
From the incident of "Gu Junye's participation in Han Zong", we can see the connections and strength of celebrities in their careers

author:Full of mountains

From the incident of "Gu Junye's participation in Han Zong", we can see the connections and strength of celebrities in their careers

From the incident of "Gu Junye's participation in Han Zong", we can see the connections and strength of celebrities in their careers


From the incident of "Gu Junye's participation in Han Zong", we can see the connections and strength of celebrities in their careers

Recently, there has been another wave of heated discussions in the entertainment industry, because the well-known actor Gu Junye is about to participate in a Korean variety show, and will also lead a men's group on the show as a program mentor, and personally teach 28 years of acting experience. As soon as such news came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions and attention from the majority of netizens, after all, Gu Junye's position in the entertainment industry is still very stable, and he has been very low-key for many years and rarely participates in variety shows, so this sudden "appearance" naturally aroused everyone's curiosity.

From the incident of "Gu Junye's participation in Han Zong", we can see the connections and strength of celebrities in their careers

1. Gu Junye participated in Han Zong, netizens: Can you rely on big S?

The reason why Gu Junye was able to have the opportunity to participate in such a Korean variety show, many netizens have speculated, and one of the most common sayings is "relying on Big S to get on", after all, in the entertainment industry, Gu Junye's popularity is not very high, and his network resources in South Korea are far inferior to Big S, so he can have the opportunity to participate in Han Zong, probably because Big S helped him through his own network resources.

Even with the help of Big S, Gu Junye's variety show road this time will not be smooth sailing, on the contrary, he is likely to suffer more doubts and challenges because of this participation, after all, he is indeed not well-known in the Korean variety show circle, so it is undoubtedly very difficult to make a difference in the Korean variety show.

From the incident of "Gu Junye's participation in Han Zong", we can see the connections and strength of celebrities in their careers

2. Connections and strength in the star's career

After all, in the entertainment industry, a person's network resources can play a very big role, especially at some important critical moments, so the reason why Gu Junye was able to have the opportunity to participate in Korean variety shows can be regarded as "borrowing" the light of Big S.

Even with the help of Big S, Gu Junye's variety show road this time will not be smooth sailing, on the contrary, he is likely to suffer more doubts and challenges because of this participation, after all, he is indeed not well-known in the Korean variety show circle, so it is undoubtedly very difficult to make a difference in the Korean variety show.

From the incident of "Gu Junye's participation in Han Zong", we can see the connections and strength of celebrities in their careers

3. How to balance the network and strength in the career

In the entertainment industry, in a person's career, connections and strength are very important, and the relationship between the two is also very delicate, many times, we will find that although some stars have a very wide range of network resources, but their strength is not very good, so they will always be questioned and challenged by others at work.

On the contrary, although some celebrities do not rely on connections, they have very solid strength, so they can always be recognized and affirmed by others in their work.

From the incident of "Gu Junye's participation in Han Zong", we can see the connections and strength of celebrities in their careers


Through this incident of Gu Junye's participation in Han Zong, we can't help but think deeply, in fact, in the entertainment industry, both connections and strength are very important, but what we should pay more attention to is strength, because only people with real strength can go further in their careers, and connections are just a "booster" and cannot really determine a person's success or failure.

We also have to admit that there are indeed a lot of unfairness in reality, some people are obviously very strong, but they are unknown because they don't have enough connections, and some people don't have any strength, but because they have a wide range of network resources and are popular throughout the entertainment industry, so whether it is connections or strength, we need to balance and guess in order to go further in our careers.

, I hope that Gu Junye can gain something from this trip to Han Zong, and I also hope that everyone can see the real strength in him, instead of paying attention to him only because he has big S's network resources.

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