
The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

author:Slightly yang
The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

Today (June 21) ushered in the summer solstice solar term at around 4:50.

The summer solstice is one of the earliest established solar terms among the 24 solar terms on the mainland.

The summer solstice, the last solar term in the first half of the year, is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

The summer solstice is the starting point of midsummer.

The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

The north solstice of the day, the solstice of the long day, and the short solstice of the sun, so it is called the summer solstice. The most solitary, the extreme.

-- "Abide by the Constitution"

The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

There are three waits for the summer solstice: one waits for the antlers to solve, the second waits for the cicadas to start singing, and the third waits for the half-summer.

The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

On the day of the summer solstice, when the sun shines almost directly on the Tropic of Cancer, and at noon it is absolutely (near) direct, people living on the Tropic of Cancer and the area south of it can set up a pole under the sun at noon a few days before and after the summer solstice to observe how "immediate" becomes "immediate".

The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

On the summer solstice, noodles should be eaten in the north and south.

On the one hand, the summer solstice coincides with the wheat harvest, which means "to taste new wheat and celebrate the harvest"; On the other hand, the summer solstice is full of yang, and eating cold noodles helps to reduce the fire and appetize.

The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

During the summer solstice, the weather is changeable, with high temperatures and humidity, and thundershowers are prone to form from afternoon to evening.

The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

When it comes to the summer solstice, the hoe can't rest.

"The summer solstice farmland grass is better than a poisonous snake's bite." During the summer solstice, all kinds of farmland weeds grow as fast as crops, and grasping the cultivated and hoeing fields is an important measure to increase yield during the summer solstice.

The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

The summer solstice coincides with the heat and heat season.

It is necessary to pay attention to heat prevention, replenish water in time, and eat a light diet, and eat more bitter foods such as bitter gourd, celery, and bitter chrysanthemum.

The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

A good night's sleep is the key to a summer regimen.

At this time, you can go to bed a little later, get up a little earlier, and develop a nap habit, which is suitable for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!


The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

As the saying goes, "After eating summer solstice noodles, a day is short".

On the summer solstice, there is a custom of eating noodles, which kind of noodles do you like to eat the most?

Source: Chinese government website

Review / Edited by Chen Aijun / Chen Jiao

Submission email / [email protected] contact number / 0916-4823330

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The Great Beauty of China in the Solar Terms| Today's summer solstice, welcome the middle of summer!

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