
Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

author:Nanfeng entertainment circle
Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode
Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

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Edited by Nan Feng

When ancient puppets, cities, martial arts and dramas are in full swing.

I was very surprised that there were no family dramas in this year's summer file.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

You must know that this kind of theme is a big hit that will be chosen by all ages, and at the same time, it is easier to get heated discussions in the stalls of summer family carnivals.

Although "It's All Good", "Little Joy" and "In the Name of Family" have not appeared for a long time, this kind of phenomenal hit works.

In fact, there have been many similar works in the past two years.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

Hao Lei's "Mature Years", Jiang Xin and Qin Hao's "Xiaoman Life", as well as Zhang Jiayi's "Happy Parents Group", and Ma Sichun and Xu Fan's "Fireworks" and so on.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

Both the production team and the cast are very strong, but seeing that the summer vacation is coming, the family drama is actually frightened?

Finally, Zhejiang Satellite TV made a move-

"The Old and the Young" will land on Zhejiang Satellite TV tonight, and will meet the audience in prime time, and the three first-line webcast platforms will follow simultaneously.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

Good guys, this is taking advantage of the end of CCTV's "The Story of Roses", and quickly play the first trump card of the summer file, which is bound to come out on top in this ratings melee.

This time, let's take a peek at the leopard in the tube to see if this drama is worth watching-

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

As a family life drama, the story framework of "The Old and the Young" is actually no different at first glance, and you can frequently feel the shadow of real life in the savoring.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

The heroine Gu Xiaomeng (played by Deng Jiajia) is a Chinese teacher in middle school.

Unlike the heroines of other life dramas, Gu Xiaomeng has excellent expression skills and knows what kind of wisdom is needed to maintain the family.

is not pretentious, does not do, and does not need to sell miserably, after passing the heroine's level, "There are old and young" has already succeeded more than half.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

She could have resolved the crisis in her career and the conflict between family and work, but it was not enough.

Gu Xiaomeng has a younger brother named Gu Xiaosong, who wants to go abroad, but he can't find a good way, so he finally finds an intermediary.

In order to go abroad smoothly, he even sold the house in his hometown privately, but he didn't think that the agent was a liar.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

Liu Meiqin, the mother of the siblings, could only go to Suzhou with her son Gu Xiaosong to join her daughter.

It's just that Gu Xiaosong knew that he was in trouble, so he directly left his mother to his sister and ran away by himself.

So, Gu Xiaomeng, her mother Liu Meiqin, her husband Lu Xiang, and their parents, a family of five, started a new life.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

However, is it really that easy for three old people to live together?

The different living habits make Liu Meiqin and her son-in-law bound to have contradictions, and Gu Xiaomeng has to be a lubricant when he is caught in the middle, comforting both sides.

At the same time, the work of a Chinese teacher in middle school is not so easy, and her family is anxious, and she has to devote part of her energy to deal with school affairs.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and at this moment, Gu Xiaomeng found out that she was pregnant.

Of course, it is not a bad thing for her to be transformed into a mother.

The arrival of a new life has made the whole family more harmonious, and Gu Xiaomeng's life has taken another step towards perfection.

However, after the birth of a new life, the mother developed Alzheimer's disease.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

It seems trivial and troublesome, but in fact, there is no bloody plot such as cheating and beating the junior child, bankruptcy and abuse.

On the contrary, it is very close to reality, and Gu Xiaomeng's husband is also relatively friendly, this time I can finally watch a comfortable family drama.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

Most of the family dramas on the market today are "mixed and matched", just a few Mesozoic generations with good audiences, and they can form a "family" by arranging and combining them at will.

However, when I saw the names of Yang Jue and Deng Jiajia, I was a little curious.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

This pair really stirred my heart.

In my opinion, Yang Jue is a rare actor in the 85 years who can integrate the sense of maturity and youthfulness that has not completely taken off.

If you want to play a mid-life crisis, it is difficult not to be complained about being greasy, but the freshness on Yang Jue's body can be said to be unique.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

And Deng Jiajia's role as a married teacher is also a big breakthrough for her.

In recent years, Deng Jiajia has blossomed in both movies and TV series.

From suspense dramas such as "Proof of Innocence", "The Cloister Pavilion" and "Black Soil Without Words", to the costume "Daming Fenghua" to the urban drama "Brilliant Turn", they are not bound by the subject matter at all.

And the role of Gu Xiaomeng is actually not very challenging for Deng Jiajia.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

The "Love Apartment" series alone can already prove that there is nothing wrong with her performance style in terms of "down-to-earth".

It's just that everyone has really never seen the married life of the "little aunt".

"There is an old and a young" has neither a miserable nor emotional bloody scene, and Deng Jiajia wants to perform the wisdom of a middle-aged woman, and the state of being overwhelmed by complicated trivial things, I don't know if it can evolve into the hearts of the audience.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

At the same time, the duo of Yang Jue and Deng Jiajia is also very novel.

Don't say it, they really have the flavor of a husband and wife in the new era, it seems that internal entertainment is about to give birth to a new pair of CPs.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

In addition, there are two old drama bones that are more interesting.

The first place is Xu Di.

The national mother, in popular works such as "If Running Is My Life", "Police Honor", "Ideal City", can play supporting roles deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

This time, there is a high probability that she will play Deng Jiajia's mother, and maybe there will be a wave of tear-jerking highlights in the end.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

second place, Wu Yufang.

Listening to the name, it is not as loud as Xu Di, but you must be familiar with this face.

She is the mother of the heroine Huang Yimei in "The Story of Rose", the mother of Shen Jing in "City in the City", and the mother of the heroine Yang Man in "Thirteen Years in the Dust".

is not only a professional mother, but also won the Hundred Flowers Award for Popular Films when she was young, and she is a well-deserved actress.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

Perhaps in "The Old and the Young", Wu Yufang plays the male protagonist's mother.

Then Xu Di and Wu Yufang, the two old drama bones, will definitely have a lot of wonderful rivalry scenes, just thinking about it is exciting.


Although the plots of family life dramas don't seem to be much different, this is exactly the case in real life, in fact, everyone's lives are very different.

The protagonist of "The Old and the Young" has constant family disputes, but in fact, he can still feel the warmth of his family.

When the heroine is in trouble, her husband can still support her, and the relationship between the two is also the key to supporting the whole family, which is rare in urban family dramas.

Starts tonight! "There is an old and a young one" is coming, and the three major highlights are not lacking, and they are about to explode

Zhejiang Satellite TV first released the show in the summer file, which actually confirms that the audience of family dramas is relatively wide.

This kind of work often has good ratings, and with the development of the plot, it is easy to generate discussion points, as long as someone watches it, there will be no less popularity.

As for Deng Jiajia and Yang Jue, whether they can perform the feeling of husband and wife, and whether this drama can become the first family hit drama in the summer file, let's wait and see! #记录我的2024#


Nanfeng entertainment circle

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