
When a heat wave hits, heat stroke is also an occupational disease? What can be done to prevent occupational heat stroke?

author:Shenzhen Health Supervision

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When a heat wave hits, heat stroke is also an occupational disease? What can be done to prevent occupational heat stroke?

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When a heat wave hits, heat stroke is also an occupational disease? What can be done to prevent occupational heat stroke?

Occupational heat stroke

It is an occupational disease that should be paid close attention to in the summer

In severe cases, it can even be life-threatening

Is heat stroke also an occupational disease?

Yes, definitely!

Occupational heat stroke refers to an acute systemic disease with increased body temperature and/or central nervous system dysfunction and/or cardiovascular dysfunction as the main manifestations caused by the decrease in effective circulating blood volume due to heat balance and/or water and electrolyte metabolism disorders in a hot working environment.


(1) High-temperature work

It refers to the operation with high air temperature, or strong thermal radiation, or abnormal operating conditions accompanied by high air humidity (relative humidity ≥ 80%), and the wet-bulb black bulb temperature index (WBGT index) exceeds the specified limit, such as metal smelting, metal casting, textile printing and dyeing, glass manufacturing, etc.

(2) High temperature weather

High temperature weather refers to the weather with a daily maximum temperature of more than 35 °C issued to the public by the meteorological stations under the meteorological authorities at or above the prefecture and municipal level.

When a heat wave hits, heat stroke is also an occupational disease? What can be done to prevent occupational heat stroke?

Common jobs that cause heat stroke include:

  • High-temperature, strong radiation operations (such as smelting, furnaces, etc.);
  • High-temperature and high-humidity operations (such as printing and dyeing, silk reeling, deep mine operations, etc.);
  • Summer open-air operations (such as outdoor operations such as construction, construction, farmland labor, sanitation and other outdoor operations in summer);
  • High-intensity work in summer (such as sports competitions and military training, etc.).

Depending on the severity of the clinical symptoms, occupational heat stroke can be divided into heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke (a mixed form may also occur).

When a heat wave hits, heat stroke is also an occupational disease? What can be done to prevent occupational heat stroke?

If a worker suffers from heat stroke due to work, he or she can apply to an occupational disease diagnosis agency for diagnosis, and the doctor will make a diagnosis based on the patient's clinical performance, taking into account factors such as occupational history, temperature, humidity and labor intensity of the working environment.

If you are diagnosed with occupational heat stroke, you can apply to the local social insurance administrative department for work-related injury recognition within the specified time, and you can enjoy work-related injury insurance benefits in accordance with the law.

What should I do if someone in the workplace suffers from heat stroke?

In fact, there are precursors to heat stroke, such as dizziness, headache, fatigue, thirst, sweating, palpitations, lack of concentration, uncoordinated movements and other symptoms in a high temperature environment, normal or slightly elevated but lower than 38.0 °C, which can be accompanied by flushing and burning skin.

Once the symptoms of heat stroke appear, the worker should immediately stop the hot work, get out of the hot environment, go to a cool and ventilated place to rest, lie down, and drink salty cool drinks.

When a heat wave hits, heat stroke is also an occupational disease? What can be done to prevent occupational heat stroke?

Symptoms disappear after a short period of rest, and if symptoms do not relieve, seek medical attention.

What should employers do to prevent heat stroke?

To prevent occupational heat stroke, employers may take the following measures:

Do a good job of occupational health check-ups

Before the arrival of the high temperature season, workers working in high temperatures should be organized to undergo occupational health examinations.

Workers with uncontrolled hypertension, chronic nephritis, uncontrolled hyperthyroidism, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, scar area ≥of more than 20% of the whole body, and epilepsy shall not be arranged to work in positions exposed to high temperatures.

When a heat wave hits, heat stroke is also an occupational disease? What can be done to prevent occupational heat stroke?

Improvement of working conditions and provision of heatstroke prevention drinks and medicines

Improve production equipment and operation methods to keep workers away from heat sources and reduce labor intensity.

Add the necessary ventilation or cooling equipment to hot work sites. Provide personal protective equipment such as work hats, protective glasses, and face shields for workers in high temperatures.

and provide sufficient heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks and necessary medicines for workers working in hot and hot weather.

Money and goods must not be distributed in lieu of providing heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks.

  • Heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks: sugar and salt water, salt tea water, electrolyte-containing soft drinks, mung bean soup, etc.
  • Anti-heatstroke medicines: Ren Dan, ten drops of water, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, cool oil, normal saline, etc.
  • Cooling supplies: cold water and ice cubes, chemical ice packs, cold water towels, etc.

Arrange working hours reasonably

Appropriately adjust the labor and rest system for high-temperature work in summer, avoid long-term work during high-temperature periods, and adopt methods such as rotation operations to shorten working hours and intensity.

Strengthen education and training and emergency drills

Organize training on occupational health knowledge such as high temperature protection and first aid for heat stroke for workers, and enhance their ability to help themselves and each other.

Equipped with emergency rescue personnel and sufficient first-aid medicines, rescue measures shall be taken immediately when workers have symptoms of heat stroke.

What precautions can workers take?

Replenish water and electrolytes

Drink small amounts of water often to keep your body hydrated. People who work in hot environments should be appropriately supplemented with salty or electrolyte beverages.

When a heat wave hits, heat stroke is also an occupational disease? What can be done to prevent occupational heat stroke?

Pay attention to temperature changes and make adjustments in time

Pay attention to temperature changes, understand the precautions for hot weather and work time requirements.

When it's too hot, wipe your skin with a damp towel to allow the moisture to evaporate and help dissipate heat. Avoid blowing the air conditioner directly after sweating a lot, wipe off the sweat or change the sweat-soaked clothes before entering the air-conditioned room to rest.

Eat a reasonable diet and supplement nutrition

Eat a light, easy-to-digest diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits with high water content.

Get back to life regularly and get plenty of rest

Regular and adequate sleep relaxes the brain and body, which is conducive to preventing health risks such as occupational heat stroke. Do not lie down under the air vents of the air conditioner and electric fans when sleeping.

In addition, in the summer of each year, the health inspector will supervise and guide the enterprise to implement the main responsibility for the prevention and control of high temperature occupational hazards, take targeted measures to improve working conditions in a timely manner, avoid the occurrence of occupational heat stroke incidents, and effectively protect the occupational health of workers.

When a heat wave hits, heat stroke is also an occupational disease? What can be done to prevent occupational heat stroke?

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