
Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children

Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children

It's dawn

2024-06-21 15:13Posted in Fujian emotional field creator


Unconsciously, I have been following Ye Haiyang for 7 years, what shocked me?

She not only gave birth to a second child, but also gave birth to a third child, and her third child is a pair of twin sons, which means that Ye Haiyang now has two children, four children, two boys and two girls.

Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children

Ye Haiyang also uploaded a video confirming the rumors that she had given birth to twin sons.

Who is Ye Haiyang?

People who don't pay attention to her definitely don't know who she is, and those who follow her will be especially envious of the life she has now.

She can be called a model of independent women, one of the representative figures of "unmarried baby-raising". She is an Internet celebrity with more than 10 million fans on the whole network, and at the same time owns a cosmetics company and founded her own cosmetics brand. She should be worth at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Born in 1988, she is only 36 years old.

has money, four good-looking children, no husband and no mother-in-law, she can make her own decisions in whatever she wants in life, can her life not be enviable?

Time is the best proof, Ye Haiyang, who "bought sperm and gave birth to children" without a couple, not only did she not regret it, but she was also addicted to it on this road. She really likes children, because they bring her a richer and happier life. You can't live without children, but your husband really doesn't have to.

In this article, let's get to know Xia Ye Haiyang, whose story may provide a bold and avant-garde new way out for some financially independent women who don't want to get married.

Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children


Ye Haiyang once said: "All the things I have done in my life, I have never had to once, everything is my own choice." ”

How great it is for a woman to make a choice and be responsible for herself, no matter what the consequences, and without regrets.

Ye Haiyang, a native of Changchun, Jilin Province, currently based in Guangzhou, is the first single mother in China to be interviewed under her real name.

Seven years ago, in 2017, Ye Haiyang was 29 years old, and she made a particularly bold decision - "buy sperm and have children".

She spent 500,000 yuan to select the sperm of a high-value man who graduated from an Ivy League school and has mixed blood from 4 countries in the largest local sperm bank for IVF.

Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children

She was interviewed and asked, why did she choose to buy spermatozoa?

Ye Haiyang said: "Because I haven't met a suitable partner, and I'm about to reach the age of establishment, I want to have a baby, since I choose to live as a single parent, I want to choose high-quality sperm abroad to get pregnant." ”

When Ye Haiyang chose to "buy sperm and give birth to children", she was already quite successful in starting a business, and she was relatively free financially. After all, it also takes a lot of money to go abroad to "buy spermatozoa", and it will definitely not work without money. is 29 years old, and it is time to get married and have children, but I have not met a suitable partner for a long time, and I still want to have my own children.

About why you should have a baby?

Ye Haiyang said: "I like children more, and I didn't think about raising children to prevent old age, I just felt that it was a life to accompany each other, and I didn't think about passing on the ancestry, but I felt that when I reached a certain age, I earned money that you felt satisfied, and you suddenly felt that there seemed to be a lack of family affection in your life, and a little guy was missing, I was a paying personality, so paying for my family and children made me happier than spending money on myself, and I loved my relatives more than I loved myself." ”

Is having a baby to prevent old age?

No, she feels that she deserves such a warm family companionship, and she has money to meet her needs.

Falling in love and getting married is really troublesome in many cases, love is about fate, you don't know when love doesn't come, and whether it will come, in case you don't come and miss the best childbearing age, wouldn't it be a pity.

Ye Haiyang is very maverick, and her mother is also very supportive of her decision.

After the fertilized egg was transplanted into the body for a period of time, Ye Haiyang said that he was crying excitedly: "Look at that little white dot, oh my God, tears are falling!" It's amazing, this little dot is about to become a bond for my whole life! So excited! I'm pregnant! ”

Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children

In 2018, Ye Haiyang gave birth to her daughter Doris, who is of mixed race from five countries, very beautiful and well-behaved.

After having her daughter Doris, Ye Haiyang has completely changed, she is a decisive businessman in the mall, but after being with her daughter, she is very gentle. She would also get up in the middle of the night several times to make milk powder for Doris, change diapers, and put her to sleep, send Doris to early education classes twice a week, take Doris to Hong Kong for vaccination, make complementary food for Doris, patiently accompany her to eat, etc., she does it herself.

Is it difficult to get pregnant, give birth to a baby, and bring a baby?

But when you don't expect anything from men, it doesn't seem difficult for you to make the decision yourself from the start. Anyway, if you can afford it, everything is your own choice, so what's there to be afraid of?

In 2019, Ye Haiyang was on the hot search because of "uncoupled-style baby-raising", and some netizens said that she was too selfish, saying that she did not give her child a sound family, because the child has no father.

But is she really selfish?

She makes a choice and takes responsibility for her choices while giving her children good love, which is not selfish, but responsible.

Ye Haiyang said that she also has a male friend who raised her children by herself, and then everyone around her may think that this man is cool and great, why is it that a woman is selfish? It's not selfishness, it's a good love for children. The child lives a healthy life, the environment is good, and there is a mother who loves her, and these are enough for her.

Some netizens will say that Ye Haiyang will regret it, but when her daughter Doris was three years old, Ye Haiyang made another decision, she wanted to have another child and leave a close relative for her daughter Doris.

In 2021, Ye Haiyang flew to Russia alone and spent 160,000 yuan to do IVF, or she was pregnant by herself, the second child is a girl, and Doris is the same father's sperm.

In 2022, the second daughter was born. If it weren't for the three-year epidemic, Ye Haiyang would have given birth to a second child earlier; But even if there is a three-year epidemic, it still can't hinder her from having children, she likes children very much, and just wants to give her daughter more company from her loved ones.

I thought it was over here.

However, no, in 2023, 35-year-old Ye Haiyang will come to the United States again, and she decided to have a third child.

Before leaving, she also consulted her daughter and asked her how about having another younger brother? The daughters nodded in agreement.

Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children

Look at the photos of her previous three children to be born, how cool it is, pregnant and accompanied by two well-behaved and lovely daughters.

Now, they are a family of five, Ye Haiyang has both children and daughters, and his life is so complete.


How did Ye Haiyang raise Doris?

She has the ability to give her daughter the best, and in her videos, you can see that she often travels with her daughter. In addition to work, Ye Haiyang spends a lot of time on his children, learning equestrianism, playing the piano and participating in fashion weeks, Ye Haiyang really did his best to give his daughter the best.

In 2023, her daughter Doris will be admitted to the best primary school in Hong Kong, and Ye Haiyang will also move her family to Hong Kong for the sake of her children.

She has the financial strength to support her to do all this, what's wrong with raising a baby without a couple, as long as you have money, you can really live a rich and interesting life. Love and men are not necessities in life, but children must have them, because the life that children can bring you is completely different.

"Go to the father and keep the son", as a single mother, will life be miserable?

No, Ye Haiyang lived her own life as an alternative hostess.

Let's explore a topic: what is best for children?

In my opinion, giving a child a positive love is more conducive to his physical and mental health growth. Of course, we all want to have a very healthy family, in which Dad loves Mom very much, but even we know that it is very difficult to have an ideal family, and it will involve too many troubles. Even if many children's original families seem to be very complete, there are still shortcomings.

I myself am a mother of two children, whenever I ask my son and daughter: Mom and Dad, which one do you love more?

They will say, both love.

Some time ago, on Father's Day, my son specially prepared a surprise for his dad. Why? Because my husband really loves them and gives them enough good companionship and love. Suffice it to say, we both spent the rest of our time with them except for work.

The child's good relationship with him is what he buys with companionship, love and time.

In real life, not every couple can be like me and my husband.

There are too many families in real life, and it is a woman who has taken on too much responsibility for raising a baby and raising a baby, and her husband is a hands-off shopkeeper who does not accompany the children and does not care about the children. This man is also very likely to be violent, beating his wife and children. Such a family seems to be complete, with parents and parents, but I dare say that no child wants to be born in such a family.

Is it selfish to raise a baby without a couple?

It's not about selfishness, but the best choice to give yourself within the scope of your own ability. Since there are so many uncertainties in your partner, and it is a waste of time to fall in love and get married, including running a family, it is better not to have it at all, as long as you can give your children love and a good life.

Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children

There was a topic on Weibo about whether to support single women to freeze their eggs.

Personally, I think this is a very good choice, single women also have to leave a way back for themselves, maybe she is not able to have children now, but when she has the ability to give birth, she will not have no choice, "egg freezing" is an expensive "regret medicine" to some extent.

If you have the economic strength like Ye Haiyang, choosing to "buy sperm and give birth" like her may not be a choice.

Nowadays, more and more women reject marriage and have children, in fact, they are disappointed in marriage and men, knowing that once they get married wrongly and have children, then it will be a life that will never be recovered, and it may be miserable. But do they really reject their children?

Not necessarily.

They are afraid that they have given a lot and that they will end up disappointed.

Anthropologist John Omohendero said, "A family does not have to have a father, a mother, and children. Some human societies do not have fathers (there are no men who eat and live with mothers and children and bear responsibilities). If 'family' had to be defined, it would be 'a kinship organization for the upbringing of children'. ”

This is the case in real life, not everyone is born with a very sound family, people's lives are also full of accidents, some children are born without a mother, some children are born without a father, but they all have to choose to grow up, in the process of growing up, whether there is love is the most important thing.

I wrote this a lot, and I want to tell you: you still have to work hard and make more money, when you have enough financial strength, you want to have your own children, you want to live a perfect life, these are not problems. Take responsibility for your choices.

End with Ye Haiyang's sentence: The length of life really doesn't matter, what matters is whether you are yourself in this life.

How cool is that.


Today's topic: What do you think of Ye Haiyang's "uneven baby-raising"?

Author: YIBAO, the original creator of emotions, millions of emotional bloggers, marriage and family counselors, practice writing the warm feelings of this world.

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  • Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children
  • Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children
  • Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children
  • Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children
  • Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children
  • Seven years have passed, and at the age of 29, she has raised a baby without a couple, and now she has both children

Personal opinion, for reference only

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