
I, 52 years old, 211 master's degree, drifted north for 27 years, after unemployment, I can't get along with no savings

author:Bear child brick home

Text: Bear Child Brick House Story source: Wang Hua

I have spent my whole life earning a house of 8 million yuan in Beijing, and now, I am unemployed at the age of 52, and it is difficult to find a suitable job, I have no other income, my savings are only enough to drink porridge, and I am unwilling to work as a security guard. Looking at the brother who is junior Chinese sitting in Guiyang, sitting on 3 houses, surrounded by children and grandchildren, saving 7 figures, and holding a pension that is not low, living a leisurely retirement life. I can't figure it out: how did I, who graduated with a master's degree in 211, get mixed up like this!

Write down the story of my wife and me's half-life drifting north, and learn from it.

I, 52 years old, 211 master's degree, drifted north for 27 years, after unemployment, I can't get along with no savings

My wife and I are both from rural areas, and we stayed in Beijing after college

My wife and I are both serious rural people, not even small town writers, came to Beijing to go to university and stayed here, I don't know if this is the favor of fate or a mockery, put two rural scholars in the city in the rich gild, for a long time without direction.

After graduating with a master's degree, I went to a graduate school, my wife worked in an IT company, and for a long time, my salary was lower than that of my wife, almost half of hers, and I felt very depressed and even inferior. I don't know when we will be able to buy a house in Beijing and really have a home of our own.

At the instigation of my wife, at the age of 35, I resigned from the system, dreaming of using my talents to earn a high salary, and if I was lucky, I could even take the company's stock, and maybe I would be financially free! My wife and I both became employees in the private sector, and that year, I was paid half as much as hers. I finally feel like I'm getting my eyebrows raised!

Without the help of our families, we bought a house in Beijing with a down payment for nearly ten years after graduation, and it was in that year that we took on a huge mortgage. In the same year, we gave birth to our first child! It's a girl.

After my second child, my wife quit her job, and my career development was not as expected

My wife and I are both peasant children, and we have a natural obsession with having children. Under such thoughts, we didn't think much about it, we asked for a second child, and the sky was as good as people wished, and sure enough, the second child ushered in a son.

In the same year that the son was born, the mother-in-law who was still in the countryside died of illness, and originally wanted the mother-in-law to come to Beijing to help take care of the child. In this way, for more than ten years after that, the responsibility of earning money to support my family and children and paying off the mortgage fell on my shoulders alone!

I worked harder, desperately to get good results, worked for ten years, basically did not take a day off, worked overtime all night without complaints, there was no choice in front of me, one day of unemployment, the whole family will fall into the abyss.

However, my ability soon encountered a bottleneck, and the huge pressure brought by my family made me afraid and unable to move forward, and I couldn't let go of the innovation and adventure in my work. At work, I gradually became incapacitated, walking on thin ice every day, afraid of being beaten with low performance, or even made a mistake and was fired!

This is another difficult 7 or 8 years.

I, 52 years old, 211 master's degree, drifted north for 27 years, after unemployment, I can't get along with no savings

After the age of 40, every day I worry about losing my job and being replaced by young people

Before the age of 35, I never thought of being unemployed, thinking that it was a normal thing to work normally every month and earn money on time, but after the age of 40, all this has changed, and the company prefers to choose young people under 35 years old, or even under 30 years old, who are energetic, active in thinking, innovative, and even only half of the salary. The old people with high wages are the targets that are optimized!

At the age of 47, I was made redundant by the company because of my mediocre performance in a major project. At the time of the layoff, I was the department director of this department, and there were more than a dozen employees under me, and after I left, the 33-year-old key employee was promoted!

In the following years, I survived in a friend's company, holding my tail between my legs, and working diligently. Finally, at the age of 51, I was told that I could leave! Because of the business adjustment, the company does not need so many positions.

Happily, in the year I left, the mortgage on the house in Beijing was finally repaid; However, what worries and worries me is that I don't have a deposit yet! And daughters and sons still need a lot of money to study.

I started looking for a job non-stop, thinking that Beijing is so big, it won't push me into a desperate situation, and I can always give a bite to eat, after all, I am a veteran 211 master, and I have so many years of experience. In fact, on the contrary, if you send out 1 or 200 copies of your resume, you really don't find a decent job! What to do, I'm unemployed! I'm really unemployed!

I, 52 years old, 211 master's degree, drifted north for 27 years, after unemployment, I can't get along with no savings

Seeing my brother's life in Guiyang, I wondered: What mistakes did I make in my life?

When my life was in trouble, my brother in Guiyang said that his mission now is to live a good retirement life!

Thinking about it, my brother only has a junior Chinese certificate, in the early years he did real estate with relatives, earned the first pot of gold, and then bought a house in Guiyang early, and then bought two houses for his son, and now he has a pension, and more than 1 million deposits, eating bank interest, living a rich life, and happy! Compared with my brother, 52-year-old me, living in a small house in Beijing with a current market value of 8 million, is still running for food and clothing; I'm really living a joke!

My wife comforted me and said that if we cook and eat at home every day, don't buy clothes, and don't starve to death, but we are unwilling, we will be abandoned by society at this age and wait at home to die. I thought that I had nothing left for my children, and I felt even more guilty! I considered opening Didi in the past, but I heard from industry insiders that Didi couldn't make much money in a month, and my wife was worried that I wouldn't be able to endure this hardship and lose face. Besides, do you really want to be a security guard?

I, 52 years old, 211 master's degree, drifted north for 27 years, after unemployment, I can't get along with no savings

I was forced to be helpless, went to the front desk of several companies to knock on the door and recommended myself, saying that I could give me a salary of 10,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan would not work, 8,000 would be willing to do it, and the front desk would treat me as a madman.

Some friends say that if you are unemployed, you will be unemployed, and if you are in your 50s, you should not compete with young people for jobs, and it is difficult for young people to find employment; Actually, I don't want to, but now it's hard to even eat, and I still feel very young at 52 years old, do I have to lie flat like this? I can't lie down flat, what should I do!

Think about it, I have been working hard for half my life, I have been studying for 20 years, I have been working for 25 years, and I have been diligent all the way, but in the end, there is such a big stall, and I can't eat! After all, the honest children of poor families have to have a hard life, especially in Beijing. Life is so messy!

Everyone said, what is wrong with my hard work in the past half of my life?

When you lose your job at the age of 50, how do you get re-employed?

Is there a turning point in my life?

—— A 52-year-old middle-aged man who can't afford to live

This article is compiled by real people and events, and the details may be deduced, if there are similarities, it is purely coincidental.

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