
Executive Judge: It wasn't until Chu's father's identity was exposed that he understood why Chu Yun was! Dare to argue with Qi Lin!

author:Lily Movement
Executive Judge: It wasn't until Chu's father's identity was exposed that he understood why Chu Yun was! Dare to argue with Qi Lin!

In the legal drama "Executive Judge", the first encounter between the protagonists Qi Lin and Chu Yun was not friendly. As a judge of the Criminal Division, Qi Lin had a fierce role conflict with Chu Yun, the president of the Executive Bureau, when he was rotated to the Executive Bureau. Chu Yun, who comes from the deputy mayor's family, pays attention to the fairness of the process of handling the case, doubts Qi Lin's handling of the case, and even openly challenges his authority.

In the drama "Executive Judge", the conflict between Chu Yun and Qi Lin is not just about the difference in the way the law is enforced, but is deeply rooted in the influence of her superior family background. Chu Yun has received a good education since she was a child, her father is a deputy mayor, and her family is well-off, which makes her grow up with most of the people in contact with the upper echelons of society, and she lacks real understanding and empathy for the lives and sufferings of ordinary people. This is especially evident in her handling of cases, where she tends to act in accordance with the law and strictly follow procedures, but ignores the deep human touch hidden behind the law.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until Chu's father's identity was exposed that he understood why Chu Yun was! Dare to argue with Qi Lin!

In stark contrast to Chu Yun was Qi Lin. As a judge who comes from and serves the people, he pays attention to the fairness of the outcome of the case and the satisfaction of the people, which makes him highly respected and loved in the courtroom. Netizens also have different opinions and comments on the role conflict and growth process between Chu Yun and Qi Lin.

Some netizens believed: "Chu Yun did seem a little indifferent at the beginning, and the way she treated the case made people feel a little 'bureaucratic', completely ignoring whether the object of execution was a relative of the emperor or not." Such comments reflect Chu Yun's lack of understanding of the emotions of ordinary people while enforcing justice, which is one of the main reasons for her conflict with Qi Lin at work.

Other netizens are more inclined to Qi Lin's position: "Justice Qi is different, he looks at problems more and pays more attention to practical effects and people's feelings, which is the real judicial spirit." He can understand and pay attention to the real needs of the people, which Chu Yun should learn more. This kind of comment reflects the audience's affirmation and love for Judge Qi Lin's warm and humane working style, and also implies that Chu Yun gradually realized the importance of the human touch behind the law in the communication and cooperation with Qi Lin.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until Chu's father's identity was exposed that he understood why Chu Yun was! Dare to argue with Qi Lin!

In the process of plot development, Chu Yun experienced many plot turns and changes in his mood in getting along with Qi Lin. She began to realize that the law was not an indifferent text or procedure, but a tool that should be close to and serve the people. Some netizens commented: "Watching Chu Yun slowly change in the play and begin to care about the lives and sufferings of the people, I feel that she has become more close to the people, which is also the reason why she and Qi Lin gradually came together." ”

In the end, the ending of the plot not only shows Chu Yun's growth at work, but also shows her emotional gains. She and Qi Lin welcomed a happy ending together, and this emotional gain not only came from her deep understanding of the spirit of the law, but also from her concern and response to the emotions of the people. Chu Yun is played by Yang Zishan, Yang Zishan is an honest and dedicated actor in my heart, she reminds me of many actresses I love and admire. The most special thing about her is the sincerity of her heart, which is enough to attract me deeply. We were fortunate enough to meet her when she was younger, and we had the opportunity to grow up together and make movies together.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until Chu's father's identity was exposed that he understood why Chu Yun was! Dare to argue with Qi Lin!

The first time I noticed Yang Zishan was in a niche TV series, and I was deeply moved by her performance. Her every look and expression in the play shows her in-depth understanding and focus on the role. This focus and sincerity not only brings her character to life, but also allows the audience to truly feel the emotions and inner world of the character.

On the Internet, many viewers also gave positive comments and appreciation to Yang Zishan's performance. Someone said: "Yang Zishan's acting skills are really good, she can use delicate performances to play every role alive." Another netizen commented: "Her inner drama is very good, which makes people resonate very much." These comments are not only a recognition of her acting skills, but also an affirmation of her as a dedicated and sincere actor.

We've had the privilege of working together on the same film a few times, and each time it's gotten to know her better. Her seriousness on set and fit with the character was impressive. We often exchanged our understanding of the characters and our views on the plot between shoots, and this collaborative process not only allowed us to get to know each other better, but also helped us grow together in acting and creation.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until Chu's father's identity was exposed that he understood why Chu Yun was! Dare to argue with Qi Lin!

Yang Zishan not only has a good reputation in the film and television industry, but her character and attitude are also the object of admiration by many people. She has always kept a low profile in public, focusing on work and charity, and this hard work and dedication has earned her more affection and respect.

With the deepening of the plot of "Executive Judge", Chu Yun was gradually influenced by Qi Lin's warm and practical way of handling cases, and began to gradually pay attention to the real needs of the people. This transformation is not sudden, but has gone through a series of plot twists and deep inner struggles.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until Chu's father's identity was exposed that he understood why Chu Yun was! Dare to argue with Qi Lin!

In the cooperation with Qi Lin, Chu Yun began to gradually realize his previous indifference in handling cases and the problem of pursuing procedural fairness and ignoring human feelings. She saw that Qi Lin understood the real situation behind the case through in-depth communication with the parties, so as to better serve the people. Chu Yun was puzzled by this new way of handling cases, and she thought about how to be closer to the people's lives and care about their actual plight while maintaining the justice of the law.

Every case handling is a manifestation of Chu Yun's inner struggle. She struggled to understand the combination of fairness and humanity advocated by Qi Lin, but the transformation did not happen overnight. She often weighs in her mind, doubts whether her decision is in line with the spirit of the law, and at the same time thinks about how she can get more care and help within the legal framework.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until Chu's father's identity was exposed that he understood why Chu Yun was! Dare to argue with Qi Lin!

With the passage of time and the accumulation of experience, Chu Yun gradually found the harmony point of his case-handling style. She began to add more human touch to the handling of cases, communicate more with the parties, understand their real needs, and try to provide them with more support and help. This new way of handling cases not only made her more respected in court, but also made her feel unprecedented satisfaction and fulfillment in her personal life.

Through the growth of its main characters and the ups and downs of the storyline, "The Executive Judge" vividly shows the growth of a judge from indifference to warmth. This drama is not only a presentation of legal cases, but also a profound exploration of human nature and emotion, presenting the audience with a vivid picture of the coexistence of the rule of law and human feelings.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until Chu's father's identity was exposed that he understood why Chu Yun was! Dare to argue with Qi Lin!

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