
Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

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2024-06-29 00:10Creators in the field of technology

On May 24 this year, the robot dog that appeared in the China-Cambodia joint exercise attracted attention at home and abroad.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

American netizens directly broke the defense and asked why the United States spends so much military money every year? Why aren't there any of these gears?

Now, the U.S. Congress has also broken its defenses - foreign media reported that a few days ago, the U.S. Congress held a discussion on the annual National Defense Authorization Act, and the House of Representatives suddenly mentioned China's "robot dog", believing that China would arm the robot dog, which the United States thought was unacceptable.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

Why is the United States "unacceptable"?

In fact, this is a typical example of when you are weak and he talks about strength when you are weak, and when you are strong, he talks about morality for you.

The United States began to focus on China's robot dogs, which is due to the fact that China's robot dogs are developing with a fierce rise. A few days ago, it was rumored that Lao Mei also installed a robot dog, but later it was found that it was an oolong, which was a shelf product that Lao Mei bought from the mainland.

Why does Lao Mei want to buy it from the mainland, in fact, it is similar to a drone - the price of these two robot dogs in the mainland is only one or two thousand yuan. And Lao Mei's similar products are roughly in the hundreds of thousands of dollars! The performance is roughly similar, but the price is several times or even ten times cheaper, which will definitely make Lao Mei anxious.

In particular, the domestic progress in servo motors and other key components, algorithms and machine learning is very fast, and the field of industrial robots has put a lot of pressure on the United States.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

In the final analysis, the robot dog is a combination of robots and AI, and the technology of the United States is world-class in this regard, and the Boston Dynamics Company has developed a power balance quadruped robot in 2005, namely the "Boston Mechanical Dog".

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

It can walk upright with a weight of 180 kilograms and follow soldiers in rough terrain, but for many years, the robot dog developed by the United States was mainly used for reconnaissance and troop support missions, and the US military has not used much of it. Of course, the U.S. military also has a test project to let mechanical dogs carry weapons to fight, but there has been no batch installation of mechanical dogs.

Judging from today, China's ability to install mechanical dogs on a large scale has come up.

This has to return to the perspective of the industrial chain, on the one hand, in terms of load intensity, the mainland relies on a massive industrial robot market, the industrial chain is perfect, the iteration is rapid, and it has a strong cost and large-scale market-oriented production advantages.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

Comparing the previous generation of mechanical dogs of Unitree Technology GO1 with the mechanical dogs of the United States, it can be seen that in extreme terrain such as climbing, Boston robot dogs are stronger. However, Unitree Technology Co., Ltd. uses the electric drive mode to simplify the structural design, and also reduces the production cost of the mechanical dog, and the price is only one-fiftieth or even one-sixtieth of the Boston Dynamics Company in the United States.

The unmanned battlefield is the cost, if you use 50 robot dogs against one robot dog, who has a better chance of winning? Moreover, by the time of the GO2 series, Unitree's mechanical dog is surpassing the Boston mechanical dog in climbing and extreme terrain movement.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

British netizens believe that China's robot dog copied Boston Dynamics. "It's another replication technique." But in fact, behind the Chinese robot dog, it is China's electric drive mode that subverts Boston's hydraulic drive, Boston's hydraulic drive response is slow, heavy weight, and can not be finely controlled, but China's electric drive mode, the same line can transmit 11 kinds of signals, signal sorting technology to achieve better refinement, waterproof and kick-proof, but also on the 95.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

The transcendence of robot dog technology is the root cause of America's defense.

Some time ago, Admiral Samuel Paparo, the new commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, threatened to realize unmanned operations in the Taiwan Strait, deploying thousands of unmanned submarines, unmanned surface ships and unmanned aircraft to buy time for a full-scale counterattack by Taiwan and the United States and their partner forces.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

It is easy to understand that the United States wants to engage in unmanned warfare, because if a conflict arises in the Taiwan Strait in the future, the United States is unwilling to engage in a head-on conflict with China and cannot afford this price.

But unmanned combat, the air is a drone, the ground is a robot dog, now from the air aspect, China is the world's first drone power, whether it is in the UAV manufacturing capacity, quantity, cost, whether it is a war of attrition, performance war, who looks for China to show the drone, is to play a big knife in front of the gate.

Even in the consumer drone market, DJI has maintained a market share of more than 70% of the global consumer drone market, and its share in the North American market once reached 85%. DJI's market share in the firefighting, police, disaster, emergency, urban and land planning, and university research fields in the U.S. states, counties, and cities has long exceeded 90%, and from 2016 to 2022, the U.S. has continuously increased restrictions and sanctions on DJI for six years.

Even in order to further limit the further expansion of the scale and advantages of China's drone market, some time ago, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday to ban the future sales of Chinese DJI's drones in the United States.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

Now it seems that if drones are the air power of unmanned warfare in the future, then robot dogs can act as the vanguard of the army in the era of unmanned warfare.

Why is it so difficult for the United States to accept? China's robot dog has become a guarantee of peace

We know that in addition to the coverage of all kinds of anti-air firepower, urban street fighting may be the place with the greatest casualties, every street, every building, every door is hidden behind a huge danger, World War II is a typical, the German army attacked the Soviet Union, suffered heavy losses in street fighting, and then the Soviet army gathered 1.3 million troops to attack Berlin, and finally the casualties were close to 500,000, and more than 3,000 sets of tanks and other technical weapons were lost, and the vast majority of casualties appeared in street battles.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

In modern warfare, such large casualties are naturally not allowed, and at this time, unmanned machine units to be the vanguard and replace people to complete dangerous tasks may be the situation that will occur in future wars.

And the robot dog, now to say that the gap between China and the United States, is being reflected in the performance of the two hottest mechanical dogs in China and the United States - the United States' Boston Dynamics and China's Unitree Technology Company had a head-to-head confrontation, the content of the game is very simple, is to climb the stairs, as a result, China's mechanical dog actually abused the mechanical dog of the United States Boston Dynamics by an overwhelming advantage.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

And the most amazing thing is that the Chinese robot dogs participating in the competition are not only Unitree Technology, but also a large number of Chinese robot dogs are participating. Even a robot dog engaged in a Chinese university performs better than Unitree Technology in the obstacle race, and runs more silky and smooth, you know what kind of robot dog has developed in China today.

Even now, China's Unitree Technology's robot dogs have been bought casually on Taobao, ranging from 2,549 yuan to 10,010 yuan to 21,999 yuan. Things that are regarded as advanced weapons in other countries are already an ordinary commodity in China, which reflects the fact that the production capacity and supply chain parts of the robot dog have matured, and the degree of industrialization revealed by this shows that China may have opened the gap with the cost and mass production of the American robot dog.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

In the past, our view of our robot dog has been a late start, fast development, and the level of performance can be used, but the third is not to talk about the lead, which is the role of the challenger of the Boston robot dog in the United States. But now it seems that the scales are tilting in China's favor.

Boston Dynamics is one of the most respected human top technologies in the field of robotics technology in the past five years, but now some aspects are being surpassed by Yushu Technology, pulled down from the crown of science and technology, and there is a tendency to become more and more bad street goods, and even in the future, it may become a big toy that more and more ordinary people can buy, which may be difficult for the United States to accept.

And now the U.S. military, which has given up on Boston diesel-powered robot dogs, is purchasing a batch of electric robot dogs produced by Hangzhou Unitree Technology. Boston Dynamics has also abandoned the hydraulic route in favor of the electric route.

Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

The strategy of the United States in recent years is to maintain an advantage in the future unmanned combat strategy, but now whether it is unmanned technology products in the air or on the ground, China is playing more and more, with more and more chips in its hands, the large-scale production of robot dogs and drones, and the large-scale industrial capacity and cost control capabilities required are China's advantages. In particular, the mature technology of China's robot dog is realized through power distribution technology, behind which is the signal sorting technology of the mainland, which is a dimensionality reduction blow to Boston's original hydraulic technology, which is also an important reason why Boston abandoned the original technology and switched to electric drive technology.

At present, the price of the civilian version of domestic robot dog products is not more than 10,000, and the estimated price of the military version is less than 30,000, counting a full set of weapon modules, it will not exceed 50,000, and if it is purchased on a large scale, the price can be pressed below 20,000 yuan. How can a qualified soldier not cost millions? And it takes more than 20 years to train from birth to the battlefield, but this robot dog does not need to eat, drink, or know pain, and can produce thousands of them a day.

If a group of soldiers, faced with a group of huge robot dogs, are likely to have a mental breakdown, this may be what is difficult for the United States to accept. Because the United States wants to use unmanned technology to make trouble, but China's robot dog has become a guarantee of peace. Starting from the position of strength, it is an effective deterrent to other countries, and we must now be glad that science and technology are in the hands of civilization.

Author: Wang Xinxi, Senior Reviewer of TMT This article is not reproduced without permission

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  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?
  • Why does China's robot dog make the United States "unacceptable"?

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