
Qingbei robbed people for her

author:Shuo Shuo eats melons


Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, an ordinary and extraordinary city, is quietly staging a "battle for academic tyrants" without gunsmoke. Who is this top student? Why did the two famous universities, Tsinghua University and Peking University, do their best for her? Don't worry, listen to me slowly.

First, the top student is showing its edge

In a high school in Shijiazhuang, there is a girl named Guo Yitong, who is usually low-key and introverted, but has excellent grades and has always been the leader of her class. No, as soon as the college entrance examination results came out, she actually scored 694 points! This score is simply jaw-dropping, and even the teacher can't help but give her a thumbs up.

Guo Yitong is not a nerd who only knows how to read books, she has a wide range of interests, especially for literary creation. During her high school years, she published her works in many publications inside and outside the school, and one of her short stories, "River of Time", won unanimous praise from teachers and students. This novel tells a story of growing up, friendship, and dreams, and is delicately written and emotionally sincere, making it difficult to read for a long time.

Qingbei robbed people for her

2. Prestigious schools are vying for invitations

As soon as the results of the college entrance examination were announced, the admissions teachers of Tsinghua University and Peking University couldn't sit still. Through various channels, they found Guo Yitong's contact information and quickly sent her an invitation. The admissions teachers at these two top universities in China used up almost all the praise on the phone, hoping to attract this talented student to join them.

Faced with such a warm invitation, Guo Yitong did not make a decision immediately. She knows that choosing a university is not only to pursue the aura of a prestigious school, but also to find a platform where she can continue her studies on the road of literature and realize her dreams. Therefore, she decided to take a serious look at the professional strengths, faculty and future prospects of these two schools.

3. Thoughtful choices

In the following days, Guo Yitong began her "school selection journey". She first looked up a lot of information about the literature majors of Tsinghua University and Peking University on the Internet, and learned about the curriculum, faculty and academic atmosphere of the two schools. At the same time, she also actively communicates with her family and friends to listen to their opinions and suggestions.

Qingbei robbed people for her

In the process, Guo Yitong showed her extraordinary calmness and rationality. She was not fooled by the aura of a prestigious school, nor was she swayed by the voices of the outside world. She always adheres to her inner voice and pursues her dreams. This kind of courage and determination can't help but praise her.

Fourth, the choice of the road of literature

After careful consideration, Guo Yitong finally made his choice. She chose Tsinghua University to major in literature, hoping to continue her studies there and realize her literary dream. Commenting on this decision, she explained, "Tsinghua University's literature major has a strong faculty and rich academic resources, and I believe that I can learn and grow better there. ”

At the same time, Guo Yitong also said that she would not give up her attention to Peking University because she chose Tsinghua University. She believes that both schools are top universities in the country, and each has its own merits. She hopes to have the opportunity to study at Peking University in the future and broaden her horizons and knowledge.

Qingbei robbed people for her

Fifth, the enlightenment of Xueba

Guo Yitong's story has given us a lot of inspiration. First of all, she used her hard work and talent to prove that "Xueba" is not out of reach. As long as we are willing to work hard and pay, we will be able to achieve excellent results. Second, she showed extraordinary calmness and sanity in the face of her choices. She was not swayed by the voices of the outside world, but insisted on her inner voice and pursued her dreams. This courage and determination is worth emulating.

Finally, Guo Yitong's story also tells us that choosing a university is not just about pursuing the aura of a prestigious school. We should pay more attention to the quality of teaching, professional characteristics and future development prospects of the school. Only by finding a platform that suits us can we go further and more steadily on the academic road.


In this era of competition and choice, each of us needs to remain calm and rational like Guo Yitong. Only then will we be able to make the right choices and achieve our dreams. At the same time, we should also praise a student like Guo Yitong, she has proved with her own efforts and talents that "Xueba" is not out of reach, as long as we are willing to work hard and pay, we will definitely be able to achieve excellent results. Let's look forward to her continuing to shine and create more wonderful works on her literary path in the future!