
Dong'an County: Take "rain" as an order to go all out to fight the "flood season defense battle"

author:Red Network Yongzhou Station

Red Network Moment News, June 25 (Correspondent Lei Li, Su Anjun, Reporter Zuo Yiyang) The sound of rain is the whistle, and the flood situation is the order. In the past few days, affected by strong convective weather, heavy rainfall has continued to occur in Dong'an County, which has posed severe challenges to road traffic and people's lives and property. In order to do a solid job in flood prevention and disaster reduction, Dong'an County took the "rain" as the order, moved when it heard the "flood", and went all out to fight the "flood season defense war" with the attitude of "preferring to prevent ten empty times and not letting go of the looseness once", and made every effort to safeguard the safety of the people's lives and property. Among them, Huaqiao Town is an example.

Careful deployment and tightening of flood control responsibilities. Hold a scheduling meeting for flood prevention and disaster relief work, and make arrangements for the implementation of flood prevention and preparedness work. Establish a responsibility system that links up and down, vertically to the end, and horizontally to the edge, tightens and compacts the work responsibilities of "town leaders and village cadres and households", and implements flood control responsibilities in all aspects such as monitoring and early warning, command and dispatch, inspection and rescue, and transfer and resettlement. Implement the flood control responsibility system, set up a flood control headquarters, and the members of the town party and government team will go down to the front to command, go deep into the village group to investigate the problem, eliminate hidden dangers, transfer materials, and supervise the progress at the first time, and improve the flood prevention emergency plan for the geological disaster hidden danger points, small reservoirs, mountain ponds and key rivers in the jurisdiction, set up an emergency disaster response team in each village, reserve basic flood control materials, and always tighten the string of safety, so that the land is responsible and responsible.

Dong'an County: Take "rain" as an order to go all out to fight the "flood season defense battle"

Set up a team to comprehensively and meticulously investigate hidden dangers. Give full play to the leading role of party building and sound the rallying cry for flood prevention and preparedness. All party members and cadres in the town have entered a state of combat readiness and have always been at the forefront. More than 150 people, including village cadres, grid members, party member volunteers, and government cadres, formed an "emergency vanguard" to carry out a comprehensive "dragnet" inspection and investigation of flash flood-prone areas, geological disaster hidden danger points, small and medium-sized rivers and low-lying places of key mountain ponds in various villages, so as to achieve early detection, early elimination, and early transfer, and effectively eliminate potential safety hazards in the bud. Implement grid management of geological disaster risk hidden danger points, implement the 24-hour monitoring system of personnel on duty, take responsibility to the point to the person to the matter, implement the responsibility of flood prevention and preparedness to every link, give full play to the practical style of party members and cadres, and truly achieve the responsibility in place, the measures in place, and strive to ensure the safety of the masses.

Dong'an County: Take "rain" as an order to go all out to fight the "flood season defense battle"

Two-way efforts should be made to enhance the public's awareness of prevention. Through the "online + offline" joint force model to carry out publicity, expand the coverage of safety publicity, and weave a "safety net" for flood prevention and preparedness. Weather warning information is released in a timely manner through WeChat public accounts, WeChat groups, telephones, village rings, etc., to remind the masses to prepare for defense. In accordance with the principle of "not missing a place, not missing a household, and not missing a person", carry out a comprehensive investigation and statistics of hidden danger points and flood-prone points in the jurisdiction, and carry out door-knocking actions to popularize the knowledge of escape and avoidance, self-rescue and mutual rescue, improve the people's emergency self-rescue ability, and guide the masses to enhance their awareness of disaster prevention and risk avoidance.

Dong'an County: Take "rain" as an order to go all out to fight the "flood season defense battle"

In the next step, Dong'an County will pay close attention to weather changes, implement detailed flood prevention measures with a high sense of responsibility and mission, make every effort to do a good job in flood prevention and preparedness, and strive to protect the safety of people's lives and property in the jurisdiction.