
The deep reason why Moutai can't sell: there are fewer projects, less entertainment, and no use scenarios

author:Migrant workers, engineers

Moutai, the "national liquor" that has attracted countless people, has now encountered unprecedented sales difficulties. Recently, there has been a lot of discussion in the industry, what is the reason for the predicament of this liquor giant? Let's unravel this mystery together.

The deep reason why Moutai can't sell: there are fewer projects, less entertainment, and no use scenarios

To say that Moutai can't be sold, the most intuitive reason is that "there is no place to drink". Looking back ten years ago, any project of a certain scale, whether it was started or completed, was always indispensable for a sumptuous banquet. And on these occasions, Moutai is naturally the guest of honor. But now? There are significantly fewer large-scale engineering projects, and there are far fewer "drinking occasions" with them.

The deep reason why Moutai can't sell: there are fewer projects, less entertainment, and no use scenarios

Not only that, but the once lively business entertainment is now a lot deserted. I remember a friend once quipped: "I used to be able to drink half a box of Moutai in a month, but now I can't drink a bottle in half a year." Although this is an exaggeration, it also reflects the fact that with the intensification of anti-corruption efforts, everyone has become cautious about the consumption of high-end liquor.

The deep reason why Moutai can't sell: there are fewer projects, less entertainment, and no use scenarios

What's more, Moutai seems to be losing its "status in the rivers and lakes". In the past, Moutai was not only a liquor, but also a status symbol. Whether it is a business tycoon or a government official, they are all proud to be able to drink Moutai. However, with the change of social climate, people have begun to pursue a more diversified lifestyle. Young people prefer beer, cocktails, and even non-alcoholic beverages. Moutai, in their eyes, seems to have become the exclusive domain of the "older generation".

The deep reason why Moutai can't sell: there are fewer projects, less entertainment, and no use scenarios

Faced with such a predicament, how should Moutai save itself? First of all, you may want to consider launching some low-proof products to appeal to consumers who are not good at drinking but want to try it. Secondly, Moutai can try to develop some new drinking scenes. For example, is it possible to launch some small packaging products that are suitable for family gatherings or gatherings of friends?

The deep reason why Moutai can't sell: there are fewer projects, less entertainment, and no use scenarios

In addition, Moutai can also consider expanding overseas markets. Although Moutai has encountered a bottleneck at home, it is still an important symbol of Chinese culture abroad. With the right marketing strategy, it is entirely possible for Moutai to break new ground in overseas markets.

The deep reason why Moutai can't sell: there are fewer projects, less entertainment, and no use scenarios

Finally, Moutai also needs to keep pace with the times and adapt to new consumer trends. For example, you can try to cooperate with some fashion brands to launch co-branded products to attract the attention of young consumers. Or, some innovative drinking methods can be developed, so that Moutai is no longer limited to the traditional "one sip".

The deep reason why Moutai can't sell: there are fewer projects, less entertainment, and no use scenarios

In general, Moutai's current predicament reflects not only the problems of one enterprise, but also the challenges faced by the entire liquor industry. How to keep pace with the times while maintaining tradition, and how to attract new consumer groups while meeting the needs of old customers are all issues that Moutai and even the entire liquor industry need to think about.

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