
His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time


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In the long course of history, how many heroes have been forgotten? How many stories of the Unknown Soldier have been lost to the years?

Let's get closer to a little-known revolutionary hero - Li Bai.

He has the same name as the poet of the Tang Dynasty, but he used his life to compose an immortal revolutionary hymn.

How did he lurk in the heart of the enemy for so many years?

And how to use radio waves to build an air bridge between Yan'an and Shanghai?

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

Young Li Bai: The germ of the revolutionary fire

In 1910, in an ordinary family in Liuyang, Hunan, a boy named Li Bai fell to the ground.

Who would have thought that this child with the same name as Shixian would become a bright star in the Chinese revolutionary cause in the future?

Since he was a child, Li Bai has shown extraordinary intelligence and keen observation of society.

At the age of 15, that is, in 1925, the young Li Bai resolutely joined the Communist Party of China.

This decision completely changed the trajectory of his life.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

Sparks: The Baptism of the Autumn Harvest Uprising

In 1927, 17-year-old Li Bai participated in the Autumn Harvest Uprising that shocked China and the rest of the world.

In the rain of bullets, the young Li Bai experienced the baptism of blood and fire.

This experience strengthened his determination to fight for the revolution all his life.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

The birth of the "Airwave Warriors".

Around 1930, 20-year-old Li Bai attended a radio class.

He is acutely aware that in this age of information paramount,

Mastering radio technology will be an important boost to the revolutionary cause.

Li Bai studied hard and soon became an excellent radio technician.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

Long March: Red radio waves march with the army

In 1934, the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army began the world-famous Long March.

24-year-old Li Bai, as the political commissar of the radio team of the Red Fifth Army, carried heavy equipment on his back and trekked through mountains and rivers.

He used radio waves to transmit military orders and maintain the connection between the various units of the Red Army.

This experience gave Li Bai a deeper understanding of the importance of communication in the revolution.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

Into the Tiger's Den: The Beginning of Underground Work in Shanghai

In 1937, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out.

At this time, Li Bai was already an experienced underground worker.

The organization sent him to Shanghai to take charge of the secret radio station.

In this city, which is called "isolated island",

Li Bai had to face the triple threat of Japanese spies, Kuomintang spies, and Wang's puppet government.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

Revolutionary Companion: "Fake Drama and Real Doing" with Qiu Huiying

In 1939, in order to better cover Li Bai's identity, a female comrade Qiu Huiying was sent to the organization.

The two began to pretend to be husband and wife and run this secret radio station together.

In getting along day and night, the two gradually fell in love.

In 1940, with the approval of the organization, Li Bai and Qiu Huiying officially married and became a revolutionary couple.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

Thrilling: Escape on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival

In the Mid-Autumn Festival of 1942, Li Bai and Qiu Huiying were preparing for the upcoming reunion night.

Suddenly, dozens of gendarmes climbed over the fence and entered.

Li Bai was in danger, quickly dismantling the radio station equipment and hiding.

Despite the eventual arrest, due to the lack of direct evidence, coupled with the organized rescue,

Li Bai was freed in May 1943 after being tortured.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

Reborn from the ashes: continue to fight for the revolution

After his release, Li Bai was not intimidated by the torture of the enemy.

On the contrary, this experience strengthened his revolutionary convictions.

He said: "The enemy has plucked out ten of my fingernails with a vice, but I still use them to do the work of sending telegrams!" "

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

The Darkness Before Dawn: The Last Persistence

On December 30, 1948, Li Bai obtained a top-secret piece of information about the battle to cross the river.

Although he knew that it was extremely dangerous to issue a report at this time, for the sake of the victory of the revolution, Li Bai resolutely decided to take the risk of passing on this important message.

Just as he was about to finish delivering the message, the enemy broke down the door.

Li Bai didn't have time to escape, leaving only a sentence of "Comrades, farewell!" I miss you guys! "He was arrested.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

The last moments of life: vows and farewells

On May 7, 1949, on the eve of the liberation of Shanghai, Li Bai was secretly detained in the Penglai Road Detention Center in Shanghai.

Sensing that his life was coming to an end, he sent his wife a final message through one of his cellmates.

With the help of his cellmates, Li Bai, whose legs had been broken, was lifted to the bars to say his final goodbye to his wife and children.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

He whispered, "It's almost dawn, and what I hope for is finally coming true."

If I can come back, it's great, in case I can't come back,

You, your children, and the people of the whole country will live a free and happy life. "

That night, 39-year-old Li Bai was secretly executed.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time

Although the hero is gone, the spirit lives on

On May 27, 1949, Shanghai was liberated. Li Bai exchanged his life for this day, but he will never be able to see it with his own eyes.

On June 20, under the confession of the secret agent, Li Bai's body was found.

His wife, Qiu Huiying, recognized her husband by just a patch on his pants — which she had sewn with her own hands.

After Li Bai's sacrifice, his deeds were adapted into the movie "The Eternal Wave", which touched several generations of Chinese.

He used his life to explain what a real revolutionary is and what it means to adhere to ideals.

His legs were broken off by the tiger chair, and he was carried to the window by his fellow inmates to see his wife and children for the last time


The story of Li Bai is the epitome of the struggle of countless Chinese Communists for the revolutionary cause.

With their blood and lives, they forged the cornerstone of New China.

When we enjoy peace and prosperity, do we remember those heroes like Li Bai?

Let us always remember them, inherit their spirit, and make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Is there anything you want to say to Li Bai? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area.

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