
The founding general suffered from dental disease and was specially authorized to fill his teeth with three grams of gold, but after the filling, he was stolen by the guards

author:The plum fragrance is the same

In the years of the Chinese Revolution, there was such a founding general, and his life was full of legends. He came from a poor background, but with his extraordinary courage and intelligence, he became a famous general. He has made many outstanding military exploits and won the respect of Chairman Mao. However, such a highly decorated general has triggered a ridiculous past because of a tooth problem. In those days of scarcity, he received a special "preferential treatment" - three grams of gold for a filling. This precious gift not only symbolizes the leader's care, but also a testimony of his years of battle. However, as fate would have it, this hard-won gold tooth mysteriously disappeared shortly after it was mended. Who is this general? What twists and turns has his gold tooth experienced?

The founding general suffered from dental disease and was specially authorized to fill his teeth with three grams of gold, but after the filling, he was stolen by the guards

General Chen Shiyu's revolutionary career

Chen Shiyu, this name shines with a unique light in modern Chinese history. His life is like a magnificent revolutionary epic, from being born in poverty to becoming a founding general, which contains countless hardships and legends.

In 1909, Chen Shiyu was born in a poor peasant family in Huang'an County (now Hong'an County), Hubei Province. Suffering from poverty since childhood, he has a deep understanding of social injustice. In 1926, at the age of 17, Chen Shiyu joined the Chinese Communist Youth League and began his revolutionary career. This choice completely changed the trajectory of his life.

In 1927, Chen Shiyu participated in the famous Autumn Harvest Uprising. During this uprising, he showed extraordinary courage and organizational skills, which attracted the attention of the superior leadership. Subsequently, he followed Mao Zedong and others to Jinggangshan and began an arduous revolutionary struggle. During the Jinggangshan period, Chen Shiyu underwent severe tests, but his revolutionary will did not diminish in the slightest. He participated in many anti-"encirclement and suppression" battles and constantly improved his military skills in practice.

During the Long March, Chen Shiyu displayed outstanding leadership skills and indomitable revolutionary spirit. During the Long March, he led his troops to break through many dangers and overcome unimaginable difficulties. In particular, during the four crossings of Chishui, the troops commanded by Chen Shiyu successfully pinned down the enemy and won precious time for the main force of the Red Army to cross the river. This strategic decision made an important contribution to the final victory of the Long March.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Shiyu devoted himself to the anti-Japanese front. In September 1937, in the famous victory at Pingxingguan, the troops commanded by Chen Shiyu set up an ambush in Guangyang Mountain, annihilated a Japanese brigade in one fell swoop, and captured a large number of weapons and ammunition. This victory not only boosted the fighting spirit of the anti-Japanese army and people throughout the country, but also established Chen Shiyu's pre-eminent position in military command.

In the subsequent War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Chen Shiyu made many outstanding achievements. The troops under his command participated in important battles such as the Battle of the Hundred Regiments and the Battle of Western Henan, and each time they achieved remarkable results.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Shiyu is not only a brave warrior and an excellent commander, but also a leader with a human touch. He always cared about the lives of the soldiers, and often shared the weal and woe with the soldiers. During the harsh war years, he often distributed his rations to the soldiers, but he himself starved. This style of being close to the people and loving the soldiers made him deeply loved by the officers and men of the troops.

The ins and outs of the special approval of gold fillings

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when everything was in ruins, a special "preferential treatment" about General Chen Shiyu caused quite a stir. This highly decorated founding general, because of a tooth problem, received three grams of gold specially approved by Chairman Mao for tooth filling. Behind this incident, it not only reflects the leader's concern for the older generation of revolutionaries, but also reflects many details of that special era.

General Chen Shiyu's dental disease was not a sudden illness, but the result of long-term accumulation. Since joining the revolution, General Chen has endured numerous arduous battles. During the Long March, due to a long-term lack of nutrition and medical conditions, many revolutionary fighters suffered from health problems of varying degrees. Chen Shiyu was no exception, and his dental condition gradually deteriorated.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, General Chen Shiyu was in danger many times, often neglecting his personal health. Once, in a fierce battle, General Chen was wounded in the tooth by an enemy shell, but he endured the pain and continued to command the battle. This spirit of disregarding personal safety, although he won the battle, also laid a hidden danger for his future dental disease.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, General Chen Shiyu's work was not lightened by the advent of peacetime. On the contrary, as the founding general, he was tasked with rebuilding the country. His busy schedule left him no time to take care of his health. By the early 1950s, General Chen's dental disease had become so severe that it affected his daily life and work.

At that time, China had all kinds of industries waiting to be developed, and the medical conditions were relatively backward. Especially in the field of dentistry, both technology and materials are far behind Western countries. General Chen Shiyu's dental condition was reported to the central leadership. When Chairman Mao learned of this situation, he was very concerned. He was well aware of General Chen's hard work during the revolutionary years, and he also understood the importance of health to a senior general.

After careful consideration, Chairman Mao made a special decision: to approve the use of three grams of gold to fill the teeth of General Chen Shiyu. This decision was unprecedented at the time. You must know that in that era of scarcity, gold was an extremely precious strategic material. Every gram of gold in the country must be carefully calculated and used for national construction and national defense needs.

The founding general suffered from dental disease and was specially authorized to fill his teeth with three grams of gold, but after the filling, he was stolen by the guards

Chairman Mao's decision not only reflects his concern for his old comrades-in-arms, but also is a special commendation for revolutionary heroes. These three grams of gold carry the leader's respect and expectations for the revolutionaries of the older generation.

However, there are still technical challenges to turning these three grams of gold into actual gold teeth. At that time, there were only a handful of dentists in China who could perform such a delicate gold tooth production. Eventually, this important task fell to a respected old dentist in Beijing. The dentist had studied abroad and mastered advanced dental techniques.

To make sure nothing goes wrong, this dentist spends a lot of time researching and preparing. He examined and measured General Chen's teeth many times, striving to make the most suitable gold teeth. During the production process, he carefully handled every detail, lest even the slightest bit of precious gold be wasted.

Finally, after weeks of hard work, the gold tooth was made. When General Chen Shiyu put on this golden tooth, he not only solved the long-standing problem of dental disease, but also felt the importance and care of the party and the state for him.

This gold tooth soon became an integral part of General Chen's life. It not only improved his quality of life, but also became a special testimony to his many years of revolutionary career. Whenever General Chen attended an important occasion, this golden tooth would attract attention and become a topic of conversation.

However, fate tricked people. This hard-won gold tooth suffered an unexpected change soon after it was repaired. This change not only caught General Chen by surprise, but also added a touch of drama to this special "preferential treatment" story.

An unexpected encounter after the gold tooth was repaired

After General Chen Shiyu's gold tooth was filled, his quality of life improved significantly. This gold tooth not only solved his long-term dental problems, but also became a unique testimony of his revolutionary career. However, fate always likes to play a joke, and this hard-won gold tooth soon encounters an unexpected turn of events.

It happened on a summer evening in 1953. On that day, General Chen had just returned to his residence in Beijing after a busy day's work. As is customary, he removed the gold tooth and placed it in a small porcelain dish on the bedside table. This habit was recommended by his dentist to allow the gums to rest well during the night.

That night, Xiao Li, General Chen's guard, was on duty outside the general's room as usual. Xiao Li is a young man from a poor peasant family in Shandong. Soon after joining the army, he was selected as the general's bodyguard, a job that honored him and gave him the opportunity to get up close and personal with the legendary general.

The founding general suffered from dental disease and was specially authorized to fill his teeth with three grams of gold, but after the filling, he was stolen by the guards

However, on this peaceful night, a thought that should not have quietly sprouted in Xiao Li's mind. He knew that the General's gold tooth was worth a fortune, and that his hometown was facing a severe drought and his family was struggling to make ends meet. If you can get this gold tooth, you may be able to solve the family's dilemma.

With apprehension, Xiao Li quietly sneaked into the general's room. He crept over to the head of the bed and saw the gold tooth glittering in the moonlight. After much hesitation, he finally reached out and picked up the gold tooth, quickly hiding it in his pocket.

The next morning, General Chen woke up to find that the gold tooth was missing, and he was greatly surprised. He searched the entire room, but could not find any sign of the Golden Fang. As a general who has experienced countless battles, Chen Shiyu quickly realized that this may not be simply lost, but stolen.

The news spread quickly, and the entire guard regiment was in a state of tension. It's not just a matter of losing a gold tooth, it's about the safety of the general and the seriousness of the guards. The higher authorities immediately organized an investigation team and began a comprehensive investigation.

The team first conducted a detailed search of the general's residence, but found nothing. Subsequently, they began questioning all personnel who might have access to the general's room. Everyone was nervous for fear of being suspected of being a thief.

In this process, Xiao Li behaved extremely unnaturally. He was often distracted and his words flickered, which caught the attention of investigators. After several rounds of harsh questioning, Xiao Li finally broke down and confessed to stealing the gold tooth.

Xiao Li confessed that he planned to sell the gold tooth and send the money back to his hometown to help his family. But after stealing the gold tooth, he has been condemned by his conscience and unable to make up his mind to sell it. The Golden Tooth had been hidden by him in a secret compartment in the dormitory.

Investigators immediately went to Xiao Li's dormitory, and sure enough, they found the gold tooth in the place he said. When the news of the Golden Tooth's finding spread, the entire Guard Regiment breathed a sigh of relief. However, the repercussions of this matter are far from over.

For General Chen, it was an unexpected blow. He had always trusted and cared about the guards around him, and he didn't expect such a thing to happen. This incident not only exposed the loopholes in the work of the guards, but also made him deeply aware of some problems existing in the revolutionary ranks.

At the same time, the incident has caused an uproar on a larger scale. On the one hand, people were shocked and outraged that a guard had dared to steal the general's gold teeth; On the other hand, Xiao Li's family background and motivations also sparked some sympathy.

The founding general suffered from dental disease and was specially authorized to fill his teeth with three grams of gold, but after the filling, he was stolen by the guards

This incident quickly attracted the attention of the higher-level leaders. They realized that this was not just a simple theft case, but also reflected some deep-seated problems in the society in the early days of the founding of New China. How to balance revolutionary work with personal difficulties and how to strengthen the ideological education of the revolutionary contingent have become problems that need to be solved urgently.

While there was speculation about how General Chen would handle the matter, the general's decision once again surprised everyone. This decision not only reflects the mind of an old revolutionary, but also draws a thought-provoking end to this dramatic event.

General Chen's handling of it

In the face of this unexpected incident, General Chen Shiyu's handling of the incident surprised many people. As a veteran revolutionary who had experienced a hail of bullets, General Chen did not choose to punish Xiao Li severely, but adopted a more tolerant and educational approach.

First, General Chen asked for a long talk with Xiao Li. During the conversation, General Chen did not show anger or blame, but calmly inquired about Xiao Li's family situation and the motive for stealing. Xiao Li cried silently about the drought in his hometown and the difficulties in his family's life. General Chen listened attentively and nodded his head from time to time in understanding.

This conversation made General Chen profoundly realize that in the early days of the founding of New China, many grassroots cadres and ordinary people were still facing serious difficulties in their lives. This is not only a simple discipline issue, but also a social issue that needs to be confronted and resolved by the whole party and the whole country.

After much deliberation, General Chen made a surprising decision. He announced that he would not pursue Xiao Li's criminal responsibility, but would give him a chance to mend his ways. General Chen's decision caused quite a bit of controversy at the time. Some people believe that this will encourage bad habits, but many more agree with General Chen's tolerance and wisdom.

General Chen's decision encompasses several aspects. First of all, he asked Xiao Li to write a detailed review to deeply reflect on his wrong behavior. This review should not only be handed over to the higher organization, but also read out at the general meeting of the whole regiment to warn others.

Second, General Chen suggested that Xiao Li be transferred from his guard post and assigned to work in a grassroots unit. This is not only a punishment for Xiao Li, but also a chance to give him a chance to start over. General Chen believed that only by allowing Xiao Li to go deep into the grassroots and experience the lives of ordinary people could he truly understand the meaning of the revolution and the responsibilities he shouldered.

What is even more surprising is that General Chen also instructed the relevant departments to investigate the drought situation in Xiao Li's hometown and arrange corresponding relief measures. This move not only solved the urgent needs of Xiao Li's family, but also reflected the concern of the party and the government for the weal and woe of the grassroots people.

The founding general suffered from dental disease and was specially authorized to fill his teeth with three grams of gold, but after the filling, he was stolen by the guards

This series of decisions by General Chen evoked strong repercussions throughout the army. Many people were touched by the broad-mindedness of the general, and at the same time deeply reflected on their own thoughts and actions. This incident has become a vivid ideological education lesson, which has made everyone more profoundly aware of the arduousness and complexity of the revolutionary cause.

However, it doesn't end there. General Chen's handling of the situation attracted the attention of the higher-level leaders. Some people think that General Chen's handling of the situation was too lenient and could have a negative impact. But General Chen insisted on his opinion, and he explained his considerations in detail to his superiors.

General Chen pointed out that in the early days of the founding of New China, social contradictions were still complicated. It is more important to help comrades who have made mistakes to understand and correct their mistakes through education and guidance. At the same time, it is also necessary to squarely face the practical difficulties faced by the masses at the grassroots level and adopt practical and feasible measures to resolve them.

Eventually, the higher-ups approved of General Chen's handling of the matter. This decision not only reflects the trust in General Chen, but also reflects the wisdom and foresight of the Party Central Committee in dealing with similar issues.

The theft of the gold tooth eventually turned into a comprehensive ideological education campaign. General Chen personally presided over a number of forums to discuss in depth with the officers and men of the unit such issues as revolutionary ideals, discipline and work style. These discussions were not limited to the Guard Corps and extended to a much larger scale.

In the process, many people are deeply educated. They realized that the revolutionary cause requires not only courage and sacrifice, but also firm conviction and high moral integrity. Xiao Li's wrong behavior has become a mirror for everyone to reflect on the problems they may have on the road of revolution.

At the same time, General Chen's handling has also become a typical case, which has been widely disseminated and learned. It not only embodies the broad-mindedness of an old revolutionary, but also provides a new way of thinking for New China in dealing with similar problems.

After this incident, General Chen paid more attention to the ideological conditions and living conditions of the officers and men of the unit. He often went down to the grassroots level and had long talks with ordinary fighters to understand their difficulties and needs. This kind of people-friendly style has further narrowed the distance between the generals and the soldiers, and has also strengthened the cohesion of the troops.

In the end, the theft of the gold tooth became a landmark episode in the early days of the founding of New China. It not only reflects the social reality of that special era, but also demonstrates the wisdom and open-mindedness of the party and state leaders in the face of complex problems. The impact of this event went far beyond the scope of a golden tooth and became a vivid lesson in the revolutionary tradition.

The revelation left by General Chen Shiyu's golden tooth

The founding general suffered from dental disease and was specially authorized to fill his teeth with three grams of gold, but after the filling, he was stolen by the guards

Although many years have passed since the Golden Tooth Incident of General Chen Shiyu, the far-reaching impact and valuable enlightenment left behind by General Chen Shiyu are still playing a positive role in the military and all walks of life. This seemingly ordinary episode actually contains rich historical significance and educational value.

First of all, this incident became an important case of army building in the early days of the founding of New China. In 1954, the year after the Golden Tooth Incident, the Central Military Commission convened a meeting of senior cadres of the whole army. At the meeting, General Chen Shiyu was invited as a special spokesman to give a detailed introduction to the beginning and end of the incident and the handling process. His speech aroused wide attention and heated discussions among the participants.

The meeting held that General Chen's handling of the case embodied the fine traditions of the revolutionary army and the requirements of army building in the new period. It not only solves specific problems, but more importantly, provides a new way of thinking: In the face of internal problems in the army, it is necessary to not only strictly discipline but also care for and cherish soldiers; It is necessary not only to punish mistakes, but also to give them the opportunity to correct them. This balanced approach has provided valuable experience for army building.

Second, this incident gave impetus to ideological education within the military. Beginning in 1955, an educational campaign was launched throughout the army with the theme of "carrying forward the revolutionary tradition and strengthening the building of discipline." In this event, General Chen's gold tooth incident was analyzed and discussed in depth as a typical case.

Many military units have organized report meetings and forums to let officers and men understand the details of the incident and discuss it in the light of their own realities. This method not only enhances the pertinence and effectiveness of the education, but also enables the vast number of officers and men to profoundly understand the importance of revolutionary tradition and discipline building.

What is even more noteworthy is that this incident has also promoted the improvement of the army's logistical support work. General Chen realized that an important reason why Xiao Li had the idea of stealing was the family's financial difficulties. This reflected the fact that the military at that time still had deficiencies in taking care of the families of officers and soldiers.

Therefore, starting in 1956, the army began to systematically improve the living conditions of the families of officers and soldiers. A series of new policies have been formulated and implemented, including raising the standard of family allowances, improving the employment of family members and the education of children. These measures have greatly improved the quality of life of officers and men and have also strengthened the morale of the troops.

At the societal level, the Golden Tooth incident also had widespread repercussions. In 1957, the People's Daily published a long report entitled "The Revelation of a Golden Tooth", detailing the course and impact of this incident. This report has aroused widespread attention and discussion from all walks of life.

Many people have seen from this incident the broad-mindedness and noble character of the leaders of New China. It not only reflects the concern and love for comrades who have made mistakes, but also reflects the determination and ability of the party and the government to solve practical problems. To a certain extent, this has strengthened the trust and support of the masses of the people in the party and the government.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Li's follow-up development has also become an important footnote to this event. After General Chen's education and help, Xiao Li deeply realized his mistakes and performed well in his subsequent work. He was sent to a company in a remote mountainous area as an instructor, and with his own efforts and performance, he eventually grew into an excellent grassroots cadre.

The founding general suffered from dental disease and was specially authorized to fill his teeth with three grams of gold, but after the filling, he was stolen by the guards

In 1960, on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the founding of the army, Xiao Li was invited to return to Beijing to report to General Chen on his work and changes in thinking. The meeting was reported by the People's Liberation Army Daily at the time and became a touching educational story. It not only demonstrated the success of General Chen's educational methods, but also pointed out the direction of correction for other comrades who had made mistakes.

Over time, General Chen's Golden Tooth Incident has become an instructive historical story. It has been incorporated into a number of military ideological and political education textbooks and has become one of the important contents of educating newly recruited soldiers in the revolutionary tradition.

At the same time, this incident has also aroused the attention of the academic community. A number of military historians have conducted in-depth research on this incident, from which they have discussed the challenges and coping strategies faced by the army building in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. These research results not only enrich the content of military history research, but also provide useful historical reference for contemporary army building.

In 2003, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of General Chen Shiyu's birth, the Military Publishing House published a non-fiction literary work called "The General and the Golden Tooth". Through detailed historical materials and vivid narration, this book comprehensively reviews the beginning and end of the Golden Tooth Incident, and provides an in-depth discussion of its historical significance. After its publication, the book was widely praised and became an important reading material for education in the revolutionary tradition.

Today, although General Chen's golden tooth is long gone, the spirit and wisdom of this event still affect generations after generations. It is not only an important piece of history in army building, but also a mirror that reflects the spirit of the times and continues to provide us with valuable inspiration.

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