
Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

author:Steering wheel

This is afraid that it is the most difficult astronaut crew in history to go home, and it is really amazing that they can't come back to the space station, and NASA can't even imagine that Boeing has played such a trick for everyone.

That is, the return of the Boeing "Starliner" has been postponed.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

This also makes many people think that Boeing seems to have come to the "end" and really can't do anything, so what is going on, let's take a closer look.

From pre-launch postponement – to post-launch return post-postponement

That's right, for the Boeing "Starliner", the postponement of this spacecraft has become a normal thing, and before the launch, because there was a problem, it can be said that it was completely "driving the duck on the road" and launching it with a crusty head.

As a result, what I never expected was that I couldn't come back if I went up, it was really "easy to go up, difficult to go home", what is going on? You can take a look at this point in time.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

Initially, Boeing's plan was to carry out the first manned launch in the 5.6 period, but the mission was canceled due to technology, helium leakage and other problems, and it was postponed at least 3 times.

And after that, Boeing may have been a little unable to wait and forced it to launch, and the result? In the process of launching, problems also arose.

It can be said that the astronauts Wilmore and Williams, who flew on the Boeing spacecraft, were completely under "high pressure" on the mission.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

During the flight to the International Space Station, the Boeing spacecraft arrived at the ISS after a flight of about 27 hours, much later than expected, during which it suffered four helium leaks and five failures of 28 thrusters. Isn't that scary?

This is really "high pressure" for astronauts, and the result is not easy to go up, not only has this problem not been reduced, but after docking, there is a problem again, so this Boeing spacecraft is like a piece of "broken copper and iron", there are problems everywhere, does such a spacecraft really dare to sit? I'm afraid I don't dare.

But there is no way, as the astronauts of the Boeing test spacecraft, these two may eventually have no choice, unless Boeing completely abandons the spacecraft.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

However, this time again and again, it is indeed unbearable, it was originally expected to return in the 6.18 period, and the two astronauts stayed on it for a few days, but it was postponed later, postponed to the 6.22 period, however, this time is still not good, and it was postponed to the 6.26 period, no, continue to postpone, or it is not over, this postponement is all about playing yes.

Therefore, the new round of the situation is postponed at least until July, but some US media have also pointed out that the return time of the Boeing "Starliner" spacecraft to Earth will be postponed indefinitely, which is not outrageous.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

From the pre-launch postponement to the post-launch return post-launch postponement, this has become "far away", which is really no longer possible.

No wonder, Musk was unhappy and scolded Boeing

That's right, judging from the history of Boeing's research and development, although this spacecraft is good, Musk still suffers from competition with Musk. That is, NASA gave Boeing the most money, and it still didn't work.

In fact, NASA has been waiting for the spacecraft to be broadcast, and in 2011, with the retirement of the U.S. Space Shuttle, NASA had no choice but to turn to Russian manned spacecraft to send American astronauts to and from the space station.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

Later, when relying on Russian spacecraft, there was a war of words in the United States because of financial problems, and it also claimed that it must build its own spacecraft. Therefore, there is a later independent spacecraft research.

In 2014, in order to get rid of dependence on Russia, NASA launched a commercial manned space program and selected Boeing and SpaceX to develop manned spacecraft for it.

According to the plan, the two companies were supposed to launch manned missions in 2017, but due to financial and technical problems, they could not "deliver" as scheduled, so that the subsequent tasks still rely on Russia first. Fortunately, Musk's Dragon spacecraft is out of the encirclement, otherwise the United States would not have thought that such a problem would occur in its own spaceflight.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

In May 2020, SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft took the lead in completing the first manned test flight, filling the gap in the United States' manned spaceflight for nearly a decade, and the United States is also very proud, since then, the Dragon spacecraft has become the only choice for NASA to send astronauts into space, and has completed more than 10 manned space missions so far.

However, Boeing has not been so smooth, and there are still problems, since December 2019, the unmanned and manned test flights of the spacecraft have been frustrated several times due to technical problems and delayed for many years. Boeing suffered a loss of about $1.4 billion.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

Therefore, in the early stage of Boeing's first flight, Musk was also very unhappy, which is like scolding Boeing, how can he say it? That is, with NASA's $4.2 billion, it took more than 10 years to develop a manned spacecraft, and it has not yet succeeded in making its first manned flight. SpaceX, on the other hand, only received a $2.6 billion spacecraft contract from NASA, completing the development of the Crew Dragon spacecraft four years ahead of schedule.

Therefore, the road to Boeing research is really difficult, this spacecraft was finally launched, and it became a problem again, but in the final analysis, the factor is because of the problems of the Boeing spacecraft itself, so that the entire mission cannot be perfectly executed.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

It can be seen that Musk's scolding is really no problem, he gets the most money, but it's not good, far inferior to SpaceX.

Foreign media: Boeing may need to ask Musk for help

Indeed, if Boeing continues like this, the two astronauts will not be able to hold on to the ISS, because in terms of time, they can only stay for 45 days at most, and after this 45-day period, they can only find other ways.

Therefore, in this time, if the Boeing spacecraft can't solve the problem, according to foreign media, it can only be asked NASA to discuss with Musk and bring the two astronauts of the Boeing spacecraft back to Earth.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

Then this also shows that Boeing is in a desperate situation and can only ask Musk for help, because it is impossible to find Russia. Why is it impossible to find the Russian Soyuz spacecraft to pick it up?

This is mainly the relationship between the United States and Russia, and you must know that even if the follow-up Boeing spacecraft succeeds, it will not take long.

Boeing is in a desperate situation! It is difficult for astronauts to go home, foreign media: After the 45-day period, you can only find Musk

Because the "Atlas 5" carrier rocket supporting the "Starliner" spacecraft uses the advanced and reliable Russian-made RD-180 liquid oxygen kerosene engine, what is the result? Due to problems with US-Russian relations, Russian ships are no longer being imported.

So, in fact, Boeing is very difficult, even if you have heard about this level, the next level is difficult, the engine is used once less than once, and in the end there is no engine provided by Russia, and you can't study it yourself, so it can only be cool. Anyway, on the whole, the Boeing spacecraft will be in a bit of a big predicament in the future.


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