
Where are Dayi merchants? The capital of the city is here!

author:Hug Xue Zhai reads easy notes

The merchant's business, the merchant's merchant, the merchant from the Yin merchant.

The reason why Yin Shang is called Shang is because the ancestor of the merchant deed, which was sealed in the place of Shang by Yu Shun of the Yu clan.

The contract is long and Zuo Yu has merit in controlling the water. Emperor Shun is the order deed said: "The people are not close, the five products are not trained, you are for Situ and worship the five religions, and the five religions are wide." "Sealed in business, given the surname. On the occasion of the Tang, Yu and Dayu, the merit was made by the people, and the people were peaceful.

Shang is a commercial center with frequent commercial activities, and many of the merchants in it are engaged in commercial activities, and they will travel long distances with ox carts to sell goods.

In the "Shangshu Wine Message", it is said that the merchant:

Zhao led the cattle, served Jia far away, and used filial piety to support his parents,

Of course, Yu Shun himself also worked as a pottery dealer, selling the pottery that Yu's best skills were at selling to various places. The "Historical Records" says:

Shun ploughs the mountains, fishes Lei Ze, Tao Riverside, makes a tool in Shouqiu, and is in the negative summer.

So, where exactly is Shang?

It's in Puyang, Henan.

Where are Dayi merchants? The capital of the city is here!

The merchant where the Merchant's Ancestral Deed is located

The ruins of Gaocheng in Puyang, Henan, are the Shang sealed by the ancestor of the merchants, also called Shangqiu (and today's Shangqiu is not the same place). At the same time, it is also the capital of Zhuan, also known as Emperor Hill.

The "Commentary on the Book of Water" says:

The ruins of the emperor, called Shangqiu, or the emperor's hill, are the residence of the fire of the Tang clan (Shang Qi).

In the era of Zhuan, Puyang City was already an important commercial hub on the edge of the Yellow River, known as the "Dayi merchants".

Judging from the current archaeological city wall, the area of "Dayi Shang" is as high as more than 9 million square meters, and the city was built 5,000 years ago at the latest (in fact, it should be 7,000 years ago at the latest), which is a veritable "Dayi"!

Where are Dayi merchants? The capital of the city is here!

Dayi merchants

Unfortunately, due to the frequent diversion of the Yellow River, Dayi Shang was repeatedly flooded, and after the Han Dynasty, it was completely abandoned, and now even the city walls are buried several meters underground, not to mention the dwellings under the city walls.

Where are Dayi merchants? The capital of the city is here!

The excavation site of the Gaocheng site of "Dayi Shang".

Judging from the location of Puyang, it must have been a commercial center with a superior geographical location in the world.

The choice of the common ancestor of the Yu clan and the Xia Hou clan to build the capital here must have been carefully considered.

Yangcheng, the first capital of the Xia Dynasty, is also here.

This big city is not just the capital of the country.

I bet a dime that the entire history of the Xia and Shang dynasties that disappeared is in this huge ancient city under the mud of the flood.