
Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance

author:Luwang Tai'an

Luwang, June 29 - The centennial journey is magnificent, and vocational education is unswervingly committed to rejuvenating the country. In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, encourage the majority of party members, cadres, teachers, students and staff of the college to carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions, and strive to write a new chapter in Tai'an vocational education, on June 28, Taishan Vocational and Technical College held a grand "two excellent and one first" commendation conference, and Xinjiang Yuepuhu County Secondary Vocational and Technical School to jointly hold a "July 1st" gala performance.

Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance

Li Pinghai, project director of the comprehensive coordination group of the Tai'an Xinjiang Aid Headquarters, Wang Yongfei, deputy secretary of the party committee of Xinjiang Yuepuhu County Secondary Vocational and Technical School, Yang Pengfei and Cai Liguli Abdukerem, teachers of Xinjiang Yuepuhu County Secondary Vocational and Technical School, Daniel Zhang, secretary of the party committee of the college, Cui Genghu, deputy secretary of the party committee and dean, Wang Wenlin, Zhang Luyu, Fan Yuwen and Zhao Jinglan, school leaders, teachers and students of Yuepuhu County Secondary Vocational and Technical School, principal party and government leaders of various departments and departments of the college, and party members of all faculty and staff attended the event. Cui Genghu presided over the commendation meeting.

Cui Genghu read out the "Decision of Taishan Vocational and Technical College on Commending Outstanding Communist Party Members, Outstanding Party Workers and Advanced Grass-roots Party Organizations in the 2023-2024 Academic Year", and the leaders at the meeting presented awards to individuals and unit representatives who won the titles of outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations.

Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance
Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance
Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance

The conference pointed out that in the past year, the college has been scientifically aware, actively adapted, and actively sought changes, committed to leading high-quality development with high-quality party building, and achieved a steady improvement in the quality of talent training, scientific research and innovation, social service ability and overall school-running level.

The conference required that the grassroots party organizations and the majority of party members and comrades of the college should take the commended organizations and individuals as examples, benchmark typical and advanced, effectively unify thoughts and actions to the decision-making and deployment of the party committee of the college, gather wisdom and strength to the central work and key tasks of the college, and present the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party with new excellent achievements.

Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance
Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance
Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance
Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance
Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance
Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance

The teachers and students of the college and the teachers and students of Yuepuhu County Secondary Vocational and Technical School gathered together to celebrate the birthday of the party. Uygur students from Xinjiang presented the traditional national dance "Why Are Flowers So Red" for the party's birthday; The sergeants and students of the Department of Civil-Military Integration Education sang "The People's Army is Loyal to the Party" and "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and the loud singing resounded throughout the venue; The poetry recitation of the Department of Finance and Economics "Praise of Mount Tai" makes us feel as if walking in the mountains and jungles and feeling the profundity of the majestic Mount Tai; The red song and dance drama "This Flag" of the Department of Education and Art reproduces the hot land of Culai Mountain under the Japanese pseudo-white terror, and the aspiring young people in Tai'an have firm ideals and beliefs, hold high the red flag, are not afraid of sacrifice, and move forward; The young students wearing national costumes sang "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" with true feelings, expressing their determination to always follow the party; Teacher Liu Xinrong's "We Are Mount Tai of the Yellow River" is majestic and inspiring, showing that under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people's confidence in pursuing a better life is firmer and their steps are more solid. Through a wonderful program, all the teachers and students reviewed the glorious struggle of the party in the past century, sang the main theme of the new era of loving the motherland, loving the hometown and loving the Communist Party, showing that the teachers and students of the college unswervingly follow the party and keep up with the good spirit of the innovation bureau of the times.

Taishan Vocational and Technical College held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and welcome the "July 1st" gala performance

The leaders of the college and all the commended outstanding party members, outstanding party workers and representatives of advanced grassroots party organizations took a group photo in front of the library. (Correspondents: Chen Zhiliang, Li Wei, Zeng Xiaodong)

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