
Why did Allah Lebanon want to jump out the third? Will Israel win against Lebanon?

author:South Gate pot pot

Netanyahu began to go to extremes, the sixth Middle East war is about to break out, Israel has approved the war plan to attack Lebanon, and began to mobilize a large army to the Lebanese-Israeli border, Lebanese Allah is not false at all, saying that as long as you Israel dare to come, I will carry out indiscriminate attacks on your entire territory of Israel.

Why did Allah Lebanon want to jump out the third? Will Israel win against Lebanon?

Palestine and Israel have a deep blood feud, the Houthis and the United States are incompatible, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, these Middle Eastern countries also have enmity with the United States and Israel, but why is the Lebanese Allah Party the third to jump out, a land area is only 40% of Israel, the total GDP is less than 5% of Israel, such a small Middle Eastern country, why fight with Israel to the death? Today, I will talk to you about Lebanon, an alternative and strange small country in the Middle East, why does Israel have to fight with him, can they fight, and why is Lebanon an alternative country? Because in the Middle East, which is full of Muslim countries, Lebanon is Christian. And this has become a source of contradiction between Lebanon and Israel

Why did Allah Lebanon want to jump out the third? Will Israel win against Lebanon?

A brief introduction to the past and present life of Lebanon, before World War I, Lebanon was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, after the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, Lebanon was colonized by France, it stands to reason that it should be very miserable to be colonized, right, but France has engaged in another set of colonial models, that is, the German colonization of Qingdao, France is ready to make Lebanon its own bridgehead in the Middle East, so during the colonial period, France was very careful to operate, Germany spent more than ten years, Qingdao from a small fishing village, Quickly became the fourth largest city in China at that time, the French also built Lebanon into a small Paris in the Middle East, Lebanon is almost a copy of Qingdao, after the outbreak of World War II, France itself could not be protected, so France's control over Lebanon became weaker and weaker, and finally in 1943 Lebanon became independent, and most Qingdao people have the same feelings for Germany, Lebanon's feelings for France are also love and hate, grateful to them for building Lebanon into a modern city, hate is the hatred of the colonizers, It stands to reason that a small country entered modernization in the forties of the last century, and normal development will be very nourishing, right, why is it so poor now, this has to say that the Middle East war, in general, the Middle East war is, the struggle between Arab countries and Israel, I mentioned earlier that Lebanon is a Christian country, so the first four Middle East wars have nothing to do with Lebanon, Lebanon is the safest country around Israel, but the war is getting more and more intense, and more and more refugees are entering Lebanon, The PLO used Lebanon as an anti-Israeli base, and then Iran supported Allah in Lebanon, smashing Israel, so the fifth Middle East war started in Lebanon, followed by more than ten years of domestic forces in Lebanon, just such a well-developed country, the national fortune was inexplicably broken, Lebanon's experience can be said to be the epitome of the vast majority of small countries in the world that have experienced war, the most terrible thing about war is not death, but to make a country hopeless, is Lebanon wrong, is the PLO wrong, Whether Allah is also at fault, no one can say for sure, but Israel is the source of all their hatred.

Why did Allah Lebanon want to jump out the third? Will Israel win against Lebanon?

This is the reason why Lebanese Allah jumped out to fight Israel, earlier I said that Netanyahu approved the war plan to attack Lebanon, Israel won the Lebanese Allah Party, directly said the answer, completely unable to win, although the United States has previously made it clear that it will implement military assistance to Israel, but the United States said that it will not send ground troops over, what does this mean, that is to say, the United States supports Israel, can only be naval and air force support and weapons and ammunition military aid, ground operations have to rely on Israel itself, Lebanese Allah has a regular army, and its militia armed with about 100,000 people, has begun to actively prepare for war, everyone can not underestimate these 100,000 people, Allah is known as the most powerful guerrilla force on this blue star, an Islamic party that studies Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, combines with the actual situation in Lebanon, unites the masses of the people, and serves the masses, their supreme leader is called the secretary, the army building has delegated the imam to the company level, and the same as the political commissar, the war strategy is that the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy is stationed and disturbed, and the enemy is tired and I fight, The enemy retreats and I chase, in addition to this, they also have military ties with North Korea, Hamas's tunnel warfare is Allah, and Allah is learning North Korea, who is the teacher of North Korea, I have to say that the white elephant still has something, see here everyone understands why Allah is so rigid, don't think that there are people behind you Israel, let alone fight Israel, even if the old United States personally ends, it may not be able to win, maybe there may be a second Afghan war, the above Israel cannot not know, Fighting Hamas and the Houthis is hard enough, so why should Netanyahu declare war on Allah? Because Netanyahu has no choice at all, Israel has attacked Gaza for nine months, not only has it not achieved its strategic goals, but it has fallen deeper and deeper, and the people at home have no hope of winning, we must know that although Israel is developed, but they have few small people, and they can't help the Arab countries to consume like this, and now Israel has a huge disagreement with Netanyahu whether it is civilian or military, and Israel's wartime cabinet personnel directly resigned, and the Israeli military spokesman, He even directly and publicly stated that Hamas cannot be eliminated at all, and this military is not in name to tear up its face with President Netanyahu.

Why did Allah Lebanon want to jump out the third? Will Israel win against Lebanon?

What about the Israeli people on the other side, they have long been fed up with the endless war, so the voice calling for Netanyahu to step down is getting louder and louder, what can Netanyahu do, stop the war and then announce his resignation, we must know that someone needs to be held accountable for not winning the war, not to mention that others are still unwilling to stop the war, so many military funds have been burned in nine months, so many people have died, not only did Gaza not be taken, but it also allowed Palestine to become a state, plus Netanyahu's own ass is not clean, A lot of corruption lawsuits are waiting for him, so Netanyahu knows that stepping down The truce is a dead end, so he began to take the extreme line, pulling the United States into the water to expand the scale of the war, not hesitating to make things bigger, his own corruption and Gaza's failure, with a war of greater interests to divert the attention of the people, so, whether he can win the Lebanese Allah party, is no longer a problem for Netanyahu to consider, he just wants to fight, in order to continue his political career, that is, ah, continue to fight, He may still be an admirable combat hero, but if he stops, he will become a prisoner in prison, Israel's fate is doomed, the weakening of the United States is the beginning of Israel's catastrophe, and when the United States itself is unable to protect itself, Israel will have to pay the price for its past sins.

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