
Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

author:Encyclopedia of dog knowledge

Because of the "big warm man" trait of the Golden Retriever, it has become the first choice for many people to raise large dogs. But many people often feel headaches and despair in the process of raising a golden retriever, so you should know these few things that can raise it well before raising a golden retriever, otherwise you may regret it.

Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

Pay attention to cleanliness

Golden Retrievers are large dogs with dense hair and a relatively large body odor. Pay attention to its daily cleaning, regularly bathe the golden retriever, but not too often, it is recommended to wash once a week or two, and it can be appropriately extended or reduced with the season.

Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

Also pay special attention to the soles of the golden retriever's feet, because its sweat glands are mainly concentrated here, so the golden retriever's foot pads are the most likely to stink and spread odors. However, some pet owners who have no experience in raising dogs will easily ignore this place when bathing, resulting in a great body odor for golden retrievers. Usually you can properly trim the foot hair on the golden retriever foot pad.

Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

Get plenty of exercise

The golden retriever is an energetic animal, and it needs a lot of exercise every day, if you don't take it out for 2~3 hours a day to consume its exuberant energy, then it may let you see its side as an expert in demolition. If possible, you can take the golden retriever to swim, which is its favorite sport.

Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

Take care of your hair

Golden Retrievers belong to a double layer of hair, the hair is also relatively long, easy to fall out, if you don't want the hair to fly all over the house, the owner needs to groom them frequently; At the same time, we should pay more attention to their diet, eat a light diet, do not feed high-oil and high-salt food, and usually feed fish oil or vitamin-rich foods to reduce hair loss and beautify at the same time.

Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

Daily training

The golden retriever has a relatively high IQ, and it is best to start training from an early age, including desensitization training, socialization training, cage training, and obedience training are all necessary, it is easy to train it to be more obedient, and it can also help to reduce the bad habit of the golden retriever who likes to bite things.

Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

Be mindful of what you eat

Golden retrievers are more greedy, and in the process of feeding, we should pay attention to controlling the amount of food that golden retrievers eat, do not overfeed, and pay attention to weight management. And don't give golden retrievers to eat human food, which is too heavy oil and salt for them, which will aggravate their hair loss, and there will also be tear stains, which will affect the appearance. The best diet should be to choose some low-oil and low-salt dog food.

Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

Grind your teeth

Teeth grinding is a very important thing for dogs, so when raising golden retrievers, the shovel officer should keep this matter in mind, in order to effectively reduce bad breath and maintain the oral health of the golden retriever, it is best to provide it with teething toys for gnawing every day, in addition to toys, daily training dog snacks can also be replaced with a grinding effect!

Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

Regular physical examinations, deworming, vaccinations

If you have the conditions, it is best to take the Golden Retriever for physical examination regularly, which can effectively prolong its life; It is also necessary to regularly deworm and vaccinate it, which is conducive to its healthy growth.

Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

Conclusion: Do you have any other good advice on raising golden retrievers?

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Often feeling hopeless about raising a golden retriever? An article tells you how to raise it!

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