
Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup

Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup

Those things about Chinese football

2024-06-23 16:50Posted in Jiangsu Sports Creators

Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup

Chinese football has never lacked shady scenes, and along with shady scenes are one after another fabricated lies. For example, before the important game of the Duyi national team, it was inexplicably rumored that Wang Xiao and Zhou Haibin were fighting. For another example, it was Lippi who forcibly let Zhang Linpeng play with an injury on the field, and after Zhang Linpeng accidentally put himself on the ball, a group of keyboard parties made up that Lippi was made up by the international player.

And among all the lies that have been fabricated about the national football team, almost all the melon-eating people who don't know the truth are convinced that Milu didn't take Li Ming to the national team because Gao Yao stuffed money. But in fact, Li Ming and Gao Yao are not in the same position at all.

The core reason for Li Ming's defeat is that he and Mi Lu have completely broken down.

Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup

In fact, everyone knows that in the national team, it was very fierce to fight with Fan Zhiyi and a group of little brothers.

There are only two people in the national team, and they can be said to be on an equal footing with Fan Zhiyi, one is Ma Mingyu and the other is Li Ming. Mi Lu was very keen to capture the "relationship between the characters", so he removed the captain's armband from Fan Zhiyi's arm and gave it to the good old man Ma Mingyu.

If letting Ma Mingyu be the captain is the first step in Milu's balancing room, then getting Li Ming is the second step in Milu's balancing room.

In fact, Milu's performance in leading the team was greatly questioned at the beginning, and it was Li Ming and Zhang Yuning's outstanding performance in the King of Thailand Cup that once saved Milu's position.

And Milu didn't want to use two people back then, one was unspeakable, and the other was Sun Jihai. But even if it can't be said that bombarding Milu on CCTV is a charlatan, Milu knows very well that among the Chinese forwards, the unspeakable level is the only one, and the Chinese team must use the unspeakable if it wants to enter the World Cup.

But for Sun Jihai, Mi Lu at that time believed that Xu Yunlong was no worse than him. So in the training camp before the top 10 matches, Milu didn't recruit Sun Jihai at all at the beginning; It was only later that Xu Yunlong was injured and couldn't fight, so Sun Jihai was recruited to make up for it.

Of course, from Xu Yunlong's injury to Sun Jihai's recruitment, Li Ming can't play a role that cannot be ignored. At Li Ming's wedding, after Lin Lefeng, Nan Yong, Sun Jihai, and Mi Lu chatted behind closed doors for half an hour, Sun Jihai, who has always been arrogant, took the initiative to soften and toast Mi Lu in public, so that the relationship between the two sides was eased.

Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup

It can be said that before the top 10 match, Milu had a good impression of Li Ming. But all the turning points came just before the first game of the Top 10 began. Li Ming said that he was strained and couldn't fight.

From Li Ming's point of view, what he wants to express is that because he has been affected by injuries personally, it is difficult to play 100%, and he does not want to drag down the whole team.

But from Milu's point of view, the team doctor didn't say that you couldn't play, and you suddenly told me that you couldn't play tomorrow, so aren't you deliberately messing with me?

So when Li Ming told Mi Lu before the game that he couldn't play, Mi Lu didn't care on the surface, but was actually very dissatisfied with Li Ming, and Li Ming wanted to regain Mi Lu's trust There was only one possibility, that is, Li Xiaopeng, who replaced him, really couldn't. But we have all seen the results, Li Xiaopeng, who had never practiced with the main team before the game, performed very well after going up; And the better Li Xiaopeng performs, the more marginalized Li Ming's status will be.

Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup

Of course, Li Ming saw that Li Xiaopeng performed very well, and he could accept returning to the national team to play as a substitute; His idea is very simple, as long as he can play in the World Cup and play as a substitute in the World Cup, he has no regrets.

At the beginning of the last training camp before the start of the World Cup, Li Ming also took it for granted that he would definitely go to the World Cup. Because when the numbers were assigned in that training camp, only Zhang Yuning and Shao Jiayi were not between 1-23, many people guessed that Shao Jiayi and Zhang Yuning were unsuccessful at first; But as the World Cup gets closer and closer, there are already sources very close to Milu, knowing that Milu doesn't want to take Li Ming. And in the end, what really squeezed Li Ming off the last train was not Gao Yao, who many keyboard warriors spread rumors, spending money to enter the national team, but Shao Jiayi, who replaced his No. 6 jersey.

When Mi Lu led the team to play the top 10 matches, there was only one defensive midfielder in the whole team. Milu, an old Jianghu who has led many teams to play in the World Cup, knows very well that in the world preliminaries, the Chinese team is a strong team, and Li Tie is enough for a defensive back; But in the World Cup, the Chinese team is the weakest. The weak team should strengthen the defense, so after the top 10 match, Milu has long made it clear that he wants to change the 442 diamond midfielder to 442 parallel midfielder or 451, and he wants to play double midfield.

His positioning of the double midfielder is that one is a pure defensive midfielder, and the other is a sapper midfielder responsible for tandem; This adjustment directly led to the top ten matches, and Qi Hong, who performed best in the national football team, lost his main position.

According to Milu's plan, the starting right back, he wants to use Xu Yunlong, Sun Jihai to push up to play the right forward, Li Xiaopeng adduction is the sapper midfielder of the main lineup, and Li Tie is a defensive back. So who is Li Xiaopeng and Li Tie's replacement?

Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup

may see this, a lot of bar spirits, and will also say that Zhao Junzhe is a defensive back. But in fact, old fans know very well that in the 352 tactical system of Liaozu back then, Li Tie was the central defender who dragged back, and the real defensive back of Liaozu was Lu Gang, and Zhao Junzhe's position in Liaozu was the engineer-type midfielder responsible for the series. Zhao Junzhe's tactical role in Liaozu at that time was exactly the same as the engineer-type midfielder required by Milu, so Milu determined early on that he would be Li Xiaopeng's replacement (so there are still some guesses that Li Ming can't squeeze Zhao Junzhe, don't tease). When Sun Jihai was injured in the World Cup, Li Xiaopeng returned to the right side, and Zhao Junzhe started directly.

Li Xiaopeng has a substitute in the middle, so who is Li Tie's substitute? According to the standard of defensive backs, in the A at that time, among all the players with stable playing time, Gao Yao was definitely ranked very high (don't talk about Zheng Zhi, Zheng Zhi was not even a marginal person in the national team at that time, even if the national team brought 40 people to go at that time, it would not be Zheng Zhi's turn).

Of course, you have to insist that Gao Yao opened the back door, and it is not impossible, because Gao Yao can enter the national team, and it is also inseparable from Milu's good friend Santrazi's strong recommendation.

Since Mi Lu Tie is determined to find a replacement for Li Tie, and only Gao Yao can play Li Tie's position in the 25-man list, so the 25-2 multiple-choice question will definitely not be Gao Yao.

Then why did Mi Lu choose Shao Jiayi between Shao Jiayi and Li Ming in the end? On the one hand, Milou was very fond of some young players with characteristics at the time. There is another factor that cannot be ignored, Shao Jiayi followed almost every training camp back then; Although there is no chance to appear, he is a sparring partner with a hard-working and positive attitude, and Li Ming has long lost Milu's trust. So to a certain extent, in the end, Mi Lu took Shao Jia over, which was a reward for Shao Jia's hard work!

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  • Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup
  • Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup
  • Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup
  • Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup
  • Football has material | "Escaped" and lost Milu's trust! International player Li Ming missed the inside story of the 02 World Cup

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