
"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG

author:Study in Australia

To register for the IELTS test, fill in the institution code TS000300

You can get it for free, and the IELTS Speaking mock test review class will be given once

Many duck babies have just finished the Jianya real questions as soon as they started preparing for the exam, so they fell into a new melancholy: there is still a period of time before the exam, and they don't want to brush the Jianya real questions that have been brushed up, what questions can they brush before the exam?

小助手这就给大家推荐个!剑桥雅思官方考试指南(The Cambridge Official Guide of IELTS,简称OG)

"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG

Reason for recommendation:

1. The official IELTS OG is written by authoritative experts including IELTS examiners, question writers, teachers, etc., and represents the official view of the direction of IELTS questions.

2. Secondly, this OG makes full use of the Cambridge learner's corpus and analyzes thousands of real IELTS papers to help candidates avoid common mistakes.

3. In addition, the "Official Guide" also provides 8 sets of academic + 2 sets of general training Cambridge IELTS test questions, "These exercises are based on the real answers and analysis of errors of IELTS candidates, which can comprehensively improve the candidate's test-taking ability and familiarity with the test." "It is very suitable for the ducks to practice before the exam. There may be a little test duck who wonders, since it is an IELTS OG made from the analysis of thousands of real IELTS test papers, how is it different from the real questions of Jianya?

The difference between IELTS OG and Jianya real questions

IELTS OG reflects the scope of the IELTS test, with slightly more difficult questions and more professional vocabulary; The Jianya real question series is compiled by drawing 4 sets of real exam questions every year, which is simpler in terms of difficulty. Place! In order to! Say! The IELTS OG series is suitable for people who already have a certain foundation in IELTS and have completed the Jianya test questions, not IELTS beginners!! In general, test ducks can learn about some test trends of IELTS questions through IELTS OG, and can also be more clear about some IELTS question ideas and problem-solving skills before the test!

"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG

Today, the assistant will share a full set of IELTS OG with you, and the little test duck you need should get it quickly~

IELTS preparation materials

List of documents



  • 8 complete sets of academic IELTS real test questions
  • 2 sets of IELTS Reading and Writing test questions for General Training
"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG
"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG
"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG
"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG
"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG
"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG

(Only some materials are displayed)

Scan the code to add a small assistant to reply to the password [IELTS OG] to get the benefit collection method now!

Benefits: All IELTS preparation students

Whether you are a beginner in the planning stage of IELTS or a seasoned test duck, you are welcome to sign up for the Wenlan IELTS preparation course! You don't need to waste time and effort to collect information by yourself, and you don't need to learn from your experience everywhere, Teacher Wen Lan will help you check and fill in the gaps, small class class丨One-on-one丨Live class丨Recorded class, the class type is diverse, and the class starts on a rolling basis

Efficient preparation for the exam, easy to break up with IELTS

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"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG
"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG

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"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG
"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG
"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG

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"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG

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"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG

When registering for the IELTS test, fill in the institution code "TS000300" in item 23 of the registration form, and send a screenshot to the assistant to receive a 🉑 free 30-minute IELTS speaking mock test!

"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG

⊙ statement: The picture comes from the Internet, if you infringe on your rights, please send a private message.

"Data Collection" IELTS 7+ Essential Test Materials - IELTS Official OG

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