
After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

E-commerce newspaper Pro

2024-06-25 10:25Posted on the official account of Guangdong E-commerce News

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

Completely belong to China's pure-blood Hongmeng

From June 21 to 23, Huawei held the high-profile Huawei Developer Conference 2024 (HDC 2024) in Dongguan.

In his speech on the afternoon of the 21st, Huawei's Yu Chengdong officially announced an important news to the outside world: Huawei's new operating system, "HarmonyOS NEXT", has launched a beta testing phase for developers, and is scheduled to be officially launched in the fourth quarter of this year.

At the same time, a number of flagship devices such as the Huawei Mate 60 series will immediately start system upgrades.

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

Source: HDC 2024 Huawei official

In addition, according to the latest data from Counterpoint Research, HarmonyOS's market share in China has grown significantly from 8% in the first quarter of 2023 to 17% in the first quarter of 2024, officially surpassing Apple's iOS to become the second largest operating system in the Chinese market.

To date, more than 900 million devices are equipped with HarmonyOS.

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

图源:Counterpoint Research官网

Since its first official release in 19 years, Yu Chengdong's "Hongmeng has become!" So far, Yu Chengdong's "Hongmeng system light boat has passed over ten thousand mountains. "It took 30 years for peers, but only 5 years for Huawei.

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

Source: Yu Chengdong Weibo

Within 5 years, Huawei launched an independent system and broke the monopoly between Apple and Android.

Even if we extrapolate the earliest development time of the HarmonyOS system, only 10 years have passed.

As Yu Chengdong said: "It took ten years to do what European and American counterparts have done for more than 30 years, and realized the independent and controllable core technology of the operating system, which is the "HarmonyOS speed". ”

In the past, due to the poverty and whiteness in the early days of the release, the device equipped with Hongmeng had just started, and it was not realistic for Hongmeng to be completely separated from Android, so Android AOSP was used as the underlying code. Therefore, there are often voices in the outside world that Hongmeng is a "shell version of Android".

However, the "pure-blooded HarmonyOS" (HarmonyOS NEXT) launched at the HDC conference no longer relies on Linux or Unix kernels like Android and iOS systems, but is based on the HarmonyOS kernel and is no longer compatible with APP applications developed by Android.

The launch of HarmonyOS NEXT marks an important step forward in China's efforts to build an operating system that is independent of Android and iOS.

Huawei has also developed a number of HarmonyOS native applications specifically for this system, and the current top 5000 applications have all started the development of HarmonyOS native applications, which account for 99.9% of user time, of which more than 1500 applications have been put on the shelves.

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

Source: HDC2024 Huawei official

In the future, there will be more and more HarmonyOS native applications to support the continuous development of the HarmonyOS system.

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

Huawei's goal of pure-blooded Hongmeng

This year, Huawei's HarmonyOS has not only achieved a breakthrough in the scale of users, but also made a qualitative leap in technological innovation.

Huawei's technical research is not only to build an independent mobile phone system, but also to promote cross-platform and cross-device interconnection, build a HarmonyOS native ecosystem to achieve all-scenario intelligent operation, and break down barriers between various applications.

As early as 2020, after the first release of the HarmonyOS system, Huawei proposed the "1+8+N" strategy.

The "1" here stands for the phone, which is the center for controlling and connecting other devices. The "8" refers to Huawei's other major devices, such as tablets, computers, and watches.

Users can easily manage and use any device in the Huawei ecosystem with just their mobile phones, achieving true intelligent linkage.

In the field of science and technology, we usually refer to "ecology" not to refer to biological communities in nature, but to an interconnected system composed of multiple devices and applications.

The system is like a well-designed community, where every device is a resident of the community and is able to communicate and collaborate smoothly.

Take Apple's products as an example, like a harmonious family, including iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac computer, Apple TV, HomePod speaker, AirPod headphones, etc.

Not only are they consistent in appearance and operation, but they are also closely connected on a technical level. This means that users can easily share information and files between these devices, making everyday use more convenient and efficient.

Mobile phones play a central role in this ecosystem.

To put it simply, the ecophone is the "commander" of this intelligent system, which can command and manage other devices, so that they can work together to provide users with a seamless and efficient experience.

In this ecosystem, data and functions between different devices can be interconnected, whether at home, in the car, or at work.

For example, when we edit a long document on our phone, we only need to hold the phone close to the tablet, and the tablet will automatically display the editing content, so that we can continue editing. If you need to add photos, you can use cross-device libraries to choose images directly from your phone on your tablet.

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

Source: ifanr

The whole process is smooth and intuitive, and although multiple devices are involved, it is like operating a single device, and pure-blooded HarmonyOS can be "indulged in silky smoothness".

With the rapid development of IoT technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, Huawei hopes that the pure-blooded HarmonyOS system will not only be limited to the transmission between electronic devices such as mobile phones, headphones, and audio, but also realize the seamless connection and collaborative work of mobile phones, PCs, tablets, smart screens, car machines, and other devices, and interconnect with transportation modes to achieve intelligent operation in all scenarios.

The second goal is to break down the barriers between applications.

In the previous mobile phone system, most of the time the user needed to get information from one application and then move to another.

For example, if you get the location and time of the meeting in WeChat, you need to relay it to others by email or DingTalk. Mobile phones can't help you deliver this information.

But the AI intelligence of pure-blooded Hongmeng can achieve this goal.

At the HDC2024, Huawei showed us an innovative feature: with simple voice commands, you can complete a complex task that seems simple but involves multiple applications and scenarios.

For example, when sending a text message, the user simply says, "Send a text message to Wu Shuang and tell him the location of the football game the afternoon after tomorrow." ”

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

Source: ifanr

This command seems simple, but behind this command, Huawei's intelligent assistant needs to complete the following steps:

1. Identify and confirm the identity of "Wu Shuang", if there is a situation with the same name or sound, the intelligent assistant should select the correct contact according to user habits and historical data.

2. In the massive application data, it is necessary to filter out the specific time and place information of the football game.

3. Based on this information, the content of the SMS is automatically generated and edited.

After the assistant completes these steps, the user only needs to perform a final check and confirmation before sending a text message.

This means that when there are enough native apps in the pure-blood HarmonyOS ecosystem, the flow of information between apps will be as smooth as Dove.

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

Huawei's pure-blooded HarmonyOS is facing challenges

From Sebai, Blackberry, Microsoft Winphone, Samsung Tizen to Android and IOS to win, there are not a few tech giants in history who have personally built operating systems, but most of them have failed.

The listing of the pure-blooded HarmonyOS system is indeed a big step forward for Huawei, but behind this step is not necessarily success, but one challenge after another.

The construction of the ecosystem is one of the biggest challenges faced by Huawei's pure-blooded HarmonyOS.

Although Huawei has made remarkable achievements in system development, a mature ecosystem will take time and sustained effort to build. Huawei needs to continue to attract developers, enrich the content of the app store, and improve the quality and user experience of apps.

After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

Source: Financial circles, Minsheng Securities Research Institute

In addition, Huawei needs to establish good cooperative relationships with partners around the world to jointly promote the prosperity and development of the ecosystem.

Technical compatibility is also a challenge that Huawei pure-blooded HarmonyOS must face.

With the launch of the new system, Huawei needs to ensure that the new system is compatible with existing Android apps, while encouraging developers to develop native HarmonyOS apps. This requires not only technological innovation, but also a well-designed market strategy to balance the transition between the old and new systems and user acceptance.

In addition, Huawei is also facing fierce competition from Apple, Xiaomi and other companies in the market.

Apple recently announced a partnership with openAI to enable Siri to collect and manage information for users through ChatGPT4.

Lei Jun publicly stated after entering the automotive field that the latest model of Xiaomi Auto, SU7, will be specially optimized to support the Apple ecosystem and ensure that Apple users can also enjoy the same experience as Xiaomi users.

At the same time, Xiaomi has launched a new operating system - surging OS, which will replace the original MIUI and become a unified operating system for Xiaomi's cars, smartphones and home devices, realizing the seamless connection of "people, cars and homes".

Lei Jun also actively communicated with leading figures in the automotive industry, including Wang Chuanfu of BYD, Li Bin of NIO, He Xiaopeng of Xpeng Motors, and Li Xiang of Li Auto, to promote Xiaomi's concept of "unified ecological standards", hoping to achieve broader integration of technologies and services in the automotive industry.

Lei Jun's purpose is obvious, that is, to realize that Xiaomi ecological devices can be used across brands, whether it can be realized or not, this is a grand idea, and this concept also overlaps with Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng all-intelligent operating system.

These competitors not only have strong technical strength and brand influence, but also have mature market strategies and user bases.

In order to stand out from these competitors, Huawei also needs to continue to enhance its brand influence and enhance users' trust and acceptance of the HarmonyOS system.

This requires not only excellent product and technical support, but also effective marketing strategies and localized services.

All in all, the challenges for Huawei have only just begun.

Author | Jinjiang

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  • After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came
  • After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came
  • After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came
  • After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came
  • After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came
  • After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came
  • After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came
  • After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came
  • After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came
  • After 1778 days, Huawei's pure-blooded Hongmeng came

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