
Dong Yuhui joked during the live broadcast, why am I so handsome? Can you cook, will you commit a crime?

author:Mushroom heads

Dong Yuhui broadcast his cooking skills live, and netizens hotly discussed the early leadership of rural children

Last night, Dong Yuhui humorously teased himself in the live broadcast: "Why am I so handsome? Can you also cook, is this a crime? As soon as this remark came out, it immediately sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Dong Yuhui is not only handsome, but also very good at cooking, when he shows his cooking skills in front of the camera, he is skillful, which makes people sigh that he is really an all-round talent who "can go to the hall and go down to the kitchen".

Dong Yuhui joked during the live broadcast, why am I so handsome? Can you cook, will you commit a crime?

In the live broadcast, Dong Yuhui's cooking skills were well received by everyone. His attentive and serious attitude when cooking is reminiscent of those children who learned to cook early in the countryside when they were children. At that time, the parents were busy with farm work, and the children had to go home after school to help cook, and by the time the parents returned, a hot meal was ready. This experience allows children in rural areas to learn to be independent and sensible at an early age.

Dong Yuhui joked during the live broadcast, why am I so handsome? Can you cook, will you commit a crime?

Netizens said that Dong Yuhui's words evoked their memories of rural life. Someone said, "When I was a child, I had to help cook when I came home from school, and although it was hard at that time, I also felt very happy." Someone else said: "Children in the countryside are indeed sensible earlier than children in the city, and they learn to be independent and take responsibility earlier." ”

Dong Yuhui joked during the live broadcast, why am I so handsome? Can you cook, will you commit a crime?

Dong Yuhui's live broadcast not only showed his cooking skills, but also triggered everyone's thinking about the growth environment of rural children. In modern society, with the improvement of living standards, many urban children no longer need to take on housework as early as in the past. However, this spirit of independence and understanding is still worth learning and inheriting.

Dong Yuhui joked during the live broadcast, why am I so handsome? Can you cook, will you commit a crime?

Why, then, do rural children become sensible earlier than urban children? There are many reasons behind this. First of all, the living environment in the countryside is relatively simple, and children need to learn to live independently earlier, which allows them to be exposed to the hardships and difficulties of life earlier. Second, the family structure in rural areas tends to be tighter, and children play a more important role in the family, and they need to assume the responsibilities and obligations of the family earlier. Finally, the relatively limited educational resources in rural areas make it difficult for children to study harder to change their destiny, and this pressure also allows them to learn to be sensible and independent earlier.

Dong Yuhui joked during the live broadcast, why am I so handsome? Can you cook, will you commit a crime?

Of course, this is not to say that city children are ignorant or independent. Every child has their own growth trajectory and experience, and we should respect their choices and efforts. However, from Dong Yuhui's live broadcast, we can see a fact: that is, the spirit of independence and sensibility is worth learning and inheriting from each of us.

Dong Yuhui joked during the live broadcast, why am I so handsome? Can you cook, will you commit a crime?

Finally, let's return to Dong Yuhui's cooking skills. He is not only handsome, but also able to cook, such an all-round talent is really admirable. But then again, Dong Yuhui's cooking skills also let us see the shadow of rural children who are in charge early. They have learned to be independent and sensible from an early age, and this spirit is worth learning from and learning from each of us.

Dong Yuhui joked during the live broadcast, why am I so handsome? Can you cook, will you commit a crime?

So, did you learn to cook as a child? What do you think is the difference between rural and urban children? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section to share your views and experiences. Let's explore this topic together and inherit and carry forward the spirit of independence and sensibility together!

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