
How much rain will it be tomorrow? How long will it take?

author:Shanghai Jing'an
How much rain will it be tomorrow? How long will it take?

Today's weather

How much rain will it be tomorrow? How long will it take?
How much rain will it be tomorrow? How long will it take?

Shencheng is in the middle of the rainy season today, and the weather is cloudy to cloudy with occasional showers during the day. The precipitation gradually became obvious in the afternoon, and the rainfall statistics from 11 a.m. to 17 p.m. showed light to moderate rain in the city, and slightly heavier in the central and southern regions. Today's temperature is relatively moderate, with a maximum temperature of around 24°C, which feels cool.

Tonight - tomorrow's weather

How much rain will it be tomorrow? How long will it take?

In the evening, the city is cloudy with occasional showers or thunderstorms. After midnight, the precipitation will become more pronounced, and the rain will continue until tomorrow, which is not very friendly to tomorrow's commute. This rain lasts for a long time, and the accumulated rainfall in local areas can reach heavy rainfall, and it will also be accompanied by thunder and lightning and short-term heavy precipitation. Tomorrow the temperature will be moderate, the humidity will be high, and the wind will be strong, so it will be cooler. The temperature is between 22-25 °C, the relative humidity is 95%-70%, the easterly wind is 4-5 with gusts of 6, and the wind gusts are 7-9 during thunderstorms, and the wind direction is northerly.

Weather trends

How much rain will it be tomorrow? How long will it take?

The trend of the subtropical high from 26 to July 1

Before July 1, the position and intensity of the subtropical high did not change much, which also led to the Meiyu belt to remain stable in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Shanghai is located in the rainy season, with frequent precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning, short-term heavy precipitation and thunderstorms and strong winds. Please pay attention to the latest forecast and warning information.

How much rain will it be tomorrow? How long will it take?

As the rain band swings slightly from north to south, the temperature takes on a different look. Temperatures generally remained within 30°C from Wednesday to Friday. Starting on Saturday, the temperature has risen, and the daily maximum temperature will exceed 30 °C, and the feeling of stuffiness is obvious, so special attention should be paid to mildew, moisture prevention and food hygiene and safety.

How much rain will it be tomorrow? How long will it take?

Editor: Xu Yuelin

Source: Shanghai Weather WeChat public account

Cover image: Picture Worm Creative

How much rain will it be tomorrow? How long will it take?

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How much rain will it be tomorrow? How long will it take?