
Mom forgot to bring her mobile phone at the parent-teacher conference, and her daughter was so angry that she went home and demolished the window

author:Life has no theme

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As the saying goes: If there is a mother, there must be a daughter?

Is this really the case? In fact, some children are born with rebellious personalities that are completely different from their parents.

Mom forgot to bring her mobile phone at the parent-teacher conference, and her daughter was so angry that she went home and demolished the window

It happened in a resident's house in Jiangsu, a mother really can't stand her eldest daughter's behavior, and is going to let go, she can toss as much as she likes, and she doesn't want to discipline her.

The cause of the incident has to start with the parent-teacher conference.

According to the school's request, the mother has to go to the parent-teacher conference. We all know that primary schools now do not allow students to bring mobile phones into the campus, only phone watches.

So, the daughter asked her mother to bring her mobile phone and play with herself. She can play with her phone during parent-teacher conferences.

But my mother was in too much of a hurry to go out, and I forgot to bring my mobile phone, and the time was urgent, and my mother went home to get it, and it was too late.

Therefore, my mother bought some snacks at the commissary at the school gate, and as an apology to her daughter, she forgot to bring her mobile phone.

What the mother didn't expect was that her daughter was directly angry because of this incident, and her parent-teacher meeting was not held, so she secretly ran out of school.

Mom forgot to bring her mobile phone at the parent-teacher conference, and her daughter was so angry that she went home and demolished the window

When the mother came home after the parent-teacher conference, her daughter was still angry, and in a fit of anger, she actually tore down the window with her bare hands and threw it aside.

"I don't know where she got so much strength." Mom said.

The point is that this matter is not over yet, and the daughter outputs all kinds of foul language to her mother: "Why don't you die and not be hit by a car......"

Hearing these words, the mother was chilled, not knowing that her daughter used to be fine, but when she reached the 4th-5th grade, she became so rebellious.

When you get angry, no one can coax you.

She didn't come down to eat either, and her mother was afraid that she would be hungry, so she specially ordered her favorite takeout, as well as milk tea, and delivered it to her room.

The daughter directly threw out the takeaway and milk tea, and didn't eat the same.

Then, he scolded his mother again, and her mother didn't have any hope for her at this time, and she felt that her daughter couldn't educate her well.

Mom forgot to bring her mobile phone at the parent-teacher conference, and her daughter was so angry that she went home and demolished the window

In addition, something similar happened more than once.

Once, for some reason, my daughter went crazy again, and scolded her mother directly in front of many people.

He also hit himself with an electric car helmet and threw it on his mother. Sitting on the battery car, my daughter directly pushed the car down, and let her mother die.

At that time, the mother-in-law said: "This girl is born with a backbone, you can't educate well!" ”

Originally, I didn't take my mother-in-law's words to heart, but now that my daughter is in the 5th grade, she has completely changed as a person, and I really don't know what went wrong?

Mom forgot to bring her mobile phone at the parent-teacher conference, and her daughter was so angry that she went home and demolished the window

It is reported that the daughter is the child of her mother and ex-husband, and now her mother lives with her and her stepfather, and the couple has a son who lives together in her current husband's house.

That is, the mother married her eldest daughter.

Everyone is also very good to their daughter, and the things she wants, what she eats and drinks, basically satisfies her.

But the current situation is that she was beaten and scolded, and her daughter was just disobedient and particularly rebellious.

"Unless you beat me to death...... "Even if you beat her, my daughter is not afraid."

Now, the woman (mother) is so angry that she has been hospitalized, she is lying on the hospital bed and wants to open, she doesn't care, she eats, drinks, lives and goes to school, and the rest, she can do whatever she likes, she has done her best.

Mom forgot to bring her mobile phone at the parent-teacher conference, and her daughter was so angry that she went home and demolished the window

Netizens feel that maybe the stepfather also has a problem.

At home, Dad doesn't take you too seriously? If the father in a family does not respect the mother very much, the child is also easy to look down on the mother.

Therefore, educating children is not only a matter of mothers, but also of fathers, and if this is really the case, you should also talk to your husband about the education of children, after all, it is a girl.

The mother explained that her daughter's biological father had a bad temper and a bad character, I don't know if it was genetic, she was not like this when she was a child.

Mom forgot to bring her mobile phone at the parent-teacher conference, and her daughter was so angry that she went home and demolished the window

More people's advice is to manage it if you can, and let it go if you can't manage it.

The child grows up and is self-employed. In this life, you only come once, you can raise her, and take good care of yourself.

In this rebellious period of youth, some children are rebellious, and some have no conscience, do not hit the south wall and do not look back. The bitter fruit of life will only be known by eating it yourself.

Relax your heart, and if you leave the care of your mother in the future, you will know who loves her.

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