
Xu Limin is ruthless! Lief officially broke up with Shougang, and Tongxi may become Liv's potential next home

author:Fairy Gu chats about style

According to the latest revelation of the well-known basketball media director Where I Lie, at present, Beijing Shougang has officially broken up with the big foreign aid Liv, who has received offers from other CBA teams, which immediately caused heated discussions among fans! You must know that Leaf's playing style is soft, and he has been trained by Li Xiaoxu of Liao Basket many times, which is not suitable for CBA strong teams, so it is estimated that there are teams in the middle and lower reaches chasing Leaf.

Xu Limin is ruthless! Lief officially broke up with Shougang, and Tongxi may become Liv's potential next home

Before Leaf landed in the CBA's first season, he played a famous role in Guangzhou Longshi, and later joined Beijing Shougang and played for the team for two seasons, with a decent performance, but there is still a certain gap from the new coach Xu Limin's strong foreign aid standard, so Shougang can only endure the pain.

Xu Limin is ruthless! Lief officially broke up with Shougang, and Tongxi may become Liv's potential next home

So who will be chasing Leaf? Comprehensive analysis, it is expected that Nanjing Tongxi or Leaf's potential next home, Tongxi team lacks big foreign aid, last season was a big foreign aid by parallel goods Farr pitted, compared to Farr, Leaf is obviously more practical, the estimated price is not expensive, and familiar with CBA, avoid looking away, I believe that Leaf will shine in a team like Tongxi, come on!

Xu Limin is ruthless! Lief officially broke up with Shougang, and Tongxi may become Liv's potential next home