
The big stage in a small life: young people find themselves in the ordinary

author:Xiao Xiao emotional

Text | Ruan Baiqing Jiangsu Lianshui, secondary school student Jiang Ping is on her own stage of life, in a global mathematics competition in the promotion list, her name is surrounded by a number of students from famous schools at home and abroad, thus making people pay attention to the existence of "genius girl". At the school where Jiang Ping studied, half of her life was surrounded by markers, needles and threads, models, and fabrics, and if there was no "Partial Differential Equation" on the table, it would be the story of a girl who gave up high school to become a fashion designer. But that's where the difference begins, "If studying fashion design is my plan A, then exploring the world of mathematics is my plan B, and I hope my plan B can be seen as well." For her, mathematics is like a friend who will never leave, coexisting with life, regardless of what school she is studying or what industry she will be engaged in. Behind the "miracle" created by Jiang Ping, it is not only talent, but also the belief and seeing of self-worth. Although in this day and age, people are often faced with a lack of sense of worth, more people still look up in the ordinary. 1. Find self-worth in the ordinary

Everyone looks forward to the future when they have nothing to do. For example, you can become a scientist or an astronaut and create earth-shattering glory. But as I get older, more people are confused about where is the value and pursuit of "me"? Nowadays, people seem to shout less and less about the ideal of "journey in the sea of stars", and instead yearn for a stable and pragmatic life. In fact, behind the self-proclaimed "just an ordinary person", people never stop looking forward to wonderful moments. The desperate running on the court when I was young, the night I stayed up for a club activity, and the thick stack of application materials prepared for the offer of my dreams are all the marks of self-expression in my enthusiastic youth. Their persistence and momentum have become the basis for doing projects, "spit out the most grooves, do the most work". Even in the face of stylized reporting materials, there will still be many creators like "Hai Xuan", who would rather sacrifice sleep to write the stories they love.

The big stage in a small life: young people find themselves in the ordinary

▲ Visual China/Picture Or because of love, ideals, or because of unwillingness to the status quo. On the one hand, contemporary people are in a state of confusion in stages, confronting reality with verbal depression, and on the other hand, they are inertly exploring upward, not wanting to lose to the environment or time. Sports bloggers bring their home turf into the mountains, plateaus, and seashores; The sixty-year-old man's "Ten consecutive crossings of the Yangtze River" left the label of "not admitting defeat" in the second half of his life; A woman with no higher education depicts her vitality as a tree trunk in a free studio...... More people, even if they are only on the stage alone, are looking forward to becoming the protagonist, and constantly use their imagination to reach and touch the infinite heights of life.

The big stage in a small life: young people find themselves in the ordinary

2 Starting from imagination, small life also has a big stage The reckless mountains in the southwest are the first stage of Xia Yuyu. The village at an altitude of 2,400 meters is inconspicuous in the valley, but because of "running", this girl born in 1998 brought the village of Mozhan into people's field of vision. In August 2023, Xia Yuyu "ran" from the muddy mountain road in Guizhou to the Chengdu Shuangliu Sports Center Stadium, overtook Turkish athletes in the last lap, and won the women's marathon championship of the Chengdu Universiade. This is her first World Championship, and the possibilities of being a professional athlete are still unknown. Looking back at the starting point, the first step was to accompany my brother to school on the 6-kilometer ordinary mountain road, and four-year-old Xia Yuyu ran back and forth every day. She simply fell in love with the feeling of the wind whistling in her ears. On this road, there is no track, there is no opponent, Asuka is her leader, and this run becomes a rehearsal for her to embark on a career path. The turning point in my life came in junior high school. Between studying and going to university and running, 14-year-old Xia Yuyu decided to follow his heart and choose the path he wanted to take. The whole family took a five-hour drive to the provincial sports school, and she firmly believed that she would be able to run further. That's exactly how the story is written. The sports school gave her a bigger platform. In his first year of high school, Xia Yuyu was specially recruited into the Ma John Sports Specialty Class of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University - here is a model of the combination of sports and education in China, and has successively walked out of He Zi, Shi Tingmao, Yang Qian and other Olympic champions. Her schedule is thunderous, classes and training fill her life, and the plateau and equator have left her running footprints. She began to make her mark in the professional tournament until the arrival of the championship halo. Starting from the mountains, Xia Yuyu ran a wonderful life trajectory, running into the city, running on the podium, and then running into the Olympic Games this year. When I was 14 years old, my dream of running is becoming a reality little by little. also dared to imagine, as well as the boy Chen Guohao who walked out of the "wild court" in the town. It was a child who loved basketball as much as countless ordinary middle school students, and practiced throwing repeatedly every day against baskets without nets on the street. Today, people have become accustomed to calling Chan Kwok Ho "The Beast" in praise of his excellent confrontation ability and dominance on the inside. But except for the coach who excavated this "Warcraft" from the "Wild Field", few people noticed Chen Guohao before becoming a "Warcraft", and for most of the time, he silently played amateur games on that field until his love transformed into strength. In 2023, Chen Guohao led Guangdong University of Technology to win the championship of the Chinese University Basketball League (CUBAL) and became a hot college player. In the same year, Chen Guohao participated in the CBA draft and landed on the CBA arena as a "champion", realizing the dream of a "professional player" that once seemed unattainable.

The big stage in a small life: young people find themselves in the ordinary

This year, Chen Guohao was 24 years old. Looking back, the boy who practiced shooting in the small town must have looked forward to the future: a few years from now, maybe he too could become a star of the season and make his name on the spotlight on the professional field. The story is indeed written like this - in the name of "Chen Guohao", he holds up the more important meaning behind it. Starting from imagination, more and more people are standing on their own big stage. Skateboarder Che Lin said, "When you think of a move, you go to practice and fall, and the pain will definitely hurt, but when you complete a new move, you can be regarded as finding your limit"; Li Yingying, who loves sports and travel, exercised and punched in the world in an upside-down way, and played his own "inverted" trip. "Imagination" breaks the boundary between the present and the future, allowing them to create their own extraordinary in the ordinary, and makes a kind of annotation of life: dare to imagine, pursue unremittingly, win breakthroughs, and create a wonderful thing that belongs to "me". This is not only a characteristic of contemporary young people, but also the common belief of Chinese young people in every era. 3 In the name of "me", be the protagonist of your own life Time back 40 years ago, gymnast Li Ning at the Los Angeles Olympics accelerated the imagination of Chinese with three gold medals. It was the first time that New China participated in the Olympic Games after returning to the Olympic family, and the name of Li Ning, the "Prince of Gymnastics", has also become the epitome and memory of that era. Athletes' passions and dreams often end in retirement. At the end of the 80s, Li Ning left the arena and chose to establish a brand under his own name, using sneakers and clothing as an incision to continue his connection with sports. This was a bold imagination at the time, as there was hardly any precedent for a successful transition from athlete to entrepreneur. Nowadays, the name of "Li Ning" not only belongs to the athlete Li Ning, but also leaves the eternal sports spirit and memory of the times, and also carries the common "imagination" characteristics of people. From the field of play to daily life, this trait accompanies and encourages more people to ignite their passion and reach the wonderful moments of their lives. There are only a few runners who break the record in the crowd of "night runs" on the road, but in the end, being able to stand on the 42-kilometer track, stick to a marathon, or run their first 5 kilometers is already a kind of self-transcendence. Most of those who write novels "for love" may not be able to publish their works in their lifetimes, but their stories have become milestones in their own life growth. Although there are only a few people who are clothed in glory, the value of life is not only to stand on the highest point, but also to have a vast world of small life. Even if it's just on the stage where you're alone, you still have the value of "me". Jiang Ping may not have thought that her planB would open up new possibilities in life, but today she has been seen by the world, and her name has become a kind of reference: to maintain love and desire, and to create her own story. In order to support everyone to ignite the flame in their hearts, in 2024, Li Ning brand will issue a call of "In My Name" to encourage everyone to create their own wonderful. Nowadays, the halo of the world champion is gradually fading, and Li Ning prefers to see himself as an ordinary sports enthusiast, "understand" gymnastics, and support more young people to find the stage. The "Li Ning" that people are more familiar with now is not only "in the name of me", but also in the name of "every me", accompanying and encouraging more people to realize "everything is possible". (Topic)

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