
It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

author:Niu Niu Essay


The event passed

Recently, a netizen broke the news that 13 of the 24 bottles of Moutai purchased in the live broadcast room of Crazy Brother Yang in May and June last year were identified as fake wine by a third-party testing agency! As soon as this incident came out, it aroused widespread attention and discussion.

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

Crazy Brother Yang's company, "Three Sheep Network", quickly responded to this, saying that the goods it sold have never been officially identified as fake wine, and the appraisal results of any third-party appraisal agency are not authoritative, and consumers are advised to go to Moutai's official appraisal agency for identification.

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

In response to doubts, Crazy Brother Yang continued to bring goods to Moutai on the evening of June 22, selling 10,000 orders in just 5 seconds. He said bluntly in the live broadcast: "I can still sell fakes, I'll go in directly!" ”

What's even more coincidental is that two customers once took their homemade fake Moutai liquor to two self-operated stores in Moutai for identification, and the results were identified as genuine liquor!

A special service team sent by Moutai later conducted a re-inspection and confirmed that the liquor was fake.

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

Moutai acknowledged that there were problems with the appraisers, and said that in the future, consumers should look for official sales channels when buying Moutai.

This incident has raised questions about Moutai's identification system. Although Moutai's self-operated stores provide authentication services, consumers still need to travel to Guizhou for final confirmation.

A media outlet in Wuhan, Hubei Province, was the first to expose the news.

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

The Moutai liquor purchased by local citizens on Douyin was identified as genuine by the Wuhan Moutai Anti-Counterfeiting Office, but a third-party agency believed that it was fake. This contradiction has left the public confused, whether to trust the official appraisal or a third-party agency?

Official voice

On June 20, Moutai officially released a statement detailing the incident and how to deal with it.

The report pointed out that the appraisers Cai and Chen identified the fake Moutai sent by the two customers for inspection as genuine liquor, and on June 22, Moutai Distillery conducted a second appraisal of the two bottles of "self-made fake Moutai" and confirmed that they were counterfeit products.

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

Moutai admitted that the appraisers were not meticulous and rigorous.

Although Moutai officially issued a briefing, consumers did not buy it.

Many people believe that Moutai tried to downplay the incident on the grounds that "the work of the appraisers was not meticulous and rigorous", but in fact this exposed a major loophole in its appraisal system.

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

Professionals pointed out that the identification of Moutai mainly relies on packaging details, such as outer packaging, bottle barcode, flying printing, etc.

If the wine submitted for inspection uses the outer packaging of real Moutai, the identification results are naturally prone to errors. This has also raised further questions about Moutai's appraisal system.

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

Netizen comments

This news quickly appeared on the hot search and sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens expressed their disappointment with the Moutai appraisal system, believing that even the official appraiser could not accurately distinguish the authenticity, and ordinary consumers could not distinguish it.

A netizen commented: "Who will dare to buy Moutai in the future? Who would dare to drink Moutai? ”

Other netizens expressed support for Crazy Brother Yang's response, believing that he dared to continue to bring Moutai, showing his confidence in his own goods.

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

A netizen left a message: "Brother Xiao Yang is too rigid! Support him to continue selling Moutai and see if it's true or not! ”

Some netizens also expressed skepticism about the whole incident, believing that it was a well-planned commercial hype.

A netizen said: "Could it be that someone deliberately created public opinion and wanted to hit Moutai's reputation?" ”

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

"If it goes on like this, one day, no one will buy Moutai, and the store will not be reliable, in the face of interests, integrity is garbage! I'm going to buy Moutai now, but I don't know where to buy it to be sure it's true? Small shops are afraid, supermarkets are afraid, specialty stores are afraid! How? Go to Moutai Company to buy it?"

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

"I think Moutai's operation and reply is a joke, what expert? What is the national review? to identify a bottle of wine that you know is fake. Let me say a bunch of them. ”

It's crazy! Brother Xiao Yang sold 10,000 bottles of Moutai in 5 seconds, and the "homemade fake Moutai" was officially identified as genuine

Write at the end

This incident has raised new questions about Moutai's identification system and product quality.

As consumers, how can we protect our rights? And how to distinguish the real from the fake?

It is hoped that Moutai can take this opportunity to further improve its appraisal system, enhance the professional level of appraisers, and truly let consumers buy and drink with peace of mind.

Finally, you are welcome to share your views and experiences in the comment area. Have you ever been in a similar situation?

What do you think of Moutai and Crazy Brother Yang's response? Let's discuss together and jointly safeguard the rights and interests of consumers!

[Disclaimer] The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.