
He was sentenced to 8 months in prison for keeping two bottles of "unknown liquid" for a friend......

author:Wu Zhong is anti-drug
He was sentenced to 8 months in prison for keeping two bottles of "unknown liquid" for a friend......

"I didn't allow anyone to take drugs or sell drugs

Just to keep this thing for a friend

Is it also a crime? ”

He didn't understand

I'm just helping a friend

I did a little thing that I couldn't do with my hands

How did it lead to jail time?

He was sentenced to 8 months in prison for keeping two bottles of "unknown liquid" for a friend......

July 2023

Wang promised his friend Brother Yao (handled in a separate case)

Custody of two bottles of "unidentified liquid"

It was learned that it was methadone

Don't be outwardly vocal

So he hid it in his home


The public security organ is at Wang's house

Two bottles of amber were seized

Liquids suspected of being narcotics

The liquid was identified as methadone

Net weight 359.34 grams

He was sentenced to 8 months in prison for keeping two bottles of "unknown liquid" for a friend......

After the case

Wang admitted that he had been a drug addict

Currently being accepted in hospital

Methadone maintenance therapy

to quit drug addiction

Know the composition and function of methadone

Wang argued

I only keep it for others

There was neither relapse

There is no room for drug use

And the drugs are not your own

He was sentenced to 8 months in prison for keeping two bottles of "unknown liquid" for a friend......

Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Duanzhou People's Court

After the trial, it was believed

Wang knew that methadone was a drug

and illegal possession

And the number is large

His actions have constituted the crime of illegal possession of drugs

In view of the defendant Wang's admission of guilt and acceptance of punishment

Be able to truthfully confess the facts of their crimes

It can be handled lightly or leniently

The defendant Wang was then sentenced in accordance with law

Eight months in prison

and a fine of 2,000 yuan

He was sentenced to 8 months in prison for keeping two bottles of "unknown liquid" for a friend......

Don't embark on the road of drug violations and crimes because of the so-called "friendship", it is even more undesirable to know the law and break the law, when entrusted by others to keep or transport "unknown items", you must be vigilant, do not easily agree, and if you notice "something is wrong", you should report to the police as soon as possibleSource: China Drug Control


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He was sentenced to 8 months in prison for keeping two bottles of "unknown liquid" for a friend......

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