
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

author:Vision Black
Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

On June 29, 2024, Zhang Shuhao announced the success of his marriage proposal to Ouyang Nini, and also posted a romantic and warm proposal scene photo.

The two have been in love for 5 years, and Ouyang Nini's father, Ouyang Long, was satisfied with Zhang Shuhao before.

Ouyang Nini held flowers and smiled happily, she and Zhang Shuhao were in the same frame with super sweetness.

Ouyang Nana posted a vlog to record this important moment of her sister, and also captured the picture of her brother-in-law crying excitedly.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

Ouyang Nini, born in Taipei City in March 1996, was born in an acting family.

His mother is actor Fu Juan, and his aunt is singer Ouyang Feifei.

She debuted on stage at the age of 8 and was admitted to Taiwan University of the Arts with her own efforts, leaving works such as "Six Alleys Cafe" on the road of acting.

And she also has two younger sisters who are also active in the entertainment industry, Ouyang Nana and Ouyang Didi, and the three sisters are developing their careers in the mainland.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao's love journey is wonderful.

Since their relationship, they have been in love all over the world, and often show their affection publicly, and they have been in love for 5 years.

On June 29, 2024, this day is destined to become an important milestone in their love story, Zhang Shuhao posted that the proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful, and showed a romantic and warm proposal scene photos, and the two plan to hold a wedding banquet at the end of the year.

The proposal was held on an open lawn outdoors, and the site was simply and beautifully furnished.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

Ouyang Nini was wearing a low-cut princess dress and a white wedding dress, like a princess coming out of a fairy tale.

Zhang Shuhao knelt down on one knee and handed over flowers and rings, his sincere eyes seemed to tell the promise of a lifetime, Ouyang Nini nodded happily and agreed, Zhang Shuhao put on a diamond ring for him, and at that moment, the cheers of all friends resounded in the sky.

Ouyang Nini, who was holding flowers in her hand, smiled as happily as the warm spring sun, which made people feel moved by their love.

And Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao are extremely sweet when they are in the same frame, and the love in their eyes seems to make everything around them beautiful.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

It is worth mentioning that Ouyang Nini's father, Ouyang Long, was previously satisfied with Zhang Shuhao.

The marriage proposal was successful, and Ouyang Long sent his heartfelt blessings.

Ouyang Nana also posted a vlog to record this important moment of her sister, and also captured the picture of her brother-in-law crying excitedly, showing the deep friendship between sisters.

This family of entertainers has not had a smooth journey.

Ouyang Nana was deeply involved in the graduation turmoil, and Ouyang Didi was also affected by the "cat abuse" turmoil.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

But life is always full of twists and turns, and the important thing is how to face them bravely and move forward positively.

The love between Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao is particularly precious in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry.

They have gone through five years with firm steps, and they have written their own romantic chapter with sincere emotions.

Their love story tells us that in this complex world, true love still exists, as long as we manage and cherish it with our hearts.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

Mainland netizens reacted differently to the couple, with some saying they didn't know each other and others expressing their views on the male side.

But love should not be swayed by the eyes of others, as long as the two truly love each other and support each other, they can go through the wind and rain and usher in the rainbow that belongs to them.

May Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao continue to move forward hand in hand in the coming days and write more beautiful chapters of love.

I also hope that their love can bring positive energy to everyone, so that more people believe in the power of love and bravely pursue their own happiness.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

The love between Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao is like a melodious love song, playing a unique melody on the stage of the entertainment industry.

Their story is not only a sweet promise between two people, but also an example of love for many young people.

In this fast-paced era, many relationships come and go quickly, but Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao have spent five years carefully watering the flowers of their love.

Their relationship was not smooth sailing, and there may have been quarrels and contradictions, but it was these small twists and turns that made them more aware of each other's preciousness, and learned to understand, tolerate and compromise.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

Looking back on the years they have walked hand in hand, every festival they have spent together, and every surprise carefully prepared for each other has become a bright pearl in the long river of love.

They strolled the streets of unfamiliar cities together, tasted local food, and felt different cultures;

Watch the sunrise and sunset together at the beach, listen to the sound of the waves, and make hopes for the future.

Those days of mutual companionship have become the warmest memories in their hearts.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

There are many temptations in the entertainment industry, and the pursuit of fame and fortune often makes people lose their way.

Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao have always maintained their inner firmness and put love first.

They understand that true happiness is not a momentary scenery, but having someone around you who understands and loves you, and is willing to experience the joys, sorrows, and sorrows of life with you.

Their love also shows us that love is not only the romance of the moon before the flowers, but also the responsibility and responsibility.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

When faced with difficulties, the two work hand in hand to overcome them together; When faced with doubts from the outside world, they trust each other and give each other strength.

This kind of courage to support each other in the wind and rain is the most beautiful appearance of love.

For fans and the general public, their love story is also an inspiration.

It reminds us that on the road to pursuing our dreams, we should not forget to cherish the people around us and manage our feelings with our hearts.

Zhang Shuhao's proposal to Ouyang Nini was successful! Ouyang Nana was present to witness and send blessings

Don't ignore your lover's feelings because you're busy, and don't give up your belief in love easily because of setbacks.

I believe that in the future, Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao will continue to write their own wonderful chapters.

Together, they will build a loving family, welcome the birth of a new life, and face life's challenges together.

And their love will also be like the brightest stars in the night sky, illuminating our way forward, making us believe that true love is eternal, as long as we have hope in our hearts and love with our hearts, we can reap our own happiness.

Let us bless this pair of sweet lovers, may their love flowers bloom forever, may their lives be full of sunshine and laughter, and may their stories become a good story in the entertainment industry, inspiring more people to love bravely and embrace a better future.

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