country was full of revolutionaries secretly plotting rebellion, propaganda, and arming. People of insight have joined the mighty movement that will overthrow the old world. Lu Yuan was one of them, he gave up his family and resolutely threw himself into the embrace of the revolution.

A generation of celebrities will be secretly executed, wives will search for their husbands for thousands of miles, see the truth in mass graves, and take their husbands home

2. Defend national dignity to the death

After the Xinhai Revolution, Lu Yuan did not stop there, and he unswervingly devoted himself to the great cause of saving the country and defending the dignity of the nation. At that time, the iron hooves of the great powers had already stepped deeply into the fertile soil of China, and China was besieged by internal and external troubles. In the face of the severe national crisis, Lu Yuan stood up with the courage and fearlessness of a hot-blooded youth, vowing to go to great lengths and dedicate himself to the country and the nation.

In 1915, at the instigation of the Japanese, Yuan Shikai, a pro-Japanese traitor, attempted to support the restoration of the imperial system, which was undoubtedly a complete negation of the achievements of the Xinhai Revolution. With his incomparable love for freedom and democracy, Lu Yuan resolutely participated in the national defense movement organized by the League, vowing to defend the republic and support the extraordinary government under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen.

Immediately afterward, the Protectorate War broke out. Lu Yuan stepped forward and personally participated in the battle, fighting bloodily against the Japanese puppet and arrogant Japanese army. In the long and brutal battle, Lu Yuan repeatedly made meritorious achievements, relying on his outstanding military command ability and extraordinary courage and resourcefulness, he led his own soldiers to defeat the Japanese puppet army many times and won the victory of the battle.

Soon after, World War I broke out, and the aggression of the Great Powers against China became even more brazen. Even though the flames of war did not reach China itself, North China has become a guerrilla field for Japan and other countries to secretly collude and encroach on their territory. Lu Yuan knows very well that the dignity of the nation is in jeopardy. Therefore, he personally organized elite troops and went deep into the Japanese puppet ruled area to launch a heroic and tenacious armed resistance.

A generation of celebrities will be secretly executed, wives will search for their husbands for thousands of miles, see the truth in mass graves, and take their husbands home

In this life-and-death contest, Lu Yuan is full of anger and invincible. He took the lead in turning the tide and defended the dignity and territory of the motherland with his blood and life. Lu Yuan's troops sometimes secretly disrupted the Japanese puppet military and politics, and sometimes directly provoked wars, putting the Japanese puppet army in a desperate situation and forcing them to retreat. His courage and skill in fighting inspired and renewed hope for many of his compatriots who had been bullied at the hands of the great powers.

3. Go to the front line in person in the face of danger

Lu Yuan has been fighting bravely to kill the enemy in the war to defend national dignity, and he can be described as a veteran of the battlefield. When the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, he was in danger and personally stationed in the barracks and commanded his cronies to fight bravely.

In July 1937, the Japanese army launched the Lugou Bridge Incident that shocked China, opening the prelude to the all-out war of resistance. When Lu Yuan learned of this bad news, he immediately made a decision and quickly dispatched strong and powerful troops to the front line. He personally commanded the battle, commanded the army to follow up every step, and fought to the death with the Japanese army.

After the loss of Beiping and Tianjin, the soldiers under Lu Yuan's command fought fiercely and carried out tenacious guerrilla resistance. They may attack the Japanese army's logistics line and destroy its food and grass supplies; or hibernating, waiting for an opportunity to relieve the Japanese army's pressure; Or openly surprise and provoke encounters. Countless times, Lu Yuan personally led his own soldiers to rush through the encirclement and bravely killed the enemy, which made the Japanese army frightened.

A generation of celebrities will be secretly executed, wives will search for their husbands for thousands of miles, see the truth in mass graves, and take their husbands home

From Shanxi to Hebei, and then to the front line of North China and Guanzhong, they all left the figure of the bloody battle of the Iron Army under Lu Yuan. Everywhere they went, they would hunt with flags and fight as they went, inflicting a merciless blow on the Japanese army. Although the people in the occupied areas were living in dire straits, seeing Lu Yuan commanding the battle, they all boosted their morale and strengthened their foundations.

North China is vast and sparsely populated, easy to defend and difficult to attack. As a result, Lu Yuan shifted his focus to a lost and regained campaign in a vain attempt to cut off the enemy's grain and grass supply lines from the hinterland of North China. For this reason, he repeatedly personally led elite soldiers, risking the danger of nine deaths and life, and went deep into the hinterland of the enemy army to wreak havoc and ravage. Sometimes they even disguise themselves as monks or monks and hide in temples waiting for an opportunity. Countless times, his personal soldiers covered their heads with their mantles and bowls, and they came out of the shadows, surround and bombard the Japanese army alive.

Lu Yuan's operational policy was witty and resolute, and his tactical use was vertical and horizontal. He mainly used guerrilla tactics, combined with frontal charges, to disrupt the foundation of Japanese rule from all over North China, causing both moral and material losses for the Japanese army here. As the saying goes, in the midst of strategizing and winning a decisive victory outside the line of fire, Lu Yuan, with his unexpectedly military command ability, has always made it impossible for the Japanese army to unload the heavy burden of war.

Fourth, the confidant's love is eternal

When the war was raging, although Lu Yuan was bent on saving the country, he was also accompanied by his beloved. This delicate wife named Yu is virtuous and gentle by nature, and she has sincere love and infinite loyalty to her husband.

When you meet a good relationship, the two are happy. Lu Yuan's marriage with the Yu family originated from a dusty relationship in their youth. When they first met, Lu Yuan was a child in Huangkou, and although he was already very enthusiastic about the revolutionary cause, he was destitute. However, Yu was born in a good family and was educated rigorously and politely since childhood, but she appreciated Lu Yuan's revolutionary feelings, and the two fell in love at first sight.

When it comes to getting married, the Yu family treats Lu Yuan even more considerately. Every time Lu Yuan was out fighting, she endured the pain of endless longing. Sometimes Lu Yuan fought on the battlefield for a long time, and the Yu family personally went to send firewood and rice to the military camp. The officers and men in the army all sincerely admired this gentle and virtuous "military strategist's wife".

In 1938, the war of resistance against Japan intensified. Lu Yuan went to the front line again, leaving the Yu clan alone at home to wait for the triumph. But what people never expected was that there was no news of this time, no news for several months, and two full years later, there was still no news. The Yu family was very concerned and ran around to inquire about the news, but after all, they found nothing.

A generation of celebrities will be secretly executed, wives will search for their husbands for thousands of miles, see the truth in mass graves, and take their husbands home

After the war, the Yu clan was still alone looking for clues to Lu Yuan's whereabouts. She traveled all over North China and asked all her comrades-in-arms, relatives and friends. A young woman actually traveled thousands of miles alone, thrilling and dangerous. Although he was reprimanded, Yu still regarded death as his home and vowed to find news of his husband.

Just when family and friends are almost losing hope, a shocking discovery finally changes everything. Someone found a dried corpse from a mass grave, wearing clothes that were strikingly similar to Lu Yuan's outfit back then. After hearing the news, Yu immediately went to inspect it in person. Sure enough, the corpse was Lu Yuan.

5. Revolutionary stories have been passed down through the ages

A thrilling revolutionary story was written by Yu himself. She looked at her husband Lu Yuan's dry bones eroded by the years, and tears fell like rain. How exactly did this body end up in this mass grave? What kind of fate did you experience? All mysteries will never be solved.

The Yu family immediately arranged for people to carefully collect Lu Yuan's body, wrapped it and transported it back to his hometown. She overcame many obstacles to build a new tomb for Lu Yuan at his former residence and placed the ashes in it with her own hands. Every year on the Qingming Festival, the Yu family has to go to the tomb to pay respects, respectful and solemn, as pious as a pilgrimage.

Recalling the past, Lu Yuan's sincere revolutionary feelings and heroic deeds are all vivid. In the past, he commanded the army and called for wind and rain, but now he only has a rotten bone left, and he sighs that there is no end to the rest of his life. The joys and sorrows of Yu's loss and recovery are even more touching.

The tragic story of the couple was legendary, a sensation at the time, and was recited by the world. Lu Yuan's revolutionary spirit of defying power and treating death as his home has always existed in the hearts of the world. Yu's noble sentiment of abiding by his wife's way is even more touching and worthy of eternal remembrance by the world.

A generation of celebrities will be secretly executed, wives will search for their husbands for thousands of miles, see the truth in mass graves, and take their husbands home

Later, literati and scholars wrote many biographies and novels on this theme. They either focus on the heroic deeds of Lu Yuanrong and half of his life, or focus on the tragic life experience of the Yu family who is looking for a husband for thousands of miles. Either way, this thrilling past will be presented in full in front of the world.

Thousands of years later, the vicissitudes of life in the land of China will forever preserve the couple's revolutionary life and legendary marriage. The eventful years may be out of reach, but their stories will be passed down for a long time and inspire future generations.