
Philippines: Once one battalion could annihilate four Chinese divisions, now it can! Did they wake up?

author:Camouflage Tiger said

Originally, I thought that this time the Chinese coast guard took a selfie stick and handed over eight special forces with guns, so that the Philippines could be honest, but I checked the news in the Philippines and found that the proportion of Philippine people supporting war against China was as high as 70%, and after this incident, almost the whole country supported the war against China, claiming that this was China's humiliation of the Philippines and that China would pay the price. I was blinded at the time, no, you Filipinos are so brave?

Philippines: Once one battalion could annihilate four Chinese divisions, now it can! Did they wake up?

So I decided to find out who gave the Filipinos and China the courage to touch porcelain.

It turned out that the person who gave the Philippines courage was not Liang Jingru, but a man named Ramos.

Ramos was once the president of the Philippines, and the biggest reason why he could become president was a battle called the "Battle of Yutong" during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In the Filipino description, one battalion of Filipino baggage troops in this battle annihilated 50,000 people in four divisions of the Volunteer Army, and the Philippines only lost 24 people.

One thing to say, I was stunned for a moment when I saw this content.

Why haven't I heard of this battle? If the Philippines really managed to annihilate 50,000 volunteers with 900 people, then the world's top ten famous generals MacArthur must be followed by this Ramos; South Koreans will definitely rush to steal this war and make dozens of movies, and there must be explanations of this battle on the Internet, and the so-called Battle of Yutong must be a hot spot on the Internet to smear China, and the Chinese will definitely break the defense when they mention this war.

However, I found it strange that only the Filipinos themselves talked about such a huge result.

Eventually, I found the mainland's record of the battle:

The so-called Battle of Yutong was part of the Fifth Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. It was one of the precursor battles of the Battle of T-shaped Mountain. It took place at the same time as the Cheorwon Blockade.

Philippines: Once one battalion could annihilate four Chinese divisions, now it can! Did they wake up?

China and the Philippines have clashed directly over Second Thomas Shoal

At that time, the U.S. army was defeated and retreated by the volunteers, and the volunteers pursued it. The Volunteers drove a U.S. army down from a small plateau near T-shaped Mountain called Yutong Mountain. This high ground is not a strategic location, it does not hold any important geographical nodes, and it is easy to attack and difficult to defend. Therefore, the U.S. military took the initiative to give up and avoid being surrounded by the volunteers.

At this time, the 900-man Philippine baggage battalion led by Ramos volunteered to take down the T-shaped mountain. The U.S. military agreed.

The Philippine side adopted the night whistle raid tactics developed during the Philippine War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Attempts were made to carry out a sneak attack on the volunteers.

The volunteers fought with them for three days in a row, and the Philippine army could not gnaw at all. However, our army considered the need to concentrate forces on the nearby US troops to carry out key strikes, and Yutongshan itself was not an important strategic node, so our army also chose to take the initiative to withdraw from Yutongshan. Went after the American troops. After all, in order to smash this small hill to the death, giving up the pursuit of the United States is an act of small loss.

To put it simply, our army was in a hurry to pursue and retreat the American troops, and was too lazy to entangle with the Filipinos.

The Philippine side didn't know, they thought that the volunteers were in the mountains, so they asked the US military for artillery bombardment and fighter support, and the Americans were also very good, seven Sabre fighters arrived to drop napalm, and tank artillery bombarded it. In the process, a number of Philippine troops were accidentally injured.

When the Filipinos climbed to the top of Yutong Mountain, they found that the people here had long since gone.

Philippines: Once one battalion could annihilate four Chinese divisions, now it can! Did they wake up?

The Chinese Coast Guard towed away the Philippine speedboat

This battle is basically unrecorded in China, mainly because it is too unimportant, first of all, it is a small-scale battalion-level conflict, secondly, it does not involve any major front changes and important battle results, and the most important thing is that our army did not die because of this battle.

On the contrary, it was the Philippine side that called for a great victory. claimed that at the cost of losing 24 people, he annihilated 500 volunteers. Later, the war report was transmitted back to China, and it turned into a loss of 24 people, annihilating 1,100 volunteers.

From this point of view, the Philippines is simply superhuman. After all, soon after the end of this skirmish, the Battle of T-shaped Hill broke out, and the American army and the Volunteer Army engaged in fierce artillery shelling. How fierce is it, according to post-war statistics, the US military used 360,000 pounds of bombs and 170,000 shells here, and finally annihilated 11 volunteers. And the American army lost 77 people. A total of $200 million was spent, including men and ammunition. 11 people were killed, and the 900 Filipino people killed 1,100 volunteers, and they only lost 24 people.

Later, Ramos returned to China to run for president of the Philippines and pulled this matter out, and in his campaign speech, he doubled the number by 50 times, claiming that he led a 900-strong Philippine baggage battalion at that time, and annihilated 50,000 volunteers at the cost of 24 people.

The most important thing is that the Filipinos believe it! Not only did the people believe it, but the government also used this statement for internal propaganda.

It can only be said that the countries around China are all superhuman, with India in front of 1 person who can defeat 10 PLAs, Vietnam in the middle 1:20, and 900 people in the Philippines in the back to eliminate 50,000 volunteers.

So the weakest armies in the world are probably the Chinese army and the American army.

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