
On the summer solstice, Chenggong Wenchang Community held a long street banquet for healthy meals

author:Metro Times

Stewed mutton with angelica, local chicken with medicinal spirit, braised pork with daylily, stewed pork ribs with lotus root with yellow essence, codonopsis and pork offal soup...... On June 21, Wenchang Community, Longcheng Street, Chenggong District, together with the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, held the "Summer Solstice" Health Diet Long Street Banquet, and all kinds of delicious dishes were mouth-watering.

On the summer solstice, Chenggong Wenchang Community held a long street banquet for healthy meals

At the event site, hundreds of tables were lined up one after another, and various dishes with rural characteristics were placed on the table. While tasting delicious food, everyone shared each other's stories and joys, and food and joy were intertwined to form a warm and harmonious beautiful picture. "Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and it is difficult to buy neighborly affection." The "Long Street Banquet" is not only a collective gathering of the villagers, but also their yearning and pursuit of a better life.

On the summer solstice, Chenggong Wenchang Community held a long street banquet for healthy meals

Aunt Li, a resident, said that today I asked a few old sisters to come out for a long street banquet, and saw nearly 1,000 people eating together, everyone got together to talk and laugh, very happy, especially warm, after eating a healthy and delicious meal, we plan to make an appointment to climb Santai Mountain Park, diet and fitness are not wrong.

On the summer solstice, Chenggong Wenchang Community held a long street banquet for healthy meals

Aunt Liu, a resident, said that the neighbors who usually rarely get together sat together, and everyone said a word, eating, talking, and laughing, "This is delicious, and that is delicious!" "Not bad" and "really fragrant" praise endlessly. Everyone was smiling, tasting healthy food, sharing interesting stories of life, laughter and laughter, and a strong neighborhood feeling flowed between the dishes and chopsticks.

On the summer solstice, Chenggong Wenchang Community held a long street banquet for healthy meals

It is understood that the recipe of the long street banquet of health diet by Yunnan Provincial College of Traditional Chinese Medicine according to the seasonal health ingredients with customized menu, dishes include seasonal health ingredients angelica, codonopsis, local chicken, etc., in addition to eating delicious food, there are also theatrical performances, Chinese medicine free massage physiotherapy, Chinese medicine sachet DIY production, hawthorn pill DIY production, law popularization, love bazaar, etc., for everyone to popularize health knowledge, let residents experience health diet, enjoy health entertainment, highlight the charm of traditional culture.

On the summer solstice, Chenggong Wenchang Community held a long street banquet for healthy meals

During the event, the Chenggong District Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Youth League Working Committee of Longcheng Street, and the General Branch of the Wenchang Community Youth League signed a co-construction agreement with the Youth League Committee of the Faculty of Education of Yunnan Normal University; The Party Working Committee of Longcheng Street signed a co-construction agreement with the Party Committee of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; The Party Committee of Wenchang Community signed a school-land co-construction agreement with the Third Branch Committee of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; The Party Committee of Wenchang Community signed a co-construction agreement with the General Branch Committee of Kunming Overseas Chinese Town Land Co., Ltd. of the Communist Party of China.

The Social Practice Base of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the off-campus practice base of the Youth League Committee of the Faculty of Education of Yunnan Normal University, and the volunteer service team of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine awarded the plaque to the Wenchang community.

On the summer solstice, Chenggong Wenchang Community held a long street banquet for healthy meals

Yunnan Qisheng Property Cleaning Co., Ltd. and Kunming Hengbo Construction Labor Co., Ltd. respectively donated 800 yuan worth of volunteer points to exchange items, and Kunming Lechi Culture Communication Co., Ltd. donated 10,000 yuan to Huiai Wenchang Community Foundation.

Source: Metropolis Times

All-media reporter: Lin Xia

Correspondent: Li Mei

Editor: Tang Wei

Review: Zhao Qian

Second trial: Zhong Ling

Final review: Peng Deguang

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