
Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

author:Fengfeng said history


Speaking of the name Zhang Lulin, many people may feel a little unfamiliar. However, if his name is put together with Zhang Xueliang and Miss Zhao Si, I believe people will realize how big this person is.

Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

That's right, he is the son of Zhang Xueliang and Miss Zhao Si. Zhang Xueliang has many sons and daughters in his life, and has children with Yu Fengzhi and Zhao Yidi, and there are four sons alone. It's a pity that most of the sons born to him and Yu Fengzhi have passed away for various reasons, and only Zhang Lulin's son was sent to the United States for foster care and became an aerospace engineer, and he is also Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son.

However, because he grew up in the United States, Zhang Lulin has been away from his homeland for a long time, so that he can't even speak Chinese when he first returns to China, which makes people sigh at the ups and downs of individual fate in the torrent of history.

Zhang Xueliang, who became a prisoner

Don't look at the deep contradictions between Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Xueliang later, the two were good brothers in the Tong family before.

After Zhang Xueliang lost his father, he had an enmity with Japan. Prior to this, Japan had tried all kinds of means to win over Zhang Xueliang, for the army in Zhang Xueliang's hands and the treasure land in the Northeast.

Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

When Zhang Xueliang took over his father's army, a practical question was placed in front of him: what to do next?

Zhang Xueliang wanted to avenge his father, but fighting alone had no good effect. After thinking about it, Zhang Xueliang decided to submit to Chiang Kai-shek and fight with an upright identity.

It's a pity that Zhang Xueliang's forces were not used by Chiang Kai-shek to fight the invaders, but more to Chiang Kai-shek's civil war. What made Zhang Xueliang even more chilling was that after losing the three northeastern provinces, Chiang Kai-shek's attitude towards Zhang Xueliang's army became worse and worse.

Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

Every time Zhang Xueliang proposed to Chiang Kai-shek to resist the invaders and improve his treatment, Chiang Kai-shek would use all kinds of excuses to prevaricate the past, and in the end he simply did not use any excuses and directly refused.

Under the long-term accumulation, suffering from war and invasion, supplemented by the attitude of his colleague Yang Hucheng, he and Yang Hucheng finally jointly launched the Xi'an Incident.

Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

When Zhou Enlai, Song Meiling and others jointly came forward to peacefully resolve the incident, the united anti-Japanese front of the whole nation was finally formed. However, for Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng, such an "encroachment" move obviously touched Chiang Kai-shek's bottom line. So what awaits Zhang Xueliang is only the end of house arrest.

Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

Zhang Xueliang has four sons

In due course, Zhang Xueliang's four sons were already born. Zhang Luxun is Zhang Xueliang's first son, smart and steady, and has been given many hopes. It's just that there is a little bit unsatisfactory, according to the current words, it is mentally abnormal, often immersed in a world of nonsense, and various drugs do not have much effect.

Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

As for the second son, Zhang Luyu is not as quiet as the eldest brother, he is full of energy, he can speak well or not, and his personality is very outgoing. It's a pity that this kid is a playboy who only knows pleasures, and his mind is full of thoughts, big smoke, women, and fun.

The third son, Zhang Luqi is Zhang Xueliang's satisfactory masterpiece, he has been smart and sensible since he was a child, and he knows how to sympathize with his parents, but unfortunately this child died of illness at the age of 12 in 1931.

After Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest, his eldest son's condition worsened, and even if he finally came to the United States for treatment, he did not improve, and finally fell ill and died in 1954.

Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

The second son remained unrepentant after his father was placed under house arrest, unaware of the family's predicament, and kept eating, drinking, and having fun. In 1981, he died unexpectedly.

When Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest, his youngest son Zhang Lulin was only 6 years old at the time, and his fate also took a sharp turn for the worse in his father's house arrest and the changes in the anti-Japanese situation. He first lived with his mother in Shanghai, but Shanghai soon fell, and he had to flee to Hong Kong with his mother. Later, due to the house arrest of his father Zhang Xueliang, his mother Zhao Yidi could only choose to entrust him to the American Ijag couple, who had a relationship with the Zhang family, in order to take care of his father Zhang Xueliang.

Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

After being adopted by the Iyagers, in order to prevent him from being harmed, the Iyagers specially gave Zhang Lulin an English name and taught him English. After graduating from the University of California, Zhang Lulin also became an expert in aerospace with excellent grades.

However, when Zhang Lulin was growing up, a fire accidentally broke out in his home, and the family chose to move to California for his safety, and at the same time, due to the situation of Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Yidi, they also cut off contact.

Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

It was not until later that Dong Xianguang was ordered to serve as the "ambassador to the United States", and as a friend, Dong Xianguang was entrusted by Zhang Xueliang to find his son Zhang Lulin who was far away in the United States. After several twists and turns, Dong Xianguang found Zhang Lulin, who had already become an adult.

In the following time, although Zhang Lulin was unable to change the situation of her parents, she often returned to China to visit. However, it is worth mentioning that at this time, due to living in the United States for a long time, Zhang Lulin no longer even knows her native language, and the communication between father and son can only rely on English.

Zhang Xueliang's only surviving son, Zhang Lulin: At the age of 64, he returned to China for the first time but could not speak Chinese

When Zhang Xueliang regained some freedom, Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Yidi, who were parents, were able to go to the United States to visit relatives, and the relationship with Zhang Lulin became familiar after that.

In 1990, 89-year-old Zhang Xueliang settled in the United States. At that time, he was already in his old age, and he naturally missed his hometown in the mainland, but he was also powerless because of his sensitive identity and age. As a result, the desire to return to his hometown can only be handed over to his son Zhang Lulin.

In 1994, after several setbacks, 64-year-old Zhang Lulin's trip back to China finally came to fruition. He was invited to China to participate in aerospace technology activities, and he also took the opportunity to return to his hometown for his father, and also met his father's former comrades-in-arms. What's more, he was finally able to replace his father to pay tribute to his grandfather Zhang Zuolin.


In Zhang Xueliang's life, he lost his freedom for more than 50 years, and he was already suffering from mental torture. In the past 50 years, the serious illness of his wife and the death of his son have brought great harm to the former young marshal.

Fortunately, although Zhang Lulin, who is a son, grew up in a foreign country, he is good enough, not only growing into an excellent aerospace scientist, but also taking him to realize his dream of returning to his hometown for many years.