
Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"

Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"

Modern Express

2024-06-23 21:18Published on the official account of Jiangsu Modern Express Media Co., Ltd

Modern Express News (Reporter Liu Jingyan/Wen Surui/Photo) A brick tomb of the Sui and Tang dynasties in Yangzhou City, which is not grand in scale, is actually the owner of the Grand Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties - Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. On June 23, the Cyberspace Administration of the People's Republic of China, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the People's Daily, and the Cyberspace Commission of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee sponsored the "Why China, Carrying the Thousand Autumns" network theme publicity activity into Yangzhou Sui Yang Emperor Mausoleum Ruins Park. In February this year, the heritage park was officially opened to the public.

Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"
Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"

"The end of the Sui River is this river, and it has been thousands of miles away. If there is no water temple dragon boat matter, Gongyu will not have much merit. The Tang Dynasty poet Pi Rixiu divided into two to judge the merits and demerits of Emperor Yang of Sui, the founder of the Grand Canal.

Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"

The tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui has been relocated several times, and the "traces" are confusing. In April 2013, the excavation of the Sui and Tang tombs in Caozhuang, Yangzhou, attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. After 10 months of scientific excavation, more than 400 pieces (sets) of exquisite cultural relics such as metalware, jade, porcelain, pottery, and wood lacquerware were unearthed from the tomb. How did experts determine that the tomb here was the tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui?

Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"

△ Epitaph of the late Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty

Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"

△ Thirteen rings of gold and jade belt

Shu Jiaping, director of the Yangzhou Museum, who once presided over the excavation of the tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui, introduced that the most critical evidence is that an epitaph was unearthed, which clearly reads "Epitaph of Emperor Yang of Sui", which is the most direct evidence. There are also some other evidences that form a complete chain of evidence: the unearthed thirteen-ring gold and jade belt, according to the hierarchy, was used by the emperor; The diameter of the four gilded copper pavements reaches 26 centimeters, and such large copper pavements are used on the palace doors; There are also a series of high-grade cultural relics such as crowns, bells and chimes unearthed from the tomb of Empress Xiao. In addition, two teeth were found in the tomb, and judging from the degree of wear, it can be determined that its owner was about 50 years old, which is consistent with the age of death of Emperor Yang of Sui recorded in the historical records.

Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"

△ Tomb of the Sui Emperor

Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"

△ Tomb of the Emperor

"During the archaeological process, many discoveries were unexpected to us. First of all, we applied for excavation qualifications based on the Sui and Tang brick chamber tombs. Shu Jiaping introduced that before, Yangzhou already had a recognized "tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui", the location of which is about five kilometers north of this tomb, which was verified by the Qing Dynasty scholar Ruan Yuan, so archaeologists did not expect that this would be the tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui and Empress Xiao. It wasn't until three or four months after the excavation that the epitaph was unearthed, and everyone was shocked.

According to the regulations, the emperor's tomb uses a book of mourning, why is the tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui unearthed an epitaph? This was controversial for a time. In addition, the general queen crown is 12 flower trees, but the queen crown is 13 flower trees. "These are because Emperor Yang of Sui and Empress Xiao are the emperors and queens of the previous dynasties, and the people of the later dynasties will bury them, and they will not completely follow the rules of the emperor. Moreover, the style of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty's epitaph is completely the style of the Book of Mourning. Shu Jiaping believes that the discovery of the tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui provides a specimen of the regulation of the tombs of abandoned emperors and queens. The excavation results of the tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui were selected as one of the top ten new archaeological discoveries in China in 2013.

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  • Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"
  • Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"
  • Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"
  • Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"
  • Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"
  • Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"
  • Why China, Carrying a Thousand Autumns|Exploring the Mystery of the Tomb of Emperor Yang of Sui: Unearthed Epitaph "Real Hammer"

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