
The Chinese and US navies conducted separate exercises and confrontations in the East China Sea, and after the PLA deterred them, the US troops left in a hurry

author:Camouflage Tiger said

Some time ago, the Japanese media disclosed an incident that had happened, this time in 2022, when China directly used missiles for deterrence in the face of military exercises jointly organized by the United States and Japan; Even when the missile came into the visible range of the naked eye, the U.S. Navy still did not react.

The Chinese and US navies conducted separate exercises and confrontations in the East China Sea, and after the PLA deterred them, the US troops left in a hurry

At that time, neither the United States nor China reported on it. The Japanese, however, recorded the whole thing in its entirety.

At that time, the United States and Japan formed a joint aircraft carrier battle group, which dispatched 36,000 personnel, 30 ships and 70 aircraft to conduct that exercise. The exercise area was set at 110 kilometers from the Chinese island of Taiwan. The purpose is to deter China and strengthen ties between the United States and Japan. However, as a result of this exercise, the combined navy formed by the United States and Japan left the waters of the East China Sea in disgrace.

According to the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, at the time of the exercise, our military launched two anti-ship missiles for warning firing. At that time, the interval between the launch of the two missiles was 3 minutes, and the flight speed was Mach 5. When the first missile flew over the US aircraft carrier, the US radar did not respond, and the US Navy did not carry out any countermeasure facilities.

Quite normal, we can take it as the suddenness of the incident and the lack of time for the US Navy to react.

After that, the US aircraft carrier group participating in the exercise activated its highest combat readiness and tried to find the location of the PLA. However, not only did the United States not find the PLA, but they waited for the second missile, which flew over the US aircraft carrier battle group in the same posture, at the same speed, and at the same angle.

This is a secondary warning.

The Chinese and US navies conducted separate exercises and confrontations in the East China Sea, and after the PLA deterred them, the US troops left in a hurry

This made the Americans realize a problem, even with the request prepared in advance, the US aircraft carrier group could not find the location of China's long-range missile surprise attack.

If put in real combat, the American aircraft carrier has already died twice.

In addition, in these two attacks, the missiles were all flying close to the US aircraft carriers, and no one dared to bet on whether China would launch a third missile, let alone whether the third missile would still be a warning shot. What if it's not a warning shot?

In the end, there was no way, and the US Navy chose to leave in a hurry.

Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force described it as "the most dangerous maritime incident in recent years" and said that the U.S. military believed that the two missiles should be submarine-launched anti-ship ballistic missiles of the Chinese military.

But either way, this time the Americans lost completely.

The Chinese and US navies conducted separate exercises and confrontations in the East China Sea, and after the PLA deterred them, the US troops left in a hurry

In recent years, the United States has conducted a number of simulated confrontations around China, but the results of each confrontation have been the same. The J-20 faced the American F-35 fighter, the latter was completely played, and the J-16D electronic warfare plane faced the American Growler electronic warfare plane.

Another example is that the Chinese side sent 055 to the meeting in the East China Sea to force back the US aircraft carrier battle group.

What impressed me the most was that once the US Navy was afraid that the radar would be attacked by the PLA, so it did not turn on the plane during the exercise, let the F-35 fighter plane land blindly, and finally landed directly into the sea.

Not to mention that some time ago, the Philippines carried out a major provocation against China by 100 ships, and as a result, the Americans who took refuge in Singapore took the lead in taking refuge, leaving only Filipino civilians in front of the Chinese Coast Guard.

All of this proves one thing, that the PLA has now crushed the U.S. military in China's periphery. The Americans tried several times but did not reap the slightest benefit from China. Gone are the days when a few warships could threaten China.