
"Celebrating More Than Years" Why did Emperor Qing feel cold in the last days of his life?

author:Xiaomei said the characters

At the end of Qing Yu Nian, Emperor Qing and Fan Xian agreed that the scope of the life-and-death duel between the two only existed between the two, and it was no one else's business.

So when Fan Xian was hiding from Emperor Qing's pursuit, Lin Wan'er was able to take her children into the palace to visit Emperor Qing from time to time, and Fan Ruoruo also took care of Emperor Qing who was injured by a shotgun.

"Celebrating More Than Years" Why did Emperor Qing feel cold in the last days of his life?

But Emperor Qing often felt unprecedented loneliness and cold.

Among the four great grandmasters, Kuhe died, Sigu Jian also died, Ye Liuyun went overseas, and Emperor Qing was left alone among the four great grandmasters, who was a god-like existence in the world of Qing Yu Nian.

Without the threat of the four great grandmasters, Emperor Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the relaxation of his whole body made him feel cold and lonely.

"Celebrating More Than Years" Why did Emperor Qing feel cold in the last days of his life?

After the Battle of Dadongshan, the Queen Mother died, the Empress died, the eldest princess died, the crown prince and the second prince also died, and Emperor Qing finally made himself a loner.

Just like the four words left by the second prince to Emperor Qing before his death, "widowhood and loneliness", Emperor Qing at this time deeply felt the meaning.

"Celebrating More Than Years" Why did Emperor Qing feel cold in the last days of his life?

planned to kill Ye Qingmei with his own hands, and lost love since then.

He turned against his childhood friend Fan Jian, and met Chen Pingping, and Emperor Qing lost his friendship.

used the eldest princess's love for herself to make her a female madman who regarded power as her life, and used the second prince as a stepping stone to suppress the prince, Emperor Qing Shengsheng cut off his brother-sister relationship with the eldest princess, and the father-son relationship between the second prince and the prince.

"Celebrating More Than Years" Why did Emperor Qing feel cold in the last days of his life?

Originally, Fan Xian didn't have a great hatred for Emperor Qing, but Emperor Qing tossed hard and chopped Chen Pingping alive, making Fan Xian a lonely minister who didn't recognize his six relatives.

He is so confident that Fan Xian is his son, even if he rebels, he will eventually return to his side, but Emperor Qing was wrong, Fan Xian finally stood on the opposite side of Emperor Qing.

In the end, Emperor Qing fell into the curse that Chen Pingping and the second prince gave him before he died, widowed and lonely, betrayed his relatives, and had supreme power, but he would die alone.

"Celebrating More Than Years" Why did Emperor Qing feel cold in the last days of his life?

In the ultimate battle, Emperor Qing could have died with Fan Xian, but he chose to untie the black cloth on Lao Wu's eyes, and his body, which had been cold, suddenly felt unprecedented warmth, and in the next second, he disappeared.

Emperor Qing's life was very glorious, dying under Barrett, shotguns and laser weapons, but he also left the old Li family with a powerful Nanqing country, and this life was worth it.

Well, that's all for today's content, welcome to leave a message, see you in the next issue!
