
The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

author:Coke talks about the past and the present
The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years
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The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

In the TV series "Under the Zhengyang Gate", there is a character that impresses the audience - "Tattered Hou". This seemingly ordinary little person is portrayed by an extraordinary actor.

He is the national first-class actor Li Guangfu, an artist who lives in a courtyard house worth hundreds of millions of yuan.

Li Guangfu's life is like a movie with ups and downs: from being born with a golden spoon in his mouth, to his family, and then to becoming a respected old actor in the film and television industry with his superb acting skills.

Even though he is past his prime, he is still active on the screen and infects the audience with his performing arts.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

What kind of life transition has this low-key acting master experienced? What's the story behind his success? Let's unravel the mystery of this legendary actor and explore his fascinating life journey.

In 1946, a prominent family in Beijing ushered in a new life. Li Guangfu, this destined extraordinary name, has since been engraved in the history of Chinese performing arts.

His father was an accomplished industrialist who started from scratch in the Northeast and founded three power plants. Later, in order to escape the plunder of the Japanese invaders, my father returned to Beijing, and with his keen business sense, he successfully founded a foreign bank, a rubber factory and a brewery, and became the leading wealthy businessman in the local area.

In that era of scarcity of materials, the Li family's wealth was amazing. Xiao Li Guangfu's childhood was completely different from that of ordinary children. In his memory, gold bars were his toys.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

In an interview many years later, Li Guangfu recalled with a smile: "My mother once took out two large boxes of gold bars for me to play with as building blocks, which was really a 'golden childhood'."

The courtyard house of the Li family was bought by Li Guangfu's father in exchange for 180 pieces of cloth. This detail vividly reflects the economic situation at that time and the financial resources of the Li family. Today, this mansion, which has witnessed the rise and fall of the Li family, is worth hundreds of millions of yuan.

However, it was in this palatial courtyard that Li Guangfu underwent the most rigorous education.

Lee Kwang-fu's mother was a wise and stern woman. She knows the truth of wealth and danger, and is determined to let her son experience the hardships of life. She not only asked the young Li Guangfu to go to the market to sell vegetables, but even asked him to go down to the field to dig up the dung himself.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

This kind of almost cruel education method was rare among the children of rich families at that time.

Recalling that experience, Li Guangfu's eyes were full of respect and gratitude: "My mother's good intentions made me understand the difficulties of life, and also cultivated my tenacious character.

These experiences have laid a solid foundation for my future success in the entertainment industry.

From gold bars to dung buckets, from wealthy young masters to street vendors, Li Guangfu's life experience is extremely rich. This special upbringing experience adds a unique sense of heaviness to his acting skills.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

It allows Li Guangfu to easily control various roles, whether it is a dignitary or a small citizen, he can perform it vividly.

The story of Lee Kwang-fu tells us that true wealth lies not in material abundance, but in spiritual abundance. His mother's strict education method allowed Lee Guangfu to maintain his awe for life and respect for labor in a privileged environment.

This precious wealth of life has become an important boost for Lee Guangfu's success in his acting career in the future.

In 1959, 13-year-old Li Guangfu stood at a crossroads in his life. With a love for acting, the young Li Guangfu was admitted to the training course of the Beijing People's Art Theater with excellent results.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

This opportunity allowed him to see the door to the temple of art, and his young face was full of longing for the future, and his eyes flashed with enthusiasm for performance.

However, fate always seems to love to play a joke with genius. Just two years later, the course was disbanded due to a lack of funds. That's when an even bigger blow struck.

Lee Kwang-fu's father unfortunately passed away, and the family's financial situation took a sharp turn for the worse. The once rich life is like a bubble, shattered in an instant.

In the face of this sudden change, the young Li Guangfu did not choose to give up. There was a fire of determination burning in his eyes: "I know, I have to work harder."

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

In order to share the pressure of his family, he began to look around for job opportunities. However, his love for acting has always burned quietly in his heart.

During these difficult days, Lee Guangfu's mother became his strongest backing. Despite the family's downfall, my mother still insisted on holding on to the courtyard. She believes that as long as the family is still there, Lee Guangfu's father will never leave.

This persistence gave Lee Guangfu great support and encouragement.

In his spare time, Lee immersed himself in the ocean of literature. He read all kinds of famous works voraciously and devoted himself to the study of Tang and Song poems. This self-learning experience laid a deep cultural foundation for his future acting career.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

Years later, when Lee Guangfu played the role with ease in the drama "Seeking Martial Arts", the audience was amazed by his acting skills. What they don't know is that behind this calmness is the story of a teenager who persists in his dreams in the face of adversity.

Li Guangfu often said: "Those difficult days made me cherish the opportunity to perform even more. Every role is an extension of my life. This experience not only honed Lee's will, but also gave him a deeper understanding of life, providing him with a rich emotional source for shaping various roles in the future.

From an ignorant teenager at the age of 13 to a resolute youth, Lee Guangfu's growth story tells us that the power of dreams is infinite. Even in the face of life's difficulties, as long as the love in your heart is not extinguished, you will eventually usher in your own stage.

1979 was an important turning point in his acting career for 33-year-old Lee Guangfu. This year, with his superb acting skills, he played an old tea guest in the classic movie "Teahouse" directed by Yan Han.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

This seemingly insignificant role has become an important milestone in Lee Guangfu's acting career.

In order to perfectly interpret this role, Lee Guangfu has put in unimaginable efforts. Every morning, he would come to the park in Beijing early to quietly observe the words and deeds of the old Beijingers.

He carefully pondered the old people's demeanor, tone, and even the way they walked. Li Guangfu recalled with a smile: "During that time, I felt as if I had become an 'old Beijing'.

Immersed in the role every day, I don't even walk with my back hunched over.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

This dedication to the role and the extreme attention to detail became the key to Lee's success in the future. However, success doesn't happen overnight. In the years that followed, Lee played countless supporting roles, some even insignificant minor roles.

But he never gave up, and he gave his all to perfection in every role.

"In my opinion, there are no small roles, only small actors," said Lee Kwang-puk, with a love for acting in his eyes, "Every role is a challenge and an opportunity to grow."

I believe that as long as you play it with your heart, you can make every character shine.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

Lee Kwang-fu's efforts were not in vain. At the age of 55, the opportunity finally came. He began starring in a series of popular TV series, such as "The First Floor of the World", "The Belle Times of the Daughter-in-law" and "Adolescence Meets Menopause".

Although most of these roles are still supporting roles, Lee Kwang-fu's performances always leave a lasting impression on the audience. He used delicate performances to portray each character vividly, which won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

However, what really made Li Guangfu famous was the role of "Tattered Hou" played in the hit drama "Under the Zhengyang Gate". This seemingly inconspicuous little person, under the interpretation of Li Guangfu, has become vivid and three-dimensional, unforgettable.

"The role of Tattered Hou made me feel the value of an actor," Lee recalled, with tears of relief in his eyes, "and being able to impress the audience through my performance is my greatest achievement."

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

From an obscure supporting actor to a critically acclaimed actor, Lee's success is no accident. It is the perfect combination of talent and perseverance, the product of the persistent pursuit of art and a deep understanding of life.

In the process, Lee Guangfu not only achieved success in his acting career, but also actively joined the business world and quickly accumulated considerable wealth. He became one of the first actors to own a private car at the National Theatre of China, achieving a double harvest of career and wealth.

Li Guangfu often said: "The profession of an actor requires not only talent, but also persistence and love." Every role is an experience, and every performance is a growth.

His experience tells us that success is not achieved overnight, but requires long-term accumulation and perseverance. From supporting role to protagonist, from obscurity to household name, Lee Guangfu used his own experience to interpret what is a real actor and what is the persistent pursuit of art.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

While Lee Kwang-fu's acting career is thriving, his personal life is equally happy and happy. Unlike many entertainment stars, Lee Guangfu's wife is not an insider, but she has given him the most solid support and understanding.

Whenever he mentions his wife, Li Guangfu's eyes always shine with tenderness: "She is my strongest backing, without her support, I would not have gone so far in my acting career."

The loving couple had a harmonious and happy married life that has remained the same for many years. Their son, Li Yi, not only inherited his father's handsome appearance, but also had extraordinary talent.

At first, Li Yi also yearned for an acting career and intended to follow in his father's footsteps. However, Li Guangfu is well aware of the hardships and uncertainties of the entertainment industry, and advises his son to find another way to find a life path that is more suitable for him.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

Lee's suggestion ultimately influenced his son's choice. Li Yi decided to study overseas and eventually became an outstanding lawyer. The cases he has handled are worth hundreds of millions of yuan, which makes Li Guangfu very proud.

Every time he talks about his son's achievements, Li Guangfu's face will be filled with a smile of satisfaction: "My son's achievements are the greatest pride in my life." It's gratifying to see what he's accomplished in his field.

Now, Li Yi has formed his own family and brought a lively and lovely granddaughter to Li Guangfu. Whenever his granddaughter is mentioned, a kind smile unconsciously appears on Lee Kwang-fu's face.

He often said: "With a granddaughter, I really realized what it means to 'tease grandchildren'." This kind of happiness is incomparable to any honor.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

Lee's story teaches us that career success does not mean sacrifice in family life. On the contrary, a harmonious and happy family can provide strong support and motivation for the development of the career.

In Lee's view, family happiness is as important as career success, and the two complement each other and together constitute his colorful life.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Li Guangfu has entered the age of ancient sparseness. However, at the age of 74, he is still active in the film and television industry, bringing joy to the audience with his performing arts.

When asked if he would consider retiring, Lee always smiled and said, "Age is just a number. As long as it can bring joy to the audience, I will continue to perform.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

Lee Kwang-fu's persistence was not motivated by economic considerations, but by a deep love for acting. He often said: "Acting is not just a job for me, but a part of life."

Each role made me re-examine my life and experience a different life. There is no substitute for this feeling.

In Lee Guangfu's view, there is no retirement in the profession of actor. As long as there is a suitable role, he will continue to play it. He said firmly: "I hope to be able to dedicate myself to art until the last moment of my life, just like Mr. Mei Lanfang."

Lee Kwang-fu's experience tells us that as long as the heart is full of love, age is never a limit. He proved with his actions that the wonder of life does not lie in age, but in the persistence of dreams and love for life.

The famous actor Li Guangfu lives in hundreds of millions of courtyards, and his son is proud of his life, and he still insists on filming in his later years

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