
The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

author:walking on air

1. Role models in history textbooks

When we study history, we have a sense of reverence for many historical figures. The characters and deeds in the textbooks undoubtedly left a deep impression on us.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

For example, Kong Rong rang pear, teaching us to treat others with humility; The second child of the cattle herding baby let us learn to be brave and patriotic. These typical examples have undoubtedly become examples for us to learn.

Under the teacher's explanation, we have a very high evaluation of these historical figures. They are either wise, righteous and awe-inspiring, and some are even poetic and romantic. We sincerely yearn for and worship them, and hope to become such great people in the future.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

2. Perceptions that change as you grow

However, as we grow older and our knowledge improves, we find that these historical figures, who were once glorified and deified, are not as perfect and noble as they appear on the outside.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

Such changes can't help but bring about a fundamental change in our perception of these historical figures. What was once seen as a role model and role model turned out to be a heinous "bad guy".

3. Li Shen: From "sympathy for peasants" to corrupt officials and cool officials

Among them, the one who feels the biggest gap is Li Shen, who is known as the poet of "Compassion for Nong".

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

According to historical records, even his colleagues at the time, such as Liu Yuxi, Han Yu and other poets, scoffed at Li Shen's behavior, believing that he had completely deviated from his original intentions.

Li Shen was eventually punished for his various crimes, and even his children and grandchildren were never allowed to serve again. It can be seen that the image of "compassion for peasants" he created in our minds is completely contrary to his actual behavior.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

Fourth, Kuang Heng: From "chiseling the wall and stealing the light" to corrupting the law

Let's take a look at another figure who is regarded as a role model for learning - Kuang Heng.

When we were children, our teachers often told the story of Kuang Heng's "chiseling the wall and stealing the light" to inspire us to study hard and not to live up to our talents. In our hearts, Kuang Heng is undoubtedly a typical representative of a very diligent and studious person.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

It is precisely because of his indomitable spirit of learning that he finally won the fame and successfully embarked on his career. As a result, we have developed a great admiration for him, and we hope to follow his example and embark on the same path to success.

However, just like Li Shen, Kuang Heng gradually forgot his original ideals and pursuits after achieving a prominent position.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

He began to use the power in his hands to exclude dissidents, corrupt and oppress the people. In the end, he was punished by the emperor of the Han Dynasty and demoted to a commoner.

Such a change in characters has undoubtedly brought about a fundamental change in our cognition. From the initial example of learning to the notorious corrupt officials at the end, Kuang Heng's impression on us has become extremely negative and unbearable.

5. Shen Kuo: Behind "erudition".

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

Among the three historical figures, Shen Kuo can be regarded as the most complex one.

It is not difficult to imagine that when we were children, our teachers would have praised Shen Kuo as an erudite and talented university scholar. It is also natural for us to have a sincere admiration for his knowledge and achievements.

First of all, he is a very insidious villain in dealing with people, especially in the face of his benefactor Wang Anshi, not only is he not grateful, but he gives full play to his professional advantages and sharply criticizes and slanders Wang Anshi's measures to change the law.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

In addition, in Su Shi's "Wutai Poetry Case", Shen Kuo also played a disgraceful role. He used his friendship with Su Shi to steal some of his friend's works and provided the inappropriate remarks to the Yushitai at that time, which led to Su Shi's involvement.

This kind of behavior has undoubtedly surpassed the professional ethics that a scholar should have, but has completely degenerated into a villain's means of seeing the wind and steering the rudder, and doing everything he can.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

Even if Shen Kuo was belittled in the end, this kind of personality defect has completely subverted our previous perception and evaluation of him.

6. The diversity of historical truths

From these three cases, we can see that historical figures are often three-dimensional and multi-faceted. They are not always as flawless, noble and great as they are described in the textbooks.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

These cases teach us an important lesson: when we learn and understand history, we should not be fooled by superficial glamour.

The glorified images of historical figures in textbooks are often just a microcosm and cannot fully show their true faces. We need to understand and analyze the whole picture of these characters, including their path to success, and ultimately their personality transformation.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

Only in this way can we objectively assess their historical value and significance. It will help us learn from their successful experience, and it can also warn us to stay away from the evils of their eventual degeneration.

At the same time, it also shows that we should maintain a rational and critical attitude when receiving history education. We should not completely believe the descriptions in the textbooks, but should take the initiative to explore and verify them, and strive to find a more authentic history.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

Only in this way can we not be deceived by appearances and truly move towards the true nature of history. This will not only enable us to better understand the past, but also allow us to better understand and grasp the present, and point out the direction for future development.

VII. Conclusion

Overall, it is undoubtedly extremely disappointing and regrettable that these historical figures, who were once regarded as role models, have ended up being "bad guys".

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

The huge contrast between them from a desirable image to an ultimately heinous villain cannot but be painful.

This also proves once again that history is not simply black and white, but pluralistic and complex.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

We should not be deceived by appearances, but should examine historical figures with a more rational and critical eye, analyze their whole picture, and thus arrive at more objective and fair judgments.

Only in this way can we draw truly useful lessons from it, avoid falling into the same mistakes, and point us in the right direction for our future development.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

Let us understand history with a more open and inclusive mind, and believe that we will gain more valuable wisdom and experience.