
Compilation of Literature on the 70 Years of Party Building: (1) National Rejuvenation (2013-20119)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

Compilation of documents and materials on the 70 years of party building work - (1) national rejuvenation


Compilation of Literature on the 70 Years of Party Building: (1) National Rejuvenation (2013-20119)

January 1, 2013 No. 23224 4th edition

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to study and make arrangements for the building of a clean and honest government and the anti-corruption work

-- Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting

  Beijing, 31 Dec (Xinhua) -- The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on 31 December to listen to the work report of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and to study and make arrangements for the building of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work in 2013. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

  The meeting pointed out that the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China scientifically judged the situation of the anti-corruption struggle and made new arrangements for the building of a clean and honest government and the anti-corruption work at present and for a period in the future. Under the new situation, the situation in the anti-corruption struggle is still grim, a small number of party members and cadres have a weak sense of purpose, the problems of formalism and bureaucracy are prominent, the phenomena of extravagance and waste are serious, negative and corrupt phenomena are prone to occur frequently in some fields, and individual leading cadres, especially senior cadres, have seriously violated discipline and law. The whole party must strengthen its sense of distress, risk, and responsibility, resolutely and resolutely put a stop to the work style and discipline, intensify the handling of cases, and resolutely curb the momentum of the spread of corruption, and at the same time establish a long-term combat mentality, pay attention to deepening reforms, improve systems and mechanisms, strengthen governance at the source, constantly eradicate the soil for the breeding and spread of corruption, and constantly promote the building of a clean and honest government with practical results in fighting corruption and advocating clean government.

  The meeting stressed that in 2013, party committees, governments and discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should be guided by the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously study and implement Comrade Xi Jinping's important expositions on anti-corruption and clean government, insist that the party should manage the party and govern the party strictly, adhere to both the symptoms and the root causes, comprehensive management, punishment and prevention at the same time, pay attention to prevention, comprehensively promote the construction of a system of punishment and prevention of corruption, focus on strict party discipline, especially political discipline, earnestly change the work style of leading organs and leading cadres, conscientiously solve outstanding problems in anti-corruption and clean government, and clarify the key points. We should pay close attention to implementation, reform and innovation, overcome difficulties, and promote the in-depth development of the party's work style, the building of a clean and honest government, and the anti-corruption struggle.

  The meeting demanded that the authority and solemnity of the party constitution be resolutely safeguarded, the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the party's line, principles, policies and resolutions should be strengthened, and the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the party's political, organizational, propaganda, and mass work discipline should be strengthened, so as to safeguard the party's centralization and unity. We should conscientiously implement the eight-point stipulation of the central authorities on improving the style of work and maintaining close ties with the masses, strictly implement the relevant regulations on honest and honest administration, oppose formalism and bureaucracy, and resolutely put a stop to extravagance and waste. Regard the supervision and implementation of the eight provisions as regular work, formulate supervision and inspection measures and disciplinary punishment regulations, strengthen daily supervision, and ensure that real measures are taken, real and effective. Persist in investigating all cases and punishing corruption, seriously investigate and handle cases of violation of discipline and law, and maintain a high-pressure posture of punishing corruption. Intensify efforts to prevent corruption, strengthen education on combating corruption and promoting clean government, strengthen restraint and supervision over the exercise of power, and promote the establishment of laws and regulations for combating corruption and promoting clean government. It is necessary to strengthen the building of a clean and honest party style at the grassroots level, carry out in-depth rectification of unhealthy tendencies and special rectification, and conscientiously solve the problems of unhealthy tendencies and corruption that occur among the masses. We should use iron discipline to build a contingent of discipline inspection and supervision cadres who are satisfied with the people, and establish a good image of discipline inspection and supervision cadres who are loyal and reliable, serve the people, are upright, and enforce discipline impartially.

  The meeting agreed to convene the second plenary session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in January next year.

The meeting also looked at other matters.

January 2, 2013, No. 23225, 3rd edition

At the second collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping stressed that we should deepen reform with greater political courage and wisdom and move forward in the direction of reform and opening up guided by the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 1 (Xinhua) -- On the afternoon of December 31, 2012, the Political Bureau of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held the second collective study on unswervingly promoting reform and opening up. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, stressed that reform and opening up is a long-term, arduous and arduous undertaking that must be carried on from generation to generation. We must adhere to the direction of reform of the socialist market economy, adhere to the basic national policy of opening up to the outside world, lose no time in deepening reforms in important areas with greater political courage and wisdom, and move forward courageously in the direction of reform and opening up under the guidance of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Li Xiangqian, a researcher at the Central Party History Research Office, and Wang Yiming, a researcher at the Macroeconomic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, explained this issue and talked about their opinions and suggestions.

Comrades of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee listened attentively to their explanations and discussed relevant issues.

Xi Jinping delivered a speech while presiding over the study. He pointed out that history, reality, and the future are interconnected. History is the reality of the past, and reality is the history of the future. In order to implement the major arrangements for reform and opening up established by the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is necessary to seriously review and thoroughly summarize the course of reform and opening up, more deeply understand the historical inevitability of reform and opening up, more consciously grasp the regularity of reform and opening up, and more firmly shoulder the major responsibility of deepening reform and opening up.

Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously sum up and apply the successful experience of reform and opening up. He made five comments in that regard. First, reform and opening up is a profound revolution, and we must adhere to the correct direction and advance along the correct road. On the question of direction, we must be very sober-minded, constantly promote the self-improvement and development of the socialist system, and unswervingly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Second, reform and opening up is a brand-new undertaking that has no precedent in history, and we must adhere to the correct methodology and advance it in the course of continuous practice and exploration. Crossing the river by feeling the stones is a reform method that is full of Chinese characteristics and suits China's national conditions. Crossing the river by feeling the stones is to feel the law and gain true knowledge from practice. Crossing the river by feeling the stones and strengthening the top-level design are dialectically unified, and the promotion of partial phased reform and opening up should be carried out on the premise of strengthening the top-level design, and the strengthening of top-level design should be planned on the basis of promoting local phased reform and opening up. It is necessary to strengthen macro thinking and top-level design, pay more attention to the systematic, holistic and coordinated nature of reform, and at the same time continue to encourage bold experiments and breakthroughs, and constantly deepen reform and opening up. Third, reform and opening up is a systematic project, and we must persist in comprehensive reform and advance it in the course of coordination and cooperation among various reforms. Reform and opening up is a profound and comprehensive social change, each reform will have an important impact on other reforms, and each reform needs the coordination of other reforms. It is necessary to pay more attention to the mutual promotion and benign interaction of various reforms, advance them as a whole, make breakthroughs in key areas, and form a strong joint force to promote reform and opening up. Fourth, stability is the prerequisite for reform and development, and we must adhere to the unity of reform, development, and stability. Only when society is stable can reform and development continue to advance; Only when reform and development continue to advance can there be a solid foundation for social stability. It is necessary to persistently unify the intensity of reform, the speed of development, and the degree to which society can bear it, and regard the improvement of the people's living standards as the point of integration in correctly handling the relationship between reform, development, and stability. Fifth, reform and opening up is the cause of hundreds of millions of people themselves, and we must persist in respecting the people's initiative and advancing it under the leadership of the party. Every breakthrough and development in the understanding and practice of reform and opening up, the emergence and development of every new thing in reform and opening up, and the creation and accumulation of experience in every aspect of reform and opening up all come from the practice and wisdom of hundreds of millions of people. The more arduous the task of reform, development, and stability, the more we must strengthen and improve the party's leadership, the more we must maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the masses of the people, be good at leading the people forward by putting forward and implementing the correct line, principles, and policies, and be good at perfecting policies and propositions from the people's practice, creation, and development requirements, so that the fruits of reform and development can benefit all the people more and more fairly, and constantly lay a solid mass foundation for deepening reform and opening up.

Xi Jinping stressed that reform and opening up can only be carried out but not completed. Without reform and opening up, there would be no China today, and there would be no China tomorrow. The contradictions in reform and opening up can only be resolved by the method of reform and opening up. We must fully implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the Scientific Outlook on Development, actively respond to the strong calls and ardent expectations of the broad masses of the people for deepening reform and opening up, build social consensus, coordinate the promotion of reforms in all fields and links, and strive to push forward reform and opening up.

January 5, 2013 No. 23228 4th edition

Iron also needs to be hard

-- The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee issued a January review of the "Eight Regulations" on improving work style

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The weather is cold and frozen, and the dripping water turns into ice. On the eve of New Year's Day, General Secretary Xi Jinping and his entourage came to two extremely poor villages in Fuping County, Hebei Province, deep in the Taihang Mountains, to see the real poverty and feel the truth......

Inspections after inspections, meetings after meetings, news reports -- since the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee deliberated and adopted the eight-point regulations on improving work style and maintaining close ties with the masses on 4 December, the leading comrades of the CPC Central Committee have taken the lead in setting an example, and all localities and departments have actively implemented them, arousing attention and praise at home and abroad.

Practicing the "Eight Regulations" is what it says

"Iron also needs to be hard. Our responsibility is to work with all comrades in the party to insist that the party should manage the party and govern the party strictly, earnestly solve its own outstanding problems, earnestly improve its work style, and maintain close ties with the masses, so that our party will always become a strong leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. ”

On November 15, 2012, after the First Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee elected a new central leading body, Xi Jinping and other members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee came to the East Hall of the Great Hall of the People to meet with Chinese and foreign journalists.

"To grasp the construction of work style, we must first start with the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and we must first do what we ask others to do, and we must resolutely not do what we ask others not to do." Nineteen days later, on December 4, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee deliberated and adopted eight regulations on improving work style and maintaining close ties with the masses.

From improving investigation and study to streamlining meetings and improving the style of meetings, from streamlining documents and briefings and earnestly improving the style of writing to standardizing overseas visits, from improving security work to improving news reporting, and from strictly publishing manuscripts to practicing diligence and thrift, the eight regulations cover all aspects, and the regulations are detailed and concrete, which is refreshing.

"Only by starting from specific things can we implement them" - on the morning of December 24 and 25, 2012, the democratic parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce held national congresses respectively, and only three days after the smooth replacement of the old and the new, General Secretary Xi Jinping braved the cold to visit one by one. At the forum of the Jiusan Society, he introduced the reason why the "Eight Regulations" were formulated in a more specific way, and once again emphasized that "things must rot first, and then worms will grow", and "from good is like ascending, from evil is like collapsing".

"We further feel that the new leadership of the CPC Central Committee has a true understanding of the party and the people, a firm determination to fight corruption and promote clean government and improve the party's style, as well as a practical practice to rejuvenate the country." Shao Hong, executive vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Jiusan Society, who attended the forum, said that as a member of a democratic party who cares about the fate of the country, he is sincerely happy about this.

Work style has a bearing on the success or failure of the cause of the party and the people. Xin Ming, a professor at the Central Party School, said that the "eight-point regulations" have grasped a series of problems in the building of the party's style, literary style, meeting style, and political style, and these problems are also the ones that the masses have the strongest reaction to and the most direct view of.

"The 'Eight Regulations' are not just a simple simplification of reception procedures, but a fundamental clean-up of the party's style and political style, and a concrete practice of the principle that the party should manage the party and govern the party strictly." Cao Qingyao, head of Chongqing's Nanchuan District, who came to Chongqing from a state organ to take up a temporary post first and then took up a post, said.

Say yes. In the past month, from meetings, inspections to news reports, people have seen new changes:

-- The central leaders went to the field to investigate, and the road was simple and simple, with less accompaniment, no slogans and banners, no mountain closures, and no road closures;

-- Whether it is studying the economic situation or discussing the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, the forum does not read the manuscript, and the invited masses and experts speak directly about problems and difficulties, and tell the truth.

-- Whether it is an inspection or a meeting, the number of words and the duration of news reports are greatly reduced, and the media also uses microblogs and other means to "live" broadcast the inspection activities of the central leaders;

-- The Central Economic Work Conference has compressed the duration of the session, the flowers are gone, the briefing is short, and the cloth or plastic document bags of previous years have been replaced by paper document bags, with only a pen and a notebook in the bag;

-- There is not a single flower or plant at the venue of the Central Rural Work Conference, which reduces the number of staff members, and the number of conference cars has also been reduced from 15 to 10;

-- In practicing diligence and thrift, the central leaders who go out to inspect the central leadership do not live in the "No. 1 Building" or the "Presidential Suite," and their diet is also strictly in accordance with the relevant regulations.

The new atmosphere and new changes are coming and exciting.

"After the new leadership of the central government took office, the start was exciting, and it can be summed up in six words: close to the people, pragmatic, self-disciplined......" a netizen commented.

Foreign media pointed out that the new wind set off by Xi Jinping and his leadership team has been welcomed by the people. The expectations of the public for 2013 are high and the expectations of society are high.

All localities and departments are actively following up

Over the past month, the central government has taken the lead in setting an example, and all localities and departments have actively followed up and implemented the "Eight Regulations" in light of the actual situation.

The Central Military Commission issued a more detailed "Ten Regulations", Gansu will gradually change to its own brand cars, and the Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee will take a taxi to investigate......

The central and state organs have also taken action to formulate corresponding implementation rules. This reporter learned from the Working Committee for Organs Directly under the Central Committee and the Working Committee for Central State Organs that the Supreme People's Court, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Foreign Propaganda Office, the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, and many other central and state organs have issued opinions, measures, regulations, measures, or detailed rules for implementing the "Eight Regulations" to their own departments and systems.

-- In terms of improving investigation and research, the Ministry of Land and Resources has formulated 23 specific measures, proposing that members of the ministry's party group conduct research at the grassroots level for at least one month every year; The Ministry of Education proposed to further promote the cadres of government agencies to go deep into the grassroots investigation and research, contact more teachers and students, and enter more classrooms, dormitories and canteens; The All-China Federation of Trade Unions proposed that the leading cadres of the trade unions should identify 1-2 key research topics every year and strengthen investigation and research.

-- In terms of streamlining conference activities, the Ministry of Civil Affairs proposed to make full use of modern information technology means to improve the format of meetings and improve the efficiency of meetings; The Ministry of Culture proposes that the presentations and exchanges of large-scale meetings should be controlled within 10 minutes, and the total time should be controlled within two hours.

-- In terms of streamlining the briefing of documents, the Audit Commission proposed that only the paper copies of administrative documents should be printed and sent to the leadership of the Agency and the archives of the organizers, and all other electronic copies should be sent; The Chinese Academy of Sciences proposed that the speeches of the leaders of the academy should not be issued in the form of documents, and the documents that can be issued or not issued will be resolutely not issued, and the number of various documents issued in 2013 will be reduced by more than 10% compared with 2012.


All localities have also taken active action. According to preliminary statistics, as of the morning of the 4th, more than 20 provinces, including Gansu, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanxi, Hunan, Xinjiang, Heilongjiang, Tibet, Hubei, Qinghai, Fujian, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Beijing, Shandong, Ningxia, Tianjin, Jilin, and Guizhou, have announced specific implementation rules to the public.

-- Beijing proposes that the principal leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government conduct investigations, and that no more than 5 responsible comrades of the relevant departments accompany them, and that the municipal leaders will not report on their visits to exhibitions, watching general theatrical performances, and attending other theatrical and artistic activities.

-- Hunan proposed that it is strictly forbidden to decorate official cars in luxury, gradually change to domestic self-owned brand cars, and provincial leaders are not allowed to serve as editors-in-chief, editorial board members, consultants and other positions in books, periodicals, films and television films.

-- Shandong proposed that the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee should stay in designated hotels at the grassroots level, and do not live in over-standard suites, and meetings with similar content, close time, and overlapping participants can be combined or held in succession.

-- Anhui proposes that the first full week of each month is a non-meeting week, and requires the responsible comrades of the provincial party committee and provincial government to conduct in-depth research at the grassroots level for no less than 30 days every year.

-- Hubei proposes to conduct more random surveys and surveys that do not greet each other and do not make prior arrangements, and that no provincial meetings will be held during the busy agricultural season and flood prevention and drought relief periods every year, except under special circumstances.


Over the past month, along with the in-depth implementation of the "Eight Regulations," the grassroots cadres and masses have felt the changes around them.

"For a long time, some grassroots cadres have been busy ushering in and sending them, pushing cups and changing lamps, and drinking bad party style and stomach." Cao Qingyao bluntly said that the eight-point regulations not only reduce the number of ushers and red tape, but also enable cadres at all levels to have more time and energy to listen to the truth, do practical things, and relieve the people's difficulties.

Ye Weiqiang, a 29-year-old assistant to the mayor of Liulin Town, Baota District, Yan'an City, and a village official who is a college student, said that since the central authorities issued the eight regulations, the most obvious feeling is that urban leaders have come to the village more often, and the village will be shorter. For our village cadres, the energy is more concentrated and the work efficiency is higher.

"Only by using a good party style to promote the political style and the people's style can we truly win the trust and support of the masses. From this point of view, the eight provisions are profound and far-reaching. Ai Yiwei, a professor at the Party School of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, said.

There is a long way to go to improve the style of work

Some organs are still difficult to enter and have ugly faces, some investigations are still going through the motions, and in some places the task of receiving people is still very heavy...... and the implementation of the "Eight Regulations" has made a good start, but there is still a long way to go in the construction of work style.

The expert pointed out that all localities and departments should further understand the importance of "striking iron and needing to be strong themselves" from a strategic and overall perspective, and understand the urgency of improving work style and maintaining closer ties with the masses.

"Iron also needs its own hardness", this is not only a solemn promise, but also a simple truth-

Ai Yiwei said that the "history of growth and expansion" of the Communist Party of China over the past 90 years and years of ups and downs shows that when the masses of the people are represented, the party's cause will develop healthily; Whenever we turn our backs on the masses, the party's cause will suffer setbacks.

"Iron also needs its own hardness", and the construction of style has become a breakthrough——

From Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping, from Jiang Zemin to Hu Jintao, the party's leading collectives from generation to generation have always placed the building of work style in an important position, repeatedly emphasizing and strengthening construction. Xin Ming, a professor at the Central Party School, pointed out that in the process of implementing the "eight-point provisions," we must absolutely not regard them as merely a correction and standardization of the specific behavior of the ruling party, but should fully understand their importance from the high plane of strengthening the party's advanced nature and the ability to govern the country.

"These regulations should not only solve the 'small matters' in terms of work style, but also solve the 'big things' related to the life and death of political parties." He said.

Only by changing our style of work can we truly understand the real situation and make correct decisions.

Xu Ning, secretary of the Baoding Municipal Party Committee, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Fuping Poverty-stricken Village before New Year's Day fully embodies the style of seeking truth and seeking truth. In the future, we should focus on the issues of increasing peasants' incomes and making the poor people rich, implement the requirements put forward by the general secretary in a good style, and do solid work to help poor households shake off poverty and become rich as soon as possible.

To improve the style of work, the emphasis is on practical action, and the most important thing is perseverance.

"Change, that's the beginning!" The expectation of netizens "Full Court @ Fragrance" is the voice of countless people.

"At present, everyone is concerned about whether the good style can be persevered, whether it can be turned into a consistent and sustained action of the whole party, and we must not let the eight provisions fall short in the implementation of the voice." Yao Huan, a professor at the Party School of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, said.

"The eight provisions are important to adhere to, as long as you stick to them, they will become habits and become natural. If everyone gets used to it, it will naturally become fixed. Xin Ming said.

Improving the style of work should not only become the conscious pursuit of party members and cadres, but also have institutional support and institutional guarantees.

"Style, style, just afraid of a gust of wind." Ai Yiwei said that it is necessary to put the construction of the system in a prominent position, build a systematic, scientific, standardized, and effective system of operation, and formulate strong organization, assessment, and incentive measures, and improve the working mechanism for implementation, such as more open and transparent information, and more public participation.

Li Min, a professor at the Central Party School, suggested that all localities and departments should strictly enforce the regulations, and that the central authorities should conduct a special inspection of the implementation of the regulations at the end of each year, and deal with those who violate the regulations.

To govern the country, we must first govern the party, and we must govern the party strictly.

"Take the supervision and implementation of the eight provisions as regular work, formulate supervision and inspection measures and disciplinary regulations, strengthen daily supervision, and make real moves, real moves, and practical results." On December 31, 2012, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee put forward further requirements for the implementation of the "Eight Regulations".

"The party's style and the party's line complement each other. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the major strategic task of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way by 2020, and there must be a guarantee for the construction of work style. Yao Huan said.

As netizens "Rumbling Forward" said: "The party and the people are together, our country has hope, the nation has hope, and the Chinese dream will definitely come true!" (Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 4)

January 11, 2013 No. 23234 1st edition

The Party Committee of the Inner Mongolia Military Region held a plenary (enlarged) meeting

——Wang Jun attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Yang Junxing made a work report

On 10 January, the Inner Mongolia Military Region held a plenary (enlarged) meeting of the party committee of the Inner Mongolia Military Region in Hohhot, which conveyed the spirit of the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission and the enlarged meeting of the party committee of the Beijing Military Region, commended the advanced units and individuals in 2012, and studied and made arrangements for the work in 2013.

Yang Junxing, political commissar of the Inner Mongolia Military Region, presided over the meeting and made a work report; deputy commanders Hai Lisi, Che Huasong, and Zhang Xiu; deputy political commissars Zhou Baoying and Zhang Ying; chief of staff Wang Qingquan; and director of the Political Department Gao Hongguang attended the meeting.

On behalf of the regional party committee, Wang Jun fully affirmed the work of the Inner Mongolia Military Region in the past year and set forth requirements for this year's work. He pointed out that 2013 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also an important year to accelerate the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. The troops of the whole region should hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "three represents" and the scientific outlook on development as guidance, comprehensively implement the strategic plan of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on national defense and army building, conscientiously study and implement the spirit of a series of important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission and during his inspection of the Guangzhou Theater, closely focus on the main theme of national defense and army building, focus on effectively fulfilling the core mission of strengthening border defense, and strive to strengthen ideological and political construction. Efforts should be made to enhance the ability of the troops to accomplish diversified military tasks, to strengthen party building in the troops, to promote the revolutionization, modernization, and regularization of the troops in our region, and to earnestly build a solid barrier for security and stability in the northern part of the motherland.

Wang Jun stressed: It is necessary to persistently put ideological and political construction in the first place and always maintain a firm and correct political orientation for army building. It is necessary to thoroughly study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and earnestly use the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to unite the will and strength of the troops and lead the direction of army building. It is necessary to unswervingly uphold the party's absolute leadership over the armed forces, always maintain a high degree of unity with the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission in ideology, politics, and action, and ensure that the troops resolutely obey and follow the party under all circumstances. It is necessary to unremittingly use the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics for officers and men of the armed forces, continue to cultivate the core values of contemporary revolutionary military personnel, vigorously carry forward the glorious traditions and fine work style of our army, and build a solid ideological and political foundation for officers and men to hold high the banner, obey the party's command, and fulfill their missions.

Wang Jun pointed out that it is necessary to persistently take preparations for military struggle as the leading force to promote modernization, comprehensively improve the level of actual combat and the ability of the troops to accomplish diversified military tasks. It is necessary to strengthen the idea of being ready to carry out military tasks at any time, and unremittingly expand and deepen preparations for military struggle. It is necessary to persist in training troops in a difficult and strict manner according to the needs of actual combat, vigorously promote the building of informationization in border defense, and continuously improve the ability of comprehensive border defense and control. Efforts should be made to do a good job in building the emergency response forces of the militia at the three levels to ensure that they can be quickly drawn, linked, and effective in case of such a situation. It is necessary to pay more attention to the integration of mechanisms, resources, and services, vigorously promote the integrated development of military and civilian use, and realize the coordinated development and overall advancement of enriching the people and strengthening the region.

Wang Jun demanded that, in accordance with the arrangements and requirements of the 18 th CPC National Congress, we should focus on the building of party committees, grassroots party organizations, and the building of the party's work style, comprehensively improve the scientific level of party building in the troops, continuously enhance the creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of the party organizations, and transform the party's political and organizational advantages into a powerful force for promoting the building of the troops.

January 11, 2013 No. 23234 3rd edition

A good secretary who puts the people in his heart

Hu Richa, Li Xue, Li Jing

"Only if you have the masses in your heart, the masses will support you." This is a sentence often said by Shen Guofu, secretary of the general party branch of Yongxing Village, Haoli Bao Township, Zhalaite Banner of the Xing'an League. Yu Changguo, director of the village committee, told reporters a story: In July 2012, torrential rain fell in Zhagaite Banner. The safety of two left-behind elderly people in their 70s in Erjiazitun in Yongxing Village has always affected Shen Guofu's heart, and at 11 o'clock one night, he came to the old man's house under the torrential rain, picked them up and placed them properly. Later, according to the villagers, less than half an hour after Secretary Shen left, one side of the outer wall of the old man's house collapsed.

In June 2000, Shen Guofu was elected as the village party secretary. This has been done for more than ten years. "Since I have become a cadre, I have the responsibility to make the masses rich as soon as possible." In order to change the status quo of single planting structure, backward planting technology and low crop yield in Yongxing Village, Shen Guofu led the teams of the two village committees to determine the characteristic agricultural development ideas dominated by stevia and plastic film corn. He was the first to plant stevia, and by taking the lead in demonstration and patient explanation, more and more villagers planted stevia. At present, the village has planted 1,500 acres of stevia, built a stevia seedling base of 6,000 square meters, with an annual output of more than 2,000 kilograms of stevia, driving farmers to increase their per capita income by nearly 1,000 yuan. In the planting of plastic film corn, the use of drip irrigation technology under the film was promoted, and the whole village developed 2,950 acres of plastic film corn, driving the masses to increase their per capita income by more than 500 yuan. "In the past, where did we know what to optimize the planting structure, and we planted corn with one mind, more than 200 acres of corn land, and we could earn more than 40,000 yuan at most in one year, and now 150 acres of stevia, with a net profit of up to 150,000 yuan in one year." Villager Yang Dalin mentioned Secretary Shen and gave a thumbs up.

In 2011, Shen Guofu took the lead in establishing Shenfeng Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Machinery Professional Cooperative in Yongxing Village, which used agricultural machinery throughout the whole process from stubble to harvesting, which not only improved work efficiency but also saved operating costs. Today, the cooperative has 82 members and manages 3,750 acres of land intensively. According to calculations, intensive land management can save 120 yuan per mu, and this alone can save up to 400,000 yuan in land operation costs, so that the masses can get benefits in land circulation and intensive management.

In recent years, Yongxing Village has also greatly developed the breeding industry, built 11 pig farms of more than 1,000 square meters, and 18 large pig farmers with more than 200 square meters of farms, with 15,000 pigs slaughtered annually. In addition, there are 8 cattle breeding communities, 80 cattle breeding households, and more than 1,000 cattle breeding in the village, making Yongxing Village a famous cattle breeding village in the township.

Under the leadership of Shen Guofu, Yongxing Village has undergone earth-shaking changes, from a village with backward infrastructure and prominent contradictions in letters and visits to a well-known demonstration village for new rural construction. Walking into Yongxing Village, what catches your eye is: flat cement road, neat street trees, spacious and bright cultural rooms, and clean and tidy village appearance. According to statistics, in 2012, the per capita net income of Yongxing Village has reached 10,000 yuan.

January 14, 2013 No. 23237 1st edition

The Party Committee of the Autonomous Region held a meeting of the Standing Committee to convey and study the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China by the members and alternate members of the new Central Committee

——Wang Jun presided over the meeting

On the morning of January 12, the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region held a meeting of the Standing Committee to convey and study the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the seminar for new members and alternate members of the Central Committee to study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the guidance report made by Comrades Liu Yunshan and Zhang Gaoli, members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee; Convey and study the spirit of the National Conference of Organization Ministers and the National Talent Work Symposium, and study and deploy the autonomous region to implement the opinions.

Wang Jun, secretary of the regional party committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting emphasized that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is rich in content and profound in thought, and has systematically and profoundly expounded on the historical development process of socialism, especially the historical process and great practice of our party's exploration of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and on several major theoretical issues that need to be grasped to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, which is of great guiding significance for us to deeply understand and study the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and further enhance the consciousness and firmness of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres should combine the study and implementation of the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping and other central leading comrades at the seminar with the in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of a series of recent important speeches by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and earnestly unify their thoughts and actions with the deployment and requirements of the Central Committee, further enhance their self-confidence in the road, theory and system, and strive to create a new situation in the scientific development of various undertakings in Inner Mongolia.

(Continued from 2nd Edition) (Continued from 1st Edition)

The meeting demanded that party committees and organization departments at all levels in the autonomous region conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the National Conference of Organization Ministers and the Symposium on the Work of Qualified Personnel, comprehensively promote the new great project of party building, continuously improve the scientific level of the work of organization and qualified personnel, and provide a strong organizational guarantee and talent support for the development of various undertakings in the autonomous region. It is necessary to unremittingly grasp the study and implementation of the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and ensure that the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is deeply rooted in the heart and mind, and transformed into specific ideas and methods for planning and promoting work. It is necessary to meticulously organize and carry out the party's mass line education and practice activities, do a good job in special investigations, and do a good job in organizing and guiding to ensure that this major educational practice activity achieves practical results. It is necessary to conscientiously strengthen the building of leading bodies at all levels after the re-election, vigorously enhance the overall quality of leading cadres and their ability to lead scientific development, and strive to build a high-quality contingent of backbone ruling cadres. It is necessary to earnestly strengthen the building of the party's grassroots organizations, pay more attention to grasping the grassroots and laying the foundation, and constantly enhance the creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of the grassroots party organizations. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of the party's management of talents, closely integrate with the actual economic and social development of the autonomous region, and make overall plans to promote the construction of various types of talent teams. It is necessary to improve and improve the assessment methods that meet the requirements of scientific development, strengthen and improve the evaluation of cadres, and give full play to the role of the "baton" and "weather vane" of comprehensive evaluation.

January 16, 2013 No. 23239 4th edition

Strengthen team building and consolidate the foundation of scientific development and service to the overall situation

The procuratorial organs of the whole region carried out the practice of "grasping party building, leading the team, building a strong quality, and building an image".

In order to implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, earnestly strengthen the building of party organizations and contingents of organs, strive to improve the ideological and political quality and professional ability of procuratorial personnel in the whole region, continuously improve the credibility of law enforcement by procuratorial organs, and further establish a good image of procuratorial organs, the procuratorate of the autonomous region has carried out the practice of "grasping party building and leading team building, strengthening quality and building image" in procuratorial organs throughout the region since December 2012. This activity clearly put forward that satisfying the party committee and government, the recognition of all sectors of society, and the reassurance of the people are the ultimate pursuit goals and effectiveness test criteria. To this end, starting today, this newspaper will successively publish special articles on the practice of "grasping party building, leading team building, and strengthening quality and building an image" of the procuratorial organs of the whole region, as well as signed articles by the procuratorial (branch) courts of various leagues and cities in scientifically planning this year's procuratorial work, hoping that all sectors of society will pay more attention to and support the procuratorial cause and jointly promote the scientific development of procuratorial work.

In order to implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, earnestly strengthen the construction of party organizations and teams in the organs, strive to improve the ideological and political quality and professional ability of the procuratorial personnel in the whole region, continuously improve the credibility of the procuratorial organs in law enforcement, and further establish a good image of the procuratorial organs, the procuratorate of the autonomous region has carried out the practice of "grasping party building and leading team building, strengthening the quality and building an image" in the procuratorial organs of the whole region since December 2012. This activity clearly put forward that satisfying the party committee and government, the recognition of all sectors of society, and the reassurance of the people are the ultimate pursuit goals and effectiveness test criteria. To this end, starting today, this newspaper will successively publish special articles on the practice of "grasping party building, leading team building, and strengthening quality and building an image" of the procuratorial organs of the whole region, as well as signed articles by the procuratorial (branch) courts of various leagues and cities in scientifically planning this year's procuratorial work, hoping that all sectors of society will pay more attention to and support the procuratorial cause and jointly promote the scientific development of procuratorial work.

As procuratorial organs in border minority areas, they should be guided by the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to further strengthen the building of the procuratorial contingent, so as to lay a solid foundation for promoting the scientific development of procuratorial work, improving the overall level of procuratorial work, and better serving the overall situation of economic and social development.

Accurately grasp the new requirements and profoundly understand the importance of building the procuratorial team

Building a high-quality procuratorial contingent is an objective requirement for guaranteeing and promoting the development and progress of the great cause of the party and the state. With the gradual development of the goals and requirements and work arrangements for the coming period set by the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, procuratorial work is facing many new challenges and new requirements. Only by pooling the wisdom and strength of all procuratorial personnel and improving the ability and level of procuratorial personnel to follow up and serve the development of economic and social sciences by strengthening their quality internally and building their image externally, can the development and progress of procuratorial work be compatible with and synchronized with the development and progress of the economy and society.

Building a contingent of high-quality procurators is an important part of strengthening party building in procuratorial organs. We should use the platform and grasp of "party building" to give play to the role of party organizations in assisting and supervising the completion of various tasks of their own departments, and give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, so as to concentrate on solving the outstanding problems existing in the ideology, organization, and work style of the procuratorial team, further strengthen the tempering of party spirit, cultivate a good work style, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness within the procuratorial organs, and comprehensively improve the quality of the team and the credibility of law enforcement.

Building a high-quality procuratorial contingent is the fundamental guarantee for the scientific development of procuratorial work itself. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the goals and work arrangements for comprehensively advancing the rule of law and improving the system of restraint and supervision on the operation of power, which put forward new and higher requirements for the scientific development of the procuratorial organs themselves. At the meeting of the 16 th procuratorial work of the autonomous region, we put forward the goal and task of "striving to markedly improve the overall level of our region's procuratorial work in about five years, so that more individual work can reach the advanced level of the whole country." The realization of these goals and requirements is inseparable from the guarantee of a high-quality procuratorial team.

Actively adopt new measures and strive to create a new situation in the building of the procuratorial contingent

Concept and culture lead, condense the spirit of the procuratorate. It is necessary to persist in using the scientific outlook on development to guide procuratorial work, firmly establish the concept of socialist rule of law, practice the core values of political and legal cadres and police, unify the thinking of law enforcement, and correct the concept of law enforcement. It is necessary to persist in taking law enforcement and case handling as the lifeline of procuratorial work, and take law enforcement and case handling as the center to perform duties and establish the credibility of law enforcement. It is necessary to give prominence to the investigation and handling of job-related crimes, which is the most important task in law enforcement and case handling, and regard the investigation and handling of job-related crimes as the support for legal supervision work, so as to bring about a healthy development of procuratorial work. It is necessary to fully absorb the essence of grassland culture, thoroughly summarize and refine the Inner Mongolia procuratorial spirit that is full of the atmosphere of the times, has grassland characteristics, and is generally recognized by procuratorial personnel, and constructs a common value pursuit and action guide for procuratorial personnel, so as to stimulate the majority of cadres and police to work together, be proactive, and pioneer and innovate.

Grasp the internal requirements and improve the overall quality. Quality is the internal requirement of team building, and image is the external performance of team building. We should focus on strengthening our political, professional, moral, and disciplinary qualities, and constantly improve the work ability and level of procuratorial personnel. To strengthen political quality, it is necessary to deepen the theoretical armament in combination with the strengthening of party building work, strengthen ideals and beliefs, be politically sober and sensitive, and be loyal and reliable to the party; To strengthen professional quality, it is necessary to improve the professional concepts, professional knowledge and professional skills that are compatible with job responsibilities, such as discovering illegal crimes and investigating breakthrough cases, through standardized job training and ability training; To strengthen moral quality, it is necessary to thoroughly implement the basic norms of professional ethics for procurators, and consciously practice the procuratorial professional ethics of "loyalty, fairness, honesty, and strictness"; To strengthen the quality of discipline, it is necessary to persist in strictly administering inspections.

Strengthen leadership and play an exemplary role. Vigorously enhance the ability of leading groups and leading cadres at all levels to make overall plans and promote scientific development, and give full play to the leading role of leading cadres in taking the lead. Leading cadres of procuratorial organs should be good at observing and thinking about problems with an eye on the overall situation and the long term, and constantly raise the level of understanding of problems, the breadth of knowledge reserves, and the depth of thinking and planning. Adhere to the use of broad vision, strong professional knowledge, integrated overall thinking and overall strategic vision to make scientific and democratic decisions. It is necessary to learn to grasp the overall situation from a macro perspective, adapt to the development and changes of the situation, and control the situation in a direction conducive to the development of the procuratorial cause and advance toward the set goal. It is necessary to improve the ability to deal with various relationships and things, so as to achieve the best effect of proper coordination and flexible overall operation. It is necessary to strengthen the sense of innovation and earnestly enhance the forward-looking, scientific, and innovative nature of leading procuratorial work. We must always set strict demands on ourselves with the principles of party spirit and moral norms, correctly use the power in our hands, and take the lead in setting an example and being honest and honest.

Clarify the new standards for testing, and vigorously strengthen the credibility of procuratorial organs in law enforcement

To strengthen the building of the procuratorial contingent, it is necessary to guide the broad masses of procuratorial personnel to further strengthen their political orientation, strengthen their sense of purpose, correct their value orientation, and sharpen their professional ethics, strive to improve their ability to supervise the law and handle cases, promote the scientific development of procuratorial work and the building of the procuratorial contingent, establish a social image of procuratorial organs and procuratorial personnel who are loyal to the party, enforce the law for the people, administer justice fairly, and are honest and honest in procuratorial work, enhance the credibility of procuratorial organs in law enforcement, and win the satisfaction of party committees and governments, the recognition of all sectors of society, and the reassurance of the people.

It is necessary to thoroughly implement the latest requirements of the new CPC Central Committee leading collective on changing the style of work and maintaining close ties with the masses, firmly establish the mass viewpoint, and further strengthen the ideological foundation of "serving the people." It is necessary to adhere to the system of contact between party members and cadres and the masses, do a good job in the "procuratorial open day" activities, generally organize and carry out "big visits", "big visits", "go to the grassroots" and help the people in difficulty, unblock the channels for the expression of social conditions and public opinions, and deeply practice the "Zhang Zhangbao work model" of "integrating into the masses, impartially enforcing the law, being compatible with reason, and promoting harmony". Widely carry out activities such as social surveys, categorical forums, questionnaires, targeted visits, and procuratorial inspections, so that the people can judge and test the achievements of the construction of the procuratorial team. It is necessary to establish and improve a normalized study and evaluation mechanism, a standardized law enforcement work mechanism, an evaluation and incentive mechanism, and an internal and external supervision and restraint mechanism, and so on, to build a learning-oriented, service-oriented, and innovative procuratorial organs. At the same time, a number of advanced models with firm ideals and convictions, outstanding work performance, good professional image, and recognition by the masses have been introduced, and the credibility of procuratorial work has been enhanced with advanced models.

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