
Since the "Taiwan independence" elements are so arrogant, the mainland will be in earnest, and it is very important to improve the law

author:Bao Ming said

On 20 June, the full moon of the new Taiwan independence government, Lai Ching-te and his principal deputy Zhuo Rongtai made a special remark on this day, once again proclaiming that there is no such thing as one China and that the two sides of the strait have no subordinate relationship with each other. Public opinion on the island says that at a time when the mainland's preparations for Taiwan's reunification by force are becoming more and more intense, the Taiwan independence leaders are still acting in this way, and this is a complete absence and no concern for the consequences. After Lai Qingde came to power, in view of his vile and provocative remarks, the mainland adopted some measures to crack down on Taiwan independence elements. These include the abolition of some preferential tax conditions, the organization of military exercises, the control of maritime administrative powers, and so on. Do the new DPP authorities, headed by Lai Qingde, feel that a crisis is imminent? Now, it seems, they don't feel that way.

Since the "Taiwan independence" elements are so arrogant, the mainland will be in earnest, and it is very important to improve the law

Taiwan's stock market has been rising since Lai Ching-te came to power, and economic indices seem to be doing well. Although the structural problems of Taiwan's economy have not been solved at all, after all, he has been given a figure that he can come up with to boast about. As a result, Lai Qingde's warnings and punishments to the mainland were completely ignored. There is nothing new in their arguments, that is, they refuse to recognize one China and Chinese mainland's jurisdiction over Taiwan, and they are as hard as ever.

The United States has fostered many anti-China forces and anti-China figures inside and outside China and in the world, and we have to say that the Taiwan independence forces are the most stubborn and the most difficult to deal with. The vast majority of foreign anti-China forces, including Lithuania in Europe and Japan, India, and the Philippines in Asia, know to a greater or lesser extent that they must be a little measured in the face of China. Even if he is very dissatisfied with China, he does not dare to speak and act too much. Otherwise, China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a political, military and economic power, will not be able to afford the consequences of a counterattack. However, it seems that the Taiwan independence forces alone are not afraid of the mainland's punishment at all.

Since the "Taiwan independence" elements are so arrogant, the mainland will be in earnest, and it is very important to improve the law

These Taiwan independence elements, who are rampant in Taiwan's political arena today, have not experienced war in the true sense of the word. They have no idea what kind of impact war will have on the fate of society and individuals. Even if the mainland only controls and blocks Taiwan's import and export trade, they still have no idea what consequences it may bring to Taiwan. Taiwan is an export-oriented economy with large imports and exports on a daily basis. The mainland only needs to cut off Taiwan's oil and gas imports, and if the mainland paralyzes Taiwan's power supply system, Taiwan will collapse in a very short time. However, Lai Qingde and others did not believe that the mainland would do such a thing at all. It seems that in the past few decades of emphasizing peaceful reunification, we have become accustomed to certain people on the island of Taiwan.

Since the "Taiwan independence" elements are so arrogant, the mainland will be in earnest, and it is very important to improve the law

Since the Taiwan independence elements are so arrogant, the mainland will be serious. On June 21, China's Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of State Security, and Ministry of Justice, referred to as the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Court, jointly issued the "Opinions on Punishing 'Taiwan Independence' Diehards for Separatism and Inciting Splittism in Accordance with Law." In particular, the possibility of imposing the death penalty and who it applies to are given. The Hong Kong media believe that this is the most effective way to deter "Taiwan independence" diehards. It is no joke that the mainland has expressed in the form of the will of the country that it wants to move the heads of those who split the motherland. The promulgation of the "Opinions" has made the crackdown on "Taiwan independence" diehards more precise and effective, fully demonstrating the determination of the 1.4 billion Chinese people to safeguard the reunification of the motherland. Sensitive netizens will notice that since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the mainland's policy on Taiwan work has changed, the work of recovering Taiwan has been carried out step by step and accurately, the political, economic, military, and legal fields are all synchronized and linked, the rope around the neck of Taiwan independence has been tightened step by step, and a big game of chess has already begun. It is really sad that these diehard Taiwan independence elements such as Lai Qingde are still obsessed with evil thoughts and get carried away!


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