
The truth of marriage: You can make a man handsome, you can make a man rich, but you must not only want him to be good to you, let alone honest. Because this is the lowest cost camouflage!

The truth of marriage: You can make a man handsome, you can make a man rich, but you must not only want him to be good to you, let alone honest. Because this is the lowest cost camouflage!

Dust's drama review time

2024-06-21 20:36Published in Guizhou

The truth of marriage: You can make a man handsome, you can make a man rich, but you must not only want him to be good to you, let alone honest. Because this is the lowest cost camouflage!

● Author: ╳王嘻嘻 ● Source: Official Account ╳ Weichen Drama 

● Picture ╳ From the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete

Hi guys, I'm Hee Hee

Have you watched "The Story of Rose"?

Regarding Huang Yimei's second relationship, there was a highly praised comment on Weibo: "You can picture a man handsome, you can picture a person rich, but you must not only picture him being good to you, because this is the lowest cost disguise." ”


Men must have a purpose when they are good to women, especially the kind that pounces when they come up, and they are extremely purposeful.

The so-called low-cost good is the kind of good that does not require too much substantive work.

For example, the great aunt reminds you to drink more hot water; Good morning and good night punch-in greetings every day; Occasionally order you a takeout; Rich to take you to a fancy hotel, but unwilling to give you expensive gifts......

Another example: tell you at the beginning that I am rushing to get married with you; Tell you that he has never been so kind to a person; Send a circle of friends to write a small essay for you; take you to meet his family and friends; Say you're his favorite girl.

Then, do nothing else, spend no time, don't spend money, don't spend energy.

This low-cost "good" is often purposeful and has a shelf life.

It is deliberately manifested for a certain purpose (sleeping or getting married).

So, once the goal is achieved or the situation changes, this "good" may disappear.


In "The Story of Rose", Fang Xiewen can be described as a twenty-four filial boyfriend before marriage. Laundry, cooking, hygiene, housework all-inclusive.

In his quest for roses, he was reluctant to buy even a bicycle himself. But he quietly helped Rose share half of the rent.

When it rains, I will prepare an umbrella for the roses, and I can't eat because of the tricky work, and I will prepare meals for the roses......

Anyway, you can think of it all, he did it all to the roses.

But what about after marriage?

For the imaginary enemy in his heart, even if Rose was pregnant, it didn't dispel his suspicions, and he squeezed Rose's savings step by step.

Before marriage, Rose was not allowed to learn tongues for him.

After getting married, he spoke dialects to his curly-haired mother in front of Rose, and also Yin and Yang Rose: You can learn French, what can't you learn Korean?

Before marriage, praise roses for looking good in skirts.

After marriage, roses are not allowed to wear skirts, and roses are not allowed to do nails.

In fact, the dress he didn't let Rose wear was longer than his life.

Even, when Rose gave birth to a child, he didn't want to give Rose a painless beat, because he was afraid that the anesthetic would affect the child.

After starting kindergarten, Rose wants to return to the workplace. He said that Rose was selfish and asked Rose: Do you have the energy to work, but you don't have the energy to have a son?

In this marriage with Fang Xiewen, Rose is like a canary trapped in a dark cage, full of helplessness and grievances, but there is nowhere to tell.

Before marriage, the rose, which was bright and moving, confident and full of youthful vitality, became a vague "little junior mother" after marriage, and lost her former self-confidence and publicity.

Painstakingly "plucking" roses, but not "watering" her

Fang Xiewen's changes before and after marriage are definitely not stories played in TV dramas, he is a true portrayal of many men in marriage.


So how can you tell if a man is good to you, whether it is sincere or fake?

First: the amount of money spent for you.

This amount does not mean that the more you spend, the better, but how much can he give you within his ability?

A man who is truly good to you will definitely give you his most precious things.

If a man smokes, drinks, chews betel nut, and plays mahjong every day, he never thinks of buying you a bouquet of flowers and preparing a small gift.

If you have been married for ten years, you don't have a necklace around your neck, you don't have a diamond ring on your hand, and you haven't received any gifts for all the holidays.

Do you think it's because men are financially strapped or don't care about you at all?

Second: Respect or disrespect you on some "disagreeing" matters

For example, if you want to do something, it happens to be something he is not optimistic about.

A man who is sincere to you will calmly analyze the pros and cons for you.

Then, if you still insist on doing it, then he will not force you to interfere.

Rather, he wants you to listen to him. If you insist on doing it, he will be furious.

If you happen to be unsuccessful, he will say that kind of special disdain, blame and suppress you.

Third: whether the promise has been kept

The emotional value of "no cost" in exchange for painting a pie is worthless.

People who are sincere to you will not write a string of empty checks.

If he doesn't do what he promised you, he won't pretend that nothing happened.

Even if you occasionally break your promise, he will treat it as a "thing" and tell you about the cause and effect, how to do it, and will find opportunities to make up for you.

In short, a man who is serious about you will not run the train with his mouth full.


Why do many women meet scumbags?

Because the criterion for many women to choose a mate is just that the man is good to her.

First of all, this criterion is wrong.

The standard should not be this kind of indefinite and shelf-life thing.

The standards should be those things that do not change: character, morality, bottom line, and three views.

It was the things that his family of origin brought him: such as not being prone to tantrums, respecting women, being kind or not, liking or not, etc.

Compared with these unchanging things, "good to you" is easier to disguise and change, and it is difficult to use it as a reliable basis for judging whether a person is worthy of lifelong trust.

In "The Story of Rose", the suffocating marriage between Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen is the best example.

Fang Xiewen's dedication and flattery before marriage, after marriage, he turned Bengali and asked for it back.

Fortunately, Rose has a cost of trial and error, she has parents to retreat from, and an older brother to rely on.

But in real life, there are few ordinary girls who can fall down and get up again like roses, and then they can take their children to pursue the life they want without hesitation.

Write at the end:

It is said that you can't be a poor person and love the rich, and two people must share weal and woe together.

can really live at home, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, cars, houses, and children, which can be separated from money?

A good marriage is inseparable from money, and it is impossible not to talk about money.

The real criterion for choosing a mate, "good for you" is just one of the conditions.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

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  • The truth of marriage: You can make a man handsome, you can make a man rich, but you must not only want him to be good to you, let alone honest. Because this is the lowest cost camouflage!

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